From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Subject: Email mit/with Mutt Date: Sat Mar 19 15:23:42 CET 2016 X-Latest-change: Wed Mar 30 09:30:00 CEST 2016 = Title = ┃ _____ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ┃ | ____| _ __ ___ __ _ (_)| | _ __ ___ (_)| |_ | \/ | _ _ | |_ | |_ ┃ | _| | '_ ` _ \ / _` || || | | '_ ` _ \ | || __| | |\/| || | | || __|| __| ┃ | |___ | | | | | || (_| || || | | | | | | || || |_ | | | || |_| || |_ | |_ ┃ |_____||_| |_| |_| \__,_||_||_| |_| |_| |_||_| \__| |_| |_| \__,_| \__| \__| ★ ★ _____ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ★ | ____| _ __ ___ __ _ (_)| | __ __(_)| |_ | |__ | \/ | _ _ | |_ | |_ ★ | _| | '_ ` _ \ / _` || || | \ \ /\ / /| || __|| '_ \ | |\/| || | | || __|| __| ★ | |___ | | | | | || (_| || || | \ V V / | || |_ | | | | | | | || |_| || |_ | |_ ★ |_____||_| |_| |_| \__,_||_||_| \_/\_/ |_| \__||_| |_| |_| |_| \__,_| \__| \__| From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Subject: 2016-03-09 BeLUG: Email mit Mutt Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 ┃ _____ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ┃ | ____| _ __ ___ __ _ (_)| | _ __ ___ (_)| |_ | \/ | _ _ | |_ | |_ ┃ | _| | '_ ` _ \ / _` || || | | '_ ` _ \ | || __| | |\/| || | | || __|| __| ┃ | |___ | | | | | || (_| || || | | | | | | || || |_ | | | || |_| || |_ | |_ ┃ |_____||_| |_| |_| \__,_||_||_| |_| |_| |_||_| \__| |_| |_| \__,_| \__| \__| = Vorschau = Zeit: Mi 9. März 2016 19-20:30h Rahmen: Berliner Linux User Group (BeLUG) Ort: beim IN-Berlin: Lehrter Straße 53, 10557 Berlin (Moabit, Tiergarten, Mitte) Programm: 40min "show", dann Pause, dann Q&A. (in Farbe) "Warum ist der Text in Englisch - und nicht Deutsch?" "Weil da für mich so einfacher ist. Eine Übersetzung mache ich gerne.. allerdings kommt immer noch einiges hinzu." From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Subject: 2016-03-19 C-L-T: Email mit Mutt Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 ┃ _____ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ┃ | ____| _ __ ___ __ _ (_)| | _ __ ___ (_)| |_ | \/ | _ _ | |_ | |_ ┃ | _| | '_ ` _ \ / _` || || | | '_ ` _ \ | || __| | |\/| || | | || __|| __| ┃ | |___ | | | | | || (_| || || | | | | | | || || |_ | | | || |_| || |_ | |_ ┃ |_____||_| |_| |_| \__,_||_||_| |_| |_| |_||_| \__| |_| |_| \__,_| \__| \__| = Talk = Sven Guckes: "Email mit Mutt" (Email with Mutt) 2016-03-19 16:00 in Raum V4 19.03.2016 16:00 in Raum V4 (in colour) = Event = Chemnitzer Linux-Tage Motto: "Es ist Dein Projekt" 2016-01-08 cfp deadline 2016-03-18/19 event :) Sa 8:30-18h, So 9-18h | Anfahrt: Sa+So 19.+20. März 2016 ★ From: Sven Guckes ★ Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Subject: Beschreibung/Description Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 = Beschreibung = Email mit Mutt "Email als Kommunikation ist für alle Projekte immer noch ein zentraler Dienst. Ein guter Mailclient ist von Vorteil. Mutt bietet viele Vorteile, die man bei den meisten anderen vermisst. Davon möchte ich euch 23 bis 42 zeigen." = Description = Email with Mutt "Email as communication still is a central service on the internet. A good mail client is an advantage. Mutt offers a lot of advantages which you will miss in others. I will show you 23 to 42 of these.." From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: INTRO mitlesen? bittesehr: "website" holen: $ wget mit mutt lesen: $ mutt -f mt Fragen? bitte aufschreiben/merken. nach der Pause besprechen. frage nicht beantwortet? bitte per email schicken! Ablauf: dieser vortrag ist eine 40min *show*. es zeigt die *features* des programms. *warum* verwende ich es überhaupt? wohlgemerkt: man kann eh nicht alles in 40min zeigen. "alles" würde mindestens ein ganzes wochenende beanspruchen. darum mache ich eine *persönliche* auswahl. wie könnte es auch anderes sein? MyView: meine sicht der dinge: * email verwende ich seit ca 1988 - (fast) jeden tag. "geschnittenes brot!" * ich halte meine mails *nicht* auf dem laptop vor (warum sollte ich?) * ich verbinde mich von irgendeinem rechner per mosh/ssh ("ssh client") zum server * ich verwende den mailer mutt, seitdem es ihn gibt (seit feb 1996). * alle verwendete tools müssen gut auf mich anzupassen sein. mutt passt! * IN-Berlin ist mein Internet Service Provider (ISP) seit vielen jahren * dort werden alle eingehenden emails auf dem mailserver bewertet -> "X-Spam-Score:" * mails können natürlich direkt an den account weitergeleitet werden.. * .. aber das fortlaufende eingehen habe ich abgeschaltet. (es stört mich) * fetchmail holt die mails vom mailserver auf anfrage - wenn ich zeit habe * procmail verteilt die mails nach absender bzw verteileradresse auf folder * mutt kennt alle folder mit eingehenden mails (mailboxes) * mutt zeigt alle mailboxes in einem eigenen menu an (mutt -y) * mutt versteht IMAP(S) - aber das ist mir immer zu langsam * .. und ich weiss nicht, ob ich den andere vertrauen kann ;) ausserdem: * IN-Berlin hat "alle" daten (emails, programme und konfigurationen) * IN-Berlin macht jede Nacht einen backup :-) * IN-Berlin leute treffen sich jeden dienstag * IN-Berlin antwortet auf anfragen sehr schnell und kompetent From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Subject: Where is BASSEL? Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 ABOUT BASSEL KHARTABIL-SAFADI: On March 15, 2012, Bassel Khartabil was detained in a wave of arrests in the Mazzeh district of Damascus. Until October 2015, he was being held at Adra Prison in Damascus by the Syrian government. His current whereabouts are unknown. We are asking: Where is Bassel? 2016-03-19 14h/2pm: London: Marble Arch Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou Berlin: Alexanderplatz 2016-03-19 14h - Weinbergsweg 9, 10119 Berlin From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #00 Überblick - kurz = Überblick - kurz = * relativ kleines Programm (stripped ca 750KB) * super schnell! (lokal, nicht per IMAP ;-) * hochkonfigurabel (ca 350 optionen) * textbasiert * Key Binding. Macros. * Freie Software! (GPL) * FARBE! :) Kommandos: * bounce (sende Kopie - ohne Änderungen am header+body) * list-reply (antworte *nur* an die Mailingliste) * PGP Support (Signatur+Verschlüsselung) Optionen: * display_filter (Nachricht erst filtern, dann Resultat anzeigen) * reverse_alias (zu wem gehört der Alias) * reverse_name (antworte als Angesprochener) * to_chars (an wen ging diese email?) * UNIX -> externe Tools - austauschbar/modular! From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #00 Überblick - lang = Überblick - lang = * Texttool - rennt überall :) * Verdammt schnell -> time mutt -f ~/Mail.IN/VIM [Selbstverständlich?] * Ansicht der Diskussionen als Bäume (threads) * Übersichtsmenu der Mailboxes (Folder für eingehende Nachrichten) * Ansicht aller Teile bzw Anhänge (attachments) * Mailformate: versteht die Formate mailbox + maildir (und zwei weitere) [Nicht ganz so selbstverständlich] * Header: Auswahl der Zeilen, sowie Reihenfolge und Farbe einstellbar * Index: Einstellbare Farben (Ordnerinhalt) und Pager (Ansicht der Nachrichten) * Key Binding und Makros (zB nur neue Mails bis zu zwei Wochen anzeigen) * Anwendung von Kommandos auf die aktuelle Auswahl (tagging + tag-prefix) [Kommandos] * Auswahl von Nachrichten im Index ("limit") nach Mustern (regular expressions, regex) * Weiterleitung ohne all diese Änderungen eines "forward" (bounce) * Neupositionierung der aktuellen Nachricht (reposition current message) * Wiederverwendung von existierenden Nachrichten (resend_message) * Sichtung der "rohen Daten" - ("edit" the raw message) - wie sieht die Nachricht wirklich aus? * Weitergabe der Nachricht per "pipe" an ein Program/Script, zB urlview * Wechsel zwischen Kurz-Header und ganzem Header (display-toggle-weed) * Ausblenden der zitierten Textes (toggle-quoted) [Kommandos bzgl Antworten] * Automatische Reparatur von "Subject: Re:/AW:" * Editieren des Header im Editor - zusätzliche Zeilen, subjectwechsel * Antworte nur an die Mailingliste (list-reply) (subscribe) * Unterstützung für Crypto (GPG/PGP) (encrypt, sign) -> workshop, anyone? [Konfiguration] * Interne Kommandozeile mit "tab expansion" - ":set opt=" * Setupdateien: "source file" -> Aufteilen der Einstellungen in mehrere Dateien * Hilfe: Eingebaute Hilfe - Suche mit Trefferanzeige - adaptiert Key Bindings [Optionen] * editor - Auswahl des Lieblingseditors. "one job - one tool" * display_filter - Tippfehler korrigieren, Signaturen löschen * reverse_alias - Auswahl der Anzeige von bekannten Adressen * reverse_name - "Antworte als der Angeschriebene" -> Rollenaccount [Protokolle ("Datenaustausch")] * MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) (RFC1522) * PGP/MIME (RFC2015) * IMAPS (Internet Message Access Protocol) - "Zugriff auf Mailboxen auf anderen Rechnern" * POPS (Post Office Protocol) - "*hole* Mails von anderen Rechnern" * SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - "*versende* Mails an andere Rechner" * NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) - Usenet Newsgruppen * SSL + SASL * Folder Formats: Mailbox, Maildir, MMDF, MH [Mehr] * nicht-interaktive Verwendung (crontab, shell, script) * hooks: account-hook charset-hook crypt-hook fcc-hook folder-hook iconv-hook mbox-hook message-hook reply-hook save-hook send2-hook send-hook [Setup!] "okay - ich will das ausprobieren? gib mir einen setup!" geht nicht. menschen sind zu unterschiedlich. offensichtlich: andere namen und emailadressen. weniger offensichtlich: mail eingang: POP mail verwaltung: IMAP mail formats: mail folder, maildir (+2 andere) mail folder: files, dirs, tags? editor: which editor do you like most? ;) and now.. each of the features on a separate page: From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #01 Speed! = #01 Speed! = mutt is FAST! $ time mutt -f ~/Mail.IN/VIM reads ca 57,000 mails including threading 1st run: ca 12secs 2nd run: ca 6secs From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #02 Key Binding = #02 Key Binding = Key Binding allows to bind any internal command to any key or key sequence - and also to bind it a sequence of internal commands (known as a "macro"). example1: # ",," limits the index to new mails (~N) # from within the last two weeks (~d<2w) - # and no duplicates (!~=) macro index ,, "~N ~d<2w !~=\n" example2: open a folder: $ mutt -f Mail.IN/VIM use this macro: macro index \#N "~f bram ~s patch ! ~s re: ~d <3w" pattern: ~f bram matches "bram" in "From:" ~s patch matches "patch" in "Subject:" ! ~s re: matches when there is NO "re:" in "Subject:" ~d <3w matches when the "Date:" is less than three weeks away From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #03 Command Line = #03 Command Line = mutt can be used for sending mails on the command line - and can therefore also be used within scripts, eg from "cron". initiate an email: $ mutt guckes $ mutt $ mutt 'Sven Guckes ' too much typing? create an alias! muttrc: alias icke Sven Guckes $ mutt icke sending myself a URL: $ echo $URL | mutt icke note: sends right away. no editing. sending myself the contents of a file - and with a subject line, too: $ cat file.txt | mutt -s "the file" icke OR: $ mutt -s "the file" icke < file.txt sending myself two files as an attachment: $ mutt -s "the files" -a file1.txt -a file2.pdf -- icke From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #04 scriptable = #04 scriptable = whatever you can do interactively in your shell you can also do within a shell script. also works nicely also with crontab. example: cat $FILE | mutt -s "$DATUM Kalenderblatt" $EMAIL1 $EMAIL3 From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #05 Crypto -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 = #05 Crypto = mutt supports PGP/MIME since 1996! ALT-k mail-key send public key CTRL-K extract-key extract public keys from message ------ decrypt-copy make decrypted copy ------ decrypt-save make decrypted copy and delete ALT-P check-traditional-pgp check for classic PGP (INLINE PGP) mutt automatically verifies digital signatures when displaying signed messages, and prompts for passphrase to use seckey (for decryption and for signing). -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQP9AwUBVt+qVOq5fyABhTkbAQLRZh89H1Cf8PqIVXIgTOKNrOn+D0gxIU2jf+8J v4jZ5o6rLxokmhHmcPAPxp3YB98a1fiVg49+GM7VcbBPxBtkzhs4XGWIkjdXl8XJ nUCY/Jv3uttnVHDi+4ep20vzKD6o4+HwROlpVPVHef3N6ExCJC87dvdd57QnaTDq KitqU1vrzESFTdFcr9g8vOTwuHZ2WeVTz0qVMphywOMNtYFnThi1FHXmGbuGJq++ Hb6rvsfK9bVRjzuJjf9SA0owx/bhI+S6a9deS8TdTKSaKGjVL03/GILjeqUSpBbz H5RIx9ZovCa25IpdnB5yplelQ1huPbQPCyTjc9G1zB3zzq0+NAmP5YSEVtPFj/uF CUGEnk/bKOEpvHxFCLjYI+kmYPb9gXBYatgF1zb4BfhjyImHGphftZLAgNrijl10 50ecXCauyBJBCUK8sGj6dq6rBHp3nFY0awohxfH/ZBgh9A3UiObVwzsByjcoeJMJ eaxTdowUX0586gWILeUFYAjW/UdivHo82WE0cZW+lk1r/HrNzQHcvbMrF7y0RZyQ PvqbNP1YV53rGOReJXjQ/BMJkJoXZLJoI+Q7GhBk3RZVC788LLWUU6F7qvBk14Ec Sfe4RMVgJNByOLDwmf2dmA53n7hOmbzjVfNaHcDOOnXSL5db18IOefVFTu/xyiOC LBu4opEBVjp5KB7db7IOSzicy6j3mXJpSQspjGx9h/5/wnM6FFRBEs0N4Gs6A+kr g9Utoy8mq4m+0OuNmndZbNTK43zRnkS21MFwn/NdROEWqCCsOGdv90fd1oNtWDIT dQZ3YNKq62HOjikluZYE7qmTYhYiNQBSQpfasrVg9ecEKUGzm09Q+SopKzazbXqt 5xYHnwyiB+UsgrYEnAKrxm32vncCdQstB/6OFDF3wT5ECQ/KHkHwY8pbUY31tkaB YEuH80c+b1BXnGNt9M+EiocuWBAJX/swhOfY48N1LB7fUv4XYewKNhPyneZON9Sn 6QKBWo0HQEKlbFbgrc4r1A/xs52NQDalbZo2WrJAye93NiQgVU+j91Wuiz1Eb+aG g0GhPYpS87O5RAVeH5keBCainV/3YPw85/sG4J5bp6QlkVedxdh1ihfbuTCbVRE5 S9q3p0qXUA1RCtK+3oMiblf1BYYmv3bCIuXsWCq8cb1ft+Ztg/6LD6YVRr0wouo/ 427Cuy5MdlEF7Eca7H4bBkHFGEc/WrYnB8ga21IrwyX9GxGiVNwVllyW9fyJj8tv xhGZQrFOsm800tylBZQwYel6ixfSF0JHiBiP0jvrLI8qPVziZdrtbe9wIc+ZpNUN srAyePBIzKRQeWs4DaN+tw== =E7Zt -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ps: :'<,'>!gpg -a -b --clearsign From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #06 MailLists = #06 MailLists = mutt has *three* reply commands: reply, reply-all, and reply-to-list every mailer has two reply commands: you either reply to the sender - or all addresses. but they do not have a command which replies to the mailinglist address only? there no support for mailing lists? "hellooo?" mutt has reply-to-list, of course. simply "subscribe address" to tell it about the mailing lists addresses: example: subscribe but this is only necessary for lists which do not send "List-" header lines. List-Id: List-Unsubscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #07 Color = #07 Color = mutt comes without colors by default. some distributions come with a /etc/Muttrc which defines some colors. however, colours are additional information. colour in the folder index: * messages from yourself * messages with crypto (signatures, encrypted data) * replies to your messages * special words in the subject line * messages via mailinglist * possible spam colour in the header: * background colours for From:,Subject:,Date:,To:+Cc: * Message-ID (MID), In-Reply-To (IRT), References:, X-Mailer * Resent-*, X-Envelope-* ... colour in the body: * attachment info, quoted text, signature, tilde * special characters (umlauts!), and words, eg weekdays * *emphasized* words * "citations" and „quotations” * dashes words (up-to-date) * # comments and /* comments */ * arrows -> <= and smilies :-) ;) * date+time (ranges), weekdays, month names * numbers+units * abbreviation like TLA * alternatives this/that * IP addresses+ranges * geo coordinates * names of cities, countries, towns * names of streets and places * names of distributions, operating systems, programs, protocols, projects * emails, URLs, phone numbers, zip codes * directories, filenames, file permissions, * long option names, variables, version numbers * border lines, bulleted and numbered lists, [mini-headers] * punctuation (mid-line, EOL), trailing whitespace * fingerprints if keys, keyIDs, md5sums * markup: markdown, pandoc, HTML tags, LaTeX commands * IRC channel names and hastags * footnote references * IBAN/SEPA numbers * words with ticks, eg "it's" From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #08 Aliases X-TODO: add the topics from below = #08 Aliases = you can create aliases, of course. either by using the "create-alias" command in the folder index upon the current message - or by editing the setup file with an editor. example: alias nickname FirstName Lastname alias work My Name anyone who can handle an editor can do this easily. so it does not take any extra interfaces for this. TODO aliases, group aliases, alias lookup example: participants of a workshop: alias part1 Joe Doe alias part2 Jane Doe alias part3 Tante Emma alias group part1, part2, part3 see also: From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #09 Message Flags = #09 Message Flags = the folder index shows some "flags" with messages. crypto: encrypted, signed, verified, with key attachment status: new mail (N), old mail (O), replied mail (r) special: duplicate (=), list (L), flagged (!), to-be-deleted (D) From -> to whom; i am on Cc or To (but not alone) "to_chars": C one of my addresses appears in the Cc: - but there is at least one more address which is not mine T one of my addresses appears in the To: - but there is at least one more address which is not mine + all recipient addresses are mine :) mutt needs to know "who you are", ie you must tell it about your addresses. see also: alternated From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #10 index_format = #10 index_format = the option 'index_format' controls the view of messages in the folder index. it is great to have control over that! :set index_format="%4C %Z %{%Y-%b-%d} %-23.23F|%4c|%s" -> "%F" for "From:" and "%A" for "Reply-To:". :set index_format='%4C %Z %{%b%d} %-16.16F %s' -> macro index ,ii ':set index_format='%4C %Z %{%b%d} %-16.16F %s'\n TODO: add macros for switching. macro index ,i1 ... macro index ,i2 ... macro index ,i3 ... all format options: $ man muttrc | grep '[a-z_]*_format$' alias_format attach_format compose_format date_format folder_format forward_format index_format message_format mix_entry_format pager_format pgp_entry_format query_format status_format ts_icon_format ts_status_format From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #11 Message-Id Message-Id: <> = #11 Message-Id = the Message-Id (MID) can be generated. set hostname="" -> can be recognized in the header -> can be colored accordingly old: color index brightyellow black "~h 'in-reply-to:.*<201[.a-z0-9]*>'" new: color index brightyellow black "~i '2016.*'" From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #12 alternates = #12 alternates = alternates - which addresses are mine? From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #13 reverse_alias = #13 reverse_alias = reverse_alias -> show your chosen name for an alias in the index From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #14 reply_regexp = #14 reply_regexp = reply_regexp -> repair subject lines to "Re:" on answers From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #15 editor = #15 editor = set editor=vim -> vim colouring of text From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #16 edit_headers = #16 edit_headers = "set edit_headers" -> edit the header in your editor (who wants to *edit* in a web *browser*?) All commands of a mighty texteditor at your disposal * Full control of the header: - Change header lines. - Add new header lines. * Reformat cited text. * Add text from other mails. * Add a signature. * Use of abbreviations and macros. * Macro Recording, Prefix Expansion. -> another talk on "Message Editing". examples: changing my sender address within the From: line: :map ;g 1G/From:.*C :map ;k 1G/From:.*C :map ;p 1G/From:.*C From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #17 hooks = #17 hooks = hooks alias, mailboxes+subscribe folder-hook + save-hook From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #18 bounce = #18 bounce = bounce command -> Resent- header lines -> index colour From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #19 Attach Menu = #19 Attach Menu = overview of message parts eg text/plan, text/html, DOC, PDF.., GIF/JPEG/PNG From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #20 mailcap = #20 mailcap = mailcap -> automatic handling of data, eg rendering of text/html or PDFs From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #21 Header Weeding = #21 Header Weeding = header "weeding" "ignore" - hides lines you dont needs "unignore" - show the ones you want to see From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #22 Colouring of Header = #22 Colouring of Header = header colouring - important ones with non-black background From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #23 toggle-quoted = #23 toggle-quoted = toggle quoted lines - see only new text * "Firstname Lastname" : > this line starts with an angle.. > this means it is a cited line.. > this is another cited line.. > this is getting boring fast.. > i reall wish i didnt not have > to read all those lines again. > if there were only a command > which would hide it all.. hmm.. From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #24 display_filter = #24 display_filter = display_filter - change typos, delete signatures and footers bloody tpyos -- this is a signature. ------------------------ mail footer. blah blah.. From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #25 threading = #25 threading = threading! what discussion can live without it? From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #26 limit = #26 limit = limit: show only part of the index according to a pattern From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #27 Folder Formats = #27 Folder Formats = folder formats - mailbox+maildir. (and another two) mailbox: a folder is one long file. $ mutt -f file maildir: a folder is a directory - with subdirs "cur", "new", and "tmp". $ mutt -f dir/ From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #28 Message Editing = #28 Message Editing = command "edit" message editing - repairing text/plain to text/html (sigh) From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #29 Patches = #29 Patches = patches: newsreading (NNTP), sidebar etc From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #30 Help = #30 Help = help -> key bindings for current menu From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #31 Tags = #31 Tags = tag + tag-prefix -> apply command to all tagged mails From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #32 Reposition = #32 Reposition = three commands to reposition the current message in index view: current-middle current-bottom current-top From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #33 Command Line = #33 Command Line = command line with tab expansion on commands, option names, and values From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #34 Shell Escape = #34 Shell Escape = shell escape - whee! :) From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #35 Broken Threads = #35 Broken Threads = thread graft+prune -> # break-thread break the thread in two & link-threads link tagged message to the current one people who breaks threads by using bad mailers... grrr! From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #36 reverse_name = #36 reverse_name = reverse_name - role accounts! From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #37 Config Files = #37 Config Files = config files -> source command to split setup into files From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #38 Pipe = #38 Pipe = pipe mails to programs/scripts -> urlview! From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #39 braille_friendly = #39 braille_friendly = ... From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #40 deleting duplicates = #40 Deleting Duplicates = ... From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #41 Message-ID = #41 Message-ID = ... From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #42 alternates = #42 alternates = mutt needs to know your addresses. so define them with "alternates": alternates * alternates now mutt can remove your addresses when you reply with "reply-all" to "all addresses". caveat: this also requires "unset metoo" which, however, is the default, anyway. From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: #43 hooks = #43 hooks = account-hook [!]regexp command charset-hook alias charset crypt-hook regexp key-id fcc-hook [!]pattern filename folder-hook [!]regexp command iconv-hook charset local-charset mbox-hook [!]regexp mailbox message-hook [!]pattern command reply-hook [!]pattern command save-hook [!]pattern filename send-hook [!]pattern command send2-hook [!]pattern command From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Subject: #44 Passwords Date: Mon Mar 21 23:42:05 CET 2016 = Passwords = you can set imap_pass and smtp_pass - but then these are in the setup file in text/plain. you can, however, store your passwords in an encrypted file, say "~/.mutt/passwords.gpg". set imap_pass="the_secret_IMAP_password" set smtp_pass="the_secret_SMTP_password" source "gpg -d ~/.mutt/passwort.gpg |" then you only need to the passphrase your key once - and mutt will remember it for $pgp_timeout seconds (which defaults to 300seconds, ie 5mins). should you use gpg-agent then the agent should answer the request for the passphrase yet again - for another $pgp_timeout seconds. WARNING: do not forget to encrypt your password file! see also (in German): From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: TODO ============================================================ END of TODO ============================================================ From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Feedback = Feedback = thank you for listening. i'd love to see some feedback. please send it to my at either or upcoming CLT -> join the CLT mailing list: Key Signing? personally.. fingerprints.. enjoy CLT2016! :-) From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Author = Author = | = Statements = | Sven Guckes | "encrypt all data. because - why not?!" @guckes twitter | homepage | "first encrypt - then send" | (erst verschlüsseln, dann versenden) | 8000R/0185391B new public key | "we need transparent governments.. 1024R/57F77F09 old public key | not transparent citizens." 52.52, 13.37 geolocation | | "a government which has nothing to hide | need not be afraid of Wikileaks." 8000R/0185391B 2014-03-11 | 32CE 5648 6E6D 6D6D 33E5 | 3A38 EAB9 7F20 0185 391B | | From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: MOAR = MOAR = some more things which you might see anyway or which take too long to explain. stuff for workshops. * mailboxes overview * IMAPS, POPS * SMTP * postpone+recall of messages * message editing From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: NOT! = NOT! = some things which you will *not* find in mutt and where another tool can help you. * NO GUI! no buttons or icons to click on, no scrollbars to slide up+down, left+right [however, the User Interface does have dialogs, menus, configurable colours, and key binding] * NO viewing of attached pictures (-> ~/.mailcap: "image/*; cacaview %s") * NO built-in editor - feature! (-> "set editor=nano") * NO integrated address book (-> "set query_command="abook --mutt-query '%s'") * NO name lookup from all messages (as with google gmail) * NO internal calendar -> other tools (Termine) * NO address book tool -> other tools (Contacts) * NO internal textpads * NO kitchen sink * NO internal scripting language (gee, that's missing) * IMAP support sucks a bit. yep. you need an IMAP server like offlineimap to connect to for reading local mails. note: mutt is a user agent (UA), not a delivery agent, or a mail filter (eg procmail), or a mail server. although it does support getting mails with POP - fetchmail does a much better job. From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Installation = Installation = you might need all these packages: == Debian == # apt install fetchmail procmail mutt mutt-patched fetchmail fetches mail using POP procmail processes incoming email (split into folders) mutt the email client itself (woof!) mutt-patched mutt with three major patches: * sidebar: list mailboxes (with new mail) in a separate column on screen * nntp: NNTP support for mutt * multiple-fcc: handle FCC with multiple, comma separated entries == Source == ncftp /pub/mutt > ls -l mutt-1.5.24* -rw-r--r-- 1 4063 4063 3897115 Aug 31 15:39 mutt-1.5.24.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 4063 4063 801 Aug 31 15:39 mutt-1.5.24.tar.gz.asc getting the latest through HTTP with wget: TODO getting the latest through FTP with ncftpget: ncftpget ncftpget checking the digital signature: TODO gpg .. unpacking the archive: $ tar xzf mutt*gz change into the created subdirectory: $ cd mutt-1.5.24 configuring mutt with long options for $HOME: $ _compile_mutt () { ./configure --prefix=$HOME --disable-nls --enable-hcache --enable-locales-fix --enable-imap --enable-pop --without-idn --with-gnutls --with-gss --with-sasl --with-included-gettext --without-wc-funcs } make it! $ time make install the created files in the file system: $ time make install checking for the binary in the shell's $PATH: $ which mutt /home/user/guckes/bin/mutt look at all the files which had been created: $ cd ~/bin $ ls -rtl 30753 Jan 14 17:01 smime_keys 153972 Jan 14 17:01 pgpring 12275 Jan 14 17:01 pgpewrap 26 Jan 14 17:01 muttbug 3482845 Jan 14 17:01 mutt-1.5.24.stripped 7694 Jan 14 17:01 flea 20 Jan 14 17:03 mutt -> mutt-1.5.24.stripped let the mutt binary tell us what it was installed with: $ mutt -v Mutt 1.5.24 (2015-08-30) Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Michael R. Elkins and others. Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'. Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details. System: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 (x86_64) ncurses: ncurses 5.9.20110404 (compiled with 5.9) hcache backend: GDBM version 1.8.3. 10/15/2002 (built Jun 10 2012 09:50:33) Compiler: Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=gcc COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/lto-wrapper Target: x86_64-linux-gnu Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Debian 4.7.2-5' --with-bugurl=file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.7/README.Bugs --enable-languages=c,c++,go,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --prefix=/usr --program-suffix=-4.7 --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id --with-system-zlib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.7 --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-nls --with-sysroot=/ --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-plugin --enable-objc-gc --with-arch-32=i586 --with-tune=generic --enable-checking=release --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu Thread model: posix gcc version 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) Configure options: '--prefix=/home/user/guckes' '--disable-nls' '--enable-hcache' '--enable-locales-fix' '--enable-imap' '--enable-pop' '--without-idn' '--with-gnutls' '--with-gss' '--with-sasl' '--with-included-gettext' '--without-wc-funcs' Compilation CFLAGS: -Wall -pedantic -Wno-long-long -g -O2 Compile options: -DOMAIN -DEBUG -HOMESPOOL -USE_SETGID +USE_DOTLOCK -DL_STANDALONE +USE_FCNTL -USE_FLOCK +USE_POP +USE_IMAP -USE_SMTP -USE_SSL_OPENSSL +USE_SSL_GNUTLS +USE_SASL +USE_GSS +HAVE_GETADDRINFO +HAVE_REGCOMP -USE_GNU_REGEX +HAVE_COLOR +HAVE_START_COLOR +HAVE_TYPEAHEAD +HAVE_BKGDSET +HAVE_CURS_SET +HAVE_META +HAVE_RESIZETERM +CRYPT_BACKEND_CLASSIC_PGP +CRYPT_BACKEND_CLASSIC_SMIME -CRYPT_BACKEND_GPGME -EXACT_ADDRESS -SUN_ATTACHMENT -ENABLE_NLS +LOCALES_HACK -HAVE_WC_FUNCS +HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +HAVE_LANGINFO_YESEXPR +HAVE_ICONV -ICONV_NONTRANS -HAVE_LIBIDN +HAVE_GETSID +USE_HCACHE -ISPELL SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail" MAILPATH="/var/mail" PKGDATADIR="/home/user/guckes/share/mutt" SYSCONFDIR="/home/user/guckes/etc" EXECSHELL="/bin/sh" -MIXMASTER To contact the developers, please mail to . To report a bug, please visit ta-dah! :-) From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Problems of Bad Mailers = Problems = bad mailers create problems: * citation with comb-quoting: text is first cited, then long lines are broken - creating comb-quoted text. * citation of only the first level: context might be hidden in the previous level * forwarding: this changed the sender, the subject line, the body (citation), it breaks encoding, and it might lose some or all attachments * hiding of quoted text: the user doesnt see how much he is actually citing. message become longer - and the archive as well. * signature appended after sending: user might not see what he is sending at the end. the reasons for a lot of silly pranks. * insertion point is above cited text: user replies about the citation . so you have to read texts in reverse. * no reference to previous message: this breaks all discussion threads. :-( * addresses: some mailers allow choice of address by the recipient's name - and then only show the names. this may be convenient on long lists of recipients, but then you cannot see and check the actual addresses. many of us now have more than one address, (official-private, private-private, work, project, for-newsletters-only etc) so a check is often necessary. * header display: mailers show only the minimum of lines, ie From:, Subject:, Date:, as well as To: and Cc:. but Reply-To is often important as well, because it might point at another address which might be an alias for several addresses such as a mailing list. From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: User Errors = User Errors = * full citation: users cites everything - never deletes anything. this amasses a lot of needless data. some "message editing" is required! TOFU = "text oben (above), full-quote unten (below)" it's probably better to delete the full citation. * always reply-to-all. not always a useful thing to do. for list messages then answer goes not only to the list, but all additional addresses, too. for those who are on the list they will get it twice. for those who are NOT on the list, they may not be sure whether someone has added them. * thread hijacking: initiate new topic/thread by replying to any previous mail. this adds a reference where no reference should be. * No reference: replying with a client which does not give reference. the users might not be aware of this, but once they know it, they are making a choice every time - and a bad one, too. because every recipient will receive a problem with it. * text/html by default: if you are not using a rich text editor for bold/italics, extra fonts, and some color, then please just turn it off. most people only see the text/plain part, anyway. * signatures: separate them with a signature dashes line (dash-das-space). keep it to four lines, and make it only one block/paragraph. howto: minimum: name+email. (yes, the address from your header.) gpg: the id of your pubkey with bits, too! "NNNN./1234ABCD" homepage: www.yourdomain.tld - is it really long? shorten it! a quote. a statement. something which might say often enough. fon - if you expect people to call you up. "tel:number" fax - really? the second millennium is DEAD! * legal dislaimers: the requirement for legal disclaimers for each and every email was probably designed in legal hell. while business people think they will be sued if it were missing, it is NOT required in usual emails. so - dont do it. * attachments: avoid attachments. instead, include a link to files online. there are many servers which take your file and give you a nice, short url for it. and delete it automatically after N days, too. -> Jon Postel in RFC791 (1981-09): "In general, an implementation must be conservative in its sending behavior, and liberal in its receiving behavior." => "Be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you accept" ("conservative" -> vorsichtig, zurückhaltend) ("liberal" -> großzügig,offen, tolerant) From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Netiquette HowTo = Netiquette HowTo = HOW-TO: be brief. summarize. instruct. be brief: delete unnecessary stuff. keep only the bit which is needed for context. avoid mail footers, signatures, legal disclaimers, and attachments. instruct: tell the reader what you expect him to do. summarize: what is the most relevant information? From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Patches = Patches = some info about available patches (aka addons): (this will be a LOT of work. o_O) debian package maintained by Antonio Radici : * sidebar: list mailboxes (with new mail) in a separate column on screen * nntp: NNTP support for mutt * multiple-fcc: handle FCC with multiple, comma separated entries From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: EMACS "the other editor"[tm] comes with two goodies: * mutt-alias - looks up mutt aliases * muttrc-mode - main mode for managing mutt setup files From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Credits = Credits = * Rhonda D'Vine for proof-reading and suggestions - and adding some colour to your signature via a headerline: shall i add you? send some feedback via email! (bonus points for sending mail with mutt!) From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Q&A = Q&A = Q: How to make mutt read from ~/mail (small-m) instead of ~/Mail (big-M)? A1: Create a symlink with "ln -s ~/mail ~/Mail". A2: Change $MAIL to your inbox, eg "MAIL=$HOME/mail/inbox". Q: How to remove duplicates from a folder? A: tag all duplicates for deletion - and update (sync) the folder. with standard key bindings: D ~= RET $ with internal function names: delete-pattern ~= RET sync-mailbox Q: Some processes send email to the "root" user. How can I see those emails as myself? A: Let mails to "root" be forwarded to you user account. Create the file /root/.forward and add your user name: # echo $USER > /root/.forward maybe you want both "root" and yourself to receive a copy then add both "root" and your username to that file: # echo root,$USER > /root/.forward note that the shell prompt '#' indicates that you must do this as user "root". Q: My main mailbox is big and my computer is slow - and i hate waiting for mutt to open my main mailbox. but I want to get at the mailbox overview faster.. how? A: mutt will start with the mailbox overview directly with option "-y": $ mutt -y Q: How to configure retrieval of mails via POP? A1: host+user+pass in mutt .. TODO A2: host+user+pass with fetchmail.. TODO Q: How to sort your email? A1: all in one mailbox. A2: all new mails in incoming mailbox - all read mails in another mailbox. A3: save by project or by user.. Q: Should I keep my mails online and access only via IMAP? Or should I download all mails? A: As with all data - the questions are: Who keeps your backup? Who do you trust? You might want to keep a local backup yourself. You might want a nice backup service, too. Q: Where to save emails from people and projects? A: Mails from people -> firstname.lastname Mails of projects -> PROJECTNAME Q: Once I mark mails for deletion my cursor jumps over them. How to access them again? A1: enter the number of the message to jump onto. A2: use the other movement commands - J and K to jump onto the next/previous message. workshop: Q: How to forward attachments with online disposition? A: ... workshop?! TODO Q: How to print messages? Are there any tools? A: yes.. lots! Q: How to print messages and forward them to another host? A: use print-message with a script including per ssh .. workshop? TODO Q: How to remeove the to-be-deleted flag (D) from messages? A: single use: select message, type 'u' ("undelete-message"). many messages: tag them and remove the flag: use 'T' (tag-pattern) and the pattern "~D" (to-be-deleted) to tag them all. now use ';' ("tag-prefix") to apply the next command to them all: type 'u' ("undelete-message") which now removes that flag from all tagged messages. Q: Is there a way to apply a command to attachments before reading them? A: Yes - you can define which command to aplly to an attachment via the ~/.mailcap file. eg apply pdftotext to PDFs, antiword to DOCs. sample files: 4.5KB 799bytes Q: Can you copy+paste text from messages when viewing them? A: Use an editor as the pager, eg: "set pager=view" (which is linked to "vim") but then all the colouring has to be defined with vim, of course. Q: What does "flag" mean? Which "flags" are there? A: Here you are: flag pat meaning D ~D to-be-Deleted ! ~F flagged (!) s ~g si(g)ned P ~G encrypted (PGP/GPG) K ~k contains key r ~Q replied Q: How to set up my address for a mailing list? A: Create an alias for the list address so you can easily send a new mail to it. Make the list address known via "subscribe listaddress", so you can use list-reply for answering. Tell mutt where to find that "mailboxes", so it will show it on the mailboxes menu. Maybe add a save-hook to save a message to the folder if it appear elsewhere, Add a folder-hook to automatically adjust the index_format and your sender address. TODO add an example Q: How to exchange address with other email programs? A: caldav.. PYcarddav.. TODO! Q: Are there any shell aliases which might help around mutt? A: Here are some of mine: function talkmutt () { cd ~/.P/talks/mutt/; mutt -n -F advantages.muttrc -f advantages.txt } alias muttem='mutt -n -f /dev/null -F /dev/null' function mf - open a mail folder in $PWD, ~/Mail, ~/Mail.IN function m - open a mailbox (in ~/Mail.IN) function mal - grep the mutt aliases files function m { mutt -f ~/Mail.IN/$1 } function mal { grep -h -i $1 ~/.mutt/aliases* ~/.mutt/NEW ~/.mutt/maillists | less +/$1 } function mf { if [[ -f ./$1 ]] then; mutt -f $1 ; fi if [[ -f ~/Mail/$1 ]] then; mutt -f ~/Mail/$1 ; fi if [[ -f ~/Mail.IN/$1 ]] then; mutt -f ~/Mail.IN/$1 ; fi echo $1 } Q: How to change between different setups of header selections? A: Use a macro to ":source setupfile", which includes the commands for selection (ignore+unignore), their order (unhdr_order+hdr_order), and their colour (color header fg bg pattern). Example: TODO Q: There are ten ways of sorting with 'o' - what do the all mean? Sort (d)ate/(f)rm/(r)ecv/(s)ubj/t(o)/(t)hread/(u)nsort/si(z)e/s(c)ore/s(p)am?: A: TODO Q: Can you customize what to show in the "help" line? A: No. Q: Can you have more than one line in the pager to show From+Date+Subject? A: No. Q: How do you colorize text using patterns? A: WORKSHOOOOOOP! Q: How do you use the display_filter to correct typos and delete signatures? A: WORKSHOOOOOOP! Q: How to create a "key" and use it for encryption email and signature? A: WORKSHOP! Q: How to use "profiles" with different names and email adresses? A: complex. workshop! A1: create a shell alias to start mutt with different setup files. A2: create a key binding to "source setupfile". From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: PACKAGES Debian ad of 2016-03-09 these Debian packages mention "mutt": 2vcard abook aptitude aptitude-common aptitude-dbg aptitude-doc-cs aptitude-doc-en aptitude-doc-es aptitude-doc-fi aptitude-doc-fr aptitude-doc-it aptitude-doc-ja aptitude-doc-ru biabam bmf buffy buffycli devscripts dictionaries-common emacs-goodies-el feed2imap fetchmail imapfilter lbdb libuniconf4.6 msmtp msmtp-gnome msmtp-mta mutt mutt-dbg mutt-patched muttprint muttprint-manual muttprofile netrik newsbeuter nmzmail notmuch-mutt orpie post-el pycarddav reportbug sendmail sendmail-bin t-prot urlview selection of internal and external tools: 2vcard - converts address books to vcard abook - address book biabam - sending attachments bmf - bayes mail filter buffy - mail folder browser buffycli - displays a compact summary of mail folders feed2imap - RSS/Atom feed aggregator, uploads to IMAP folder fetchmail - fetches+sends mail from/to mail servers (APOP, IMAP, POP, SSL) imapfilter - sorts mails in imap folders lbdb - little brother database - gathers email addresses from many sources msmtp - light-weight mail sender (SMTP) (TSL/SSL, GSASL) msmtp-gnome - like msmtp plus GNOME keyring support msmtp-mta - msmtp with "server profiles" mutt - it's mutt! :-) mutt-dbg - debugging symbols for mutt and mutt-patched mutt-patched - three patches: sidebar, nntp, multiple-fcc muttprint - nicely formats messages muttprint-manual - the manual to muttprint muttprofile - switches between profiles nmzmail - searches through mail folders and creates index by symlinks notmuch-mutt - connects mutt with notmuch pycarddav - syncs between CardDAC resources and pc_query (mutt: query_command) t-prot - alternate pager for messages - with "TOFU protection" urlview - extracts URLs from text, creates a menu, sends it on to browser emacs with support for mutt data: emacs-goodies-el - emacs extensions mutt-alias + muttrc-mode post-el - emacs extension for posting with mutt+slrn mentions mutt as an example: netrik - text browser with key bindins a la mutt+vi newsbeuter - RSS feed reader with many features from mutt+slrn orpie - RPN calculator with mutt-like config file reportbug - send a bug report to Debian using mutt and other mailers sendmail - *the* MTA (besides exim,postfix,qmail) sendmail-bin - sends mails (SMTP) - mailers use it. From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: TOOLS $EDITOR emacs+vim (WARNING: holy war!) ;-) try these: jed joe nano pico too small: ed ex vi bvi+sed are for other purposes POP fetchmail Filter procmail Adresses addressbook (abook), bbdb+lbdb, LDAP (query_command); $EDITOR! From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Thu Apr 07 06:11:00 CEST 2016 Subject: ANNOYANCES things that bug me about mutt: * send menu: the header lines are show - but when there are a lot of addresses in To:/Cc: then these are cut off. you really need to edit the message with "edit_headers" to see them all. * command line: it's just one line - but the input can be quite longer. scrolling back and forth sometimes is a bit much. * status_on_top: the "status" is either on top - or at the bottom. but you cannot take it away completely. personally, i prefer to show it on top, together with mutt's version string ("%v"). users will know which version they are using and their screenshots will show that, too. * NO extra line for command feedback. would be great to add some feedback to the learning user. "mailbox updated. N messages deleted, M messages kept." yes, this will be more verbose. but it helps beginners. and of course it can be turned off again. * NO control over order of current colors or hooks * NO interface to show the current state of IMAP connection, ie host, user, port etc * limiting to "~g" takes all signed messages - but there is no difference between gpg and s/mine signatures. * pager: ** "pubkey not found": when the signature of the message has been checked and you see "gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found" then you need a command to fetch that public key from a server. ** long address lines. when the Cc/To lines contain many addresses then i may want to see these cut off at N lines or just want to see my own addresses (from alternates). From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: VERSIONS = Versions = recent mutt versions [as of 2015-07-11]: 2006-08-14 mutt-1.5.13.tar.gz 2007-02-23 mutt-1.5.14.tar.gz 2007-04-06 mutt-1.5.15.tar.gz 2007-06-10 mutt-1.5.16.tar.gz 2007-11-01 mutt-1.5.17.tar.gz 2008-05-17 mutt-1.5.18.tar.gz 2009-01-06 mutt-1.5.19.tar.gz 2009-06-14 mutt-1.5.20.tar.gz 2010-09-15 mutt-1.5.21.tar.gz 2013-10-18 mutt-1.5.22.tar.gz 2014-03-12 mutt-1.5.23.tar.gz 2015-08-31 mutt-1.5.24.tar.gz From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Community = Community = Mailinglists and Newsgroups Listen: mutt-dev (development) + mutt-user (users) auch per newsreader zu lesen über als news:gmane.mail.mutt.devel und news:gmane.mail.mutt.user. News/Usenet: news:comp.mail.mutt From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: LINKS = LINKS = HomePage -> Mutt pages -> mutt setup files (in colour) (in colour) my mutt talk in german of 2005: 2005-12-20: From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: RFCs = RFCs = RFCs 1847+2015+3156: year-mm RFCNNNN --------------- 1995-10 RFC1847 1996-10 RFC2015 2001-08 RFC3156 From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Thu Apr 07 00:55:50 CEST 2016 Subject: Mailers = Mailers = some other mailers to look at: Other Mail-User-Agents (MUAs): based in Ruby; fast; handles lots of emails; supports encryption (gpg), multiple accounts. AlPine, Gnus, MH, and sup: AlPine $URL TODO Gnus $URL TODO MH $URL TODO sup $URL TODO mutt-kz TODO: create folder with examples From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: CLT Links = Bilder = 58 Bilder von Sabine Engelhardt 126 Bilder von Sven Guckes = Maps = eine umap zu den Parkplätzen in der Nähe des Vortragsgbäudes: = Audio = die audioaufnahmen der vortraege: dateien: {sa,so}_v{1..6}_{1..9}.{mp3,ogg} audio zum mutt vortrag (samstag, raum v4, vortrag #7): From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: Quotes = Quotes = a few quotes: 2012-07-16 Luke Maciak "Email Sucks: Why are there no Modern Command Line Clients?" "Sad part is that these days your choice is usually between Mutt, Pine and Go Fuck Yourself." :wq! fxk @kayiwa MUA history: mail -> elm -> mutt/PINE -> Eudora *oi* -> mutt -> Thunderbird *big oi* -> mutt -> gmail -> Thunderbird *less oi* -> mutt From Wed Mar 09 19:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes <> To: you Date: Sat Mar 19 16:00:00 CET 2016 Subject: SETUP FILE (muttrc) # this message is a setup file for mutt. # [written by Sven Guckes 2016-02-26] # save to a file, and source it. here's how: # in short: 'v' 's' "muttrc" and ":source muttrc" and 'q' # long description: # Use 'v' (bound to command "view-attachments") # it should look like this: # -- Mutt: Attachments # I 1 [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 1.0K]Q # you are now in the "attach menu". # now use 's' (save-entry) which gives you the # prompt "Save to file:"; enter "muttrc" here. # [in case you are repeating this and "muttrc" # already exists then you'll see this prompt: # "File exists, (o)verwrite, (a)ppend, or (c)ancel?" # Use 'o' to overwrite it then.] # Now type ':' to go to the internal command line # and enter the command "source muttrc". # Use 'q' to quit the attach menu # and return to the folder index. # now you should see some new colours in the folder index # as well as in the messages therein. enjoy! :) From Sat Mar 18 16:00:00 2016 From: Sven Guckes Subject: VIM modeline this is the last "message" in this file. the last line serves as a "modeline" for vim. when editing this file with vim, it checks that last line of the file which contains some commands which are useful for editing. "vim:" tells vim that there is a "modeline". it contains commands to execute at loading the file into an edit buffer. "et" is short for "expandtab", so all entered TABs will be expanded with spaces. because: "a space is a space is a space is a space." :-) "ft=sven" - the filetype is "sven", ie vim loads the file $HOME/.vim/syntax/sven.vim for the syntax and colouring. "tw=999" - the "textwidth" is set to "999" which allow editing for quite long lines. "nowrap" will break off long lines at the end of the terminal. i like it that way. vim: set et ft=sven tw=999 nowrap: THPXRF EOF