fX find the next X in current line and jump onto it ~ switch case -> from lower case to upper case . repeast last change (here: the case switch) gf goto file open curent filename in new window ci( to change "(at)" and "(dot)"  "window roll" (effectively switch when only two windows) zt "zum top" reposition current line at top of window underline title with substitution command :s:.:=:g >ip indent inner paragraph map this to the key F4: :map >ip S substitute contents of current line put the last commandline here... substitute this line with "S and "CTRL-R :" some settings of options: set isk=@,48-57,_,192-255,-,.,:,/,@-@ set listchars=tab:»·,trail:· set dict=~/.vim/dictionary set laststatus=2 set ruler NOTES: no CTRL-Plus or CTRL-Minus to change the size of font try kitty.exe on windows