Vim Screencast Small Commands [2015-06-02] Latest change: Mi Jun 03 18:08:58 CEST 2015 = Commands = here are the commands i have used: switch on highlighting of search result: :set hls! search for words: /April make those words uppercase: ~ switch case of current letter: jump around to the following words: B E W repeat that last command: . replace current line with the list of events: S substitute the contents of the current line note: this does not delete the line. and it switches mode to "insert mode". i_CTRL-R e insert contents of register 'e' indent the resulting paragraph: >ip indent inner paragraph read in file with info on linux events in austria of 2015: :r select that paragraph vip visualize inner paragraph run/filter it through "column -t": !column -t move dates before domains: CTRL-V visual block mode insert info on technical support: "zp from register 'z' - put contents change bracketed text to symbols: ci( change inner (part of) brackets (at) -> @ (dot) -> . = Ideas = i_CTRL-R : read in the contents of the register ':', ie the last command line insert Innsbruck and Salzburg: Inn CTRL_N Sal CTRL_N expand current prefix from dictionary eg Innsbruck + Salzburg update the date+time stamp: ,L * add the URL of the current file * attach contact details from a signature file * digitally sign the file using gpg * make the file readable * send the file via email using mutt = Settings = set expandtab sw=2 ts=2 set dict=~/.vim/dictionary set isk=@,48-57,_,192-255,-,.,:,/,@-@ set laststatus=2 ruler set listchars=tab:»·,trail:· screen: :hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= RY}Vim Screencast 2015-06-03%=" = Support = technical support by Michael Ebner ebner(at)rosinak(dot)at EOF