Workshop Email (E-Mail, EMail, email) What is an email? What is the difference to IRC, ICQ, Jabber, Twitter? What are "header' and "body"? Sending vs Receiving IMAP, POP one-to-one messages one-to-many messages Mailing Lists Digital Signature Forms Included Texts Attachments Signature Disclaimer Data Retention Newsletters Spam Filter Lists Archive Searches Saving Messages Finding Messages How do emails look in "raw" text? attachments text/html pgp signature+encryption Techniques: Mail erneuet senden. Mail weiterleiten: forward vs bounce lists: attachments - restrict by size? data (archive, membership list) open or closed? archive: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly? searches through archive list-owner moderation encryption digests Formats: file not readable for windows users -> apology file not readable for linux/mac users -> no apology *grr* Misc: mail transfer vs mail composition = storage = how and where to store emails?