To: Blondeel, Shan-Sei-Fan hello! i would like to part in Amiens with a talk on accessibility and maybe a talk on texttools with the possibility on a workshop. abstract to talk on accessibility: the necessity for accessibility. why text to speech is important. notes on the ADRIANE project + the NGO (verein). theorem: whatever helps disabled people will help able people even more! texttools are my hobby and speciality. i could give some feature shows and also could do a workshop: abstracts on texttool feature shows: the workshops could be about any of these. interested people simply bring their laptop and hopefully we can use a room with a LAN and some projector to show for everyone. there is only one problem: i do not speak french yet. but i am willing to learn. :) do you think you can fit me into the program still? greetings from berlin Sven links: