Sven Guckes ©1995-2001

Last update: Thu Mar 29 20:00:00 MEST 2001

LotusNotes Email - Why it sucks -

From time time I get mail from LotusNotes users and I find that something is always wrong with their mail.

Does anyone have some links to webpages about LotusNotes? Sure, I will search for some myself - as soon as I have time for it. But if you should have a hint the please send it to me - thanks!

Mind you, I have no money for evaluating version 5 of LotusNotes Email. If you want me to evaluate it then, well, buy me a copy.

Btw, I got this warning about upgrading to LN-5:

Installing Notes 5 without uninstalling 4.6 first is dangerous. Make sure you save your Notes and Data directory AND, most importantly, [save] notes.ini! Failing to do that may result in a state where Notes5 takes over, doesn't understand the database format, AND you can't go back to Notes4 either"

Anyway, sending email with LotusNotes is a step back - hence the address of this page:


    Here is a list of "features" that make working with LotusNotes Email unbearable:


    You can have "agents" filter your mailbox to perform actions on mails. But the "new mail beep" is rung before agents are called, so some agent might delete the mail before you get a chance to see it in your mailbox. So even though you filter "spam" away, you get the "new mail beep" every time, interrupting your work.


    You can set up the LotusNotes Server to send all messages with an attachment. Apparently some admins do this. So every mail you send is at least the size of that attachment - however small your own message is. If you have never sent mail to yourself then you might not even be aware that the server does this to your messages.

    Quoting jesus ( [981020]

    "the automating attachment rubbish is most likely
     to be a Server setting: In the Server's Address Book,
     the hapless NotesAdmin should select the following form:"
    Server | Servers | Your-Notes-Server Internet Message Transfer Agent (SMTP MTA) Conversion Options Message content: "Simple text only mail users"


    Editing of quoted text is not supported very well. (Alright, it sucks.) Selecting certain parts of quoted mail will select *all* of it. You need to know this as you might think that you simply selected the end of the quoted text - a deletion will delete all quoted text and can be quite a desaster.

    The solution is to use an external editor. Apparently, this was not possible with LN-4.

    010329: Today I received email from Juhani Kantola with good news: It *is* possible to select an external editor - at least with LN 5.0.4a. See the "User Preferences -> Mail and News" and then select the "Alternate Memo Editor":

    [Alternate Memo Editor]

    Juhani Kantola also sent me this screenshot showing how he is using Word as the editor for his message:

  • LotusNotes wird Word as Editor

    Juhani Kantola says that even LN 4.6.3 might have had an option to use Word or WordPro as an alternative - but he could not test it. Can anyone confirm this?

    Fortunately, other program gradually allow the use of an external editor. However, this features is still scarce.


    Exported text is always wrapped to the current textwidth automatically:

    before export:
            this line is to be exported
            this line continues the text
    after export:
            this line is to be
            this line continues
            the text

    Workaround: Set the textwidth to a number higher than the longest line has characters in it. Then no line should get wrapped. As you do not want to count characters in lines you should just set it to "999". But do not forget to reset it after the export! (Yes, this sucks.)


    Notes Mail cannot view file attachments with filenames of more than 149 characters.

    "For example, you have a file attachment with 150 characters file name. If you choose 'view attachment', Lotus Notes will terminate with error. If you choose 'launch attachment', Lotus Notes can open the appropriate application to read the attachment. If you choose 'detach attachment', Lotus Notes responses nothing." Source: Message-ID: <>

    Folder Management

    Copy a message to a folder, delete the original - and you delete the copy, too. It's a feature, right?


    The default font does not have a fixed width on characters - therefore it is hard to see the margin for column 80. (Besides, 80 characters per line should always be the *maximum* width by default!)

    I was told that you can choose a font, though. Kewl.


    You cannot see the (full) header of your mails. At least not by default.

    However, within a "folder" or "view" you can select the fields tab, and you can view the complete header.

    Is there a way to customize which headers you want to see? Can you define the display order, too?

    Keyboard vs Mouse

    The key commands in LotusNotes's mail folder window seem to have some model structure. Bug or feature?


    LotusNotes checks your mailbox for new mails after a period of time. So LotusNotes notifies you *every* time it checks your mailbox and when it finds new mails it didn't see before.

    The mail notification just says "you have new mail" - no more. There is no information about the sender or subject of the mails. LotusNotes does not even tell you the number of new mails or how many new mails have arrived since the last notifiction.

    The notification can either be a sound ("beep"), or a popup message, or both. When you happen to be away from your computer then you might miss the beep. (But your collegues nearby will hear it.) The notification cuts right into what you are doing, so you might lose your edited text or lose the selection on some items you were about to drag&drop.

    Even when you are using an "agent" to handle incoming mail this will make LotusNotes notify you - so when you check your mailbox the new mail might already have been deleted by an anti-spam agent.

    [010329] Juhani Kantola noted that there are improvements with the new mail notification: ".. they now include a program called Notes Minder, which has some useful functions built in. There's also a program called Notes Buddy by IBM, which has all the bells and whistles you need - including speech capabilities: it reads out your e-mail."

    Well, there you go!


    LotusNotes does not quote at all. You have to write a LotusScript macro to do that. And it won't work with text longer than 64k. [Confirmed.]


    The window that shows the mail sometimes does not show the end of the mail. There is no indication (like a scroll bar) that there is more text within the mail. Workaround: Resize the window and you might see more of the text. (LotusNotes-4.5)


    The normal "reply" command quotes with the string "|> " instead of the standard quote prefix, ie "> ". Instead, the previous text is attached to the end of the composed text. There is no command to "quote" text with the standard quote prefix or to configure the quote prefix.

    When composing the reply text you can view the replied-to mail by clicking on a triangle that appears below the edited text.

    LotusNotes also has the bad habit of quoting the previous mail by adding header lines - even empty ones. Example:

    > guckes@domain on 21.08.98 20:18:23 > > To: Stephen Riehm/Muenchen/pc-plus > cc: > Subject: Re: LotusNotes Haters Page

    Return Receipts

    LotusNotes allows you to send messages with a request for a Return Receipt. However, LotusNotes does not allow you to turn sending of Return Receipts off, ie you cannot prevent Return Receipts to be sent from your client.


    The encryption is "proprietary", ie you can use it only to encrypt text for other LotusNotes users, and you cannot be sure that it is good encryption.

    Use with PGP requires "export" of the text which is a problem due to the broken export methods.


    LotusNotes was reported to have lost mails. But there was no mention of the commands that might have caused this.

    The Unix client for LotusNotes (at least LotusNotes-4.5 on AIX/HP-UX) is known to die for unknown reasons. Usually you can start it again, but sometimes you have to use a system command to delete the semaphores left lying around. It also seems to corrupt the file "desktop.dsk".

    LotusNotes-4.6 is supposed to be better, but it is also very slow as the unix 'port' includes a windows emulation library.


    LotusNotes seems to reformat the text *after* you "send" it. Therefore you can never be sure about what you send.


    Mail folders are quite big - even when they contain just little text. Looks like the database structure hampers updates here; disk space is not returned asap but seemingly not at all.


    Searching is done on the headers only by default. You can, however, do "Full Text Searches". Creating an index will speed up the search.

    However, the index needs to be updated with every new mail. I was told that the update of the search index does not seem to work with special characters. Sometimes even plain text is not found.


    Changing between mails using the arrow keys seems to mark them for deletion - and LotusNotes seems to delete them silently. Can anyone confirm this?

    Unconfirmed as of yet.

    LotusNotes - Links

    LotusNotes Hall of Shame [001107]
    " .. an introductory collection of some of the myriad of problems with the application."

    LotusNotes Links on Yahoo [000627]

    LotusNotes FAQ [000627]
    Q: "How do you add Quoted Reply support to Notes' mail templates?"

    Mail Filtering [000627]
    An example filter rule for filtering mails automatically. This script will look at *all* mails in the Inbox and recognize messages *to* a mailing list by looking at the "Reply-To" line..
    Sub Initialize
    Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim doc As NotesDocument
    Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
    Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
    Set collection = db.UnprocessedDocuments
    For i=1 To collection.Count
      Set doc=collection.GetNthDocument(i)
      If doc.ReplyTo(0) = "" Then
        doc.PutInFolder( "Mailing List\L-Notes" )
        doc.RemoveFromFolder( "($Inbox)" )
      End If
    End Sub
    However, this requires that "Your administrator will have to give you access to 'Run Restricted Agents' in the server document for your mail server."

    Newsgroups [990203]
    Aside from comp.mail.misc there are these newsgroups about LotusNotes:
    comp.groupware.lotus-notes.admin        Lotus Notes system administration.
    comp.groupware.lotus-notes.apps         Application software for Lotus Notes.
    comp.groupware.lotus-notes.programmer   Programming for Lotus Notes.

    "IBM Cuts Deal with Government to Export Lotus Notes"
    "The deal is simple: In return for the licensing exemption, IBM will give the National Security Agency (NSA), the government?s lead agency on encryption, 24 of the 64 bits on the encryption algorithm utilized by Lotus Notes."

    cc:Mail, from IMA [980821]
    A suggested replacement for LotusNotes.

    Ceterum censeo...

    Many people tell me that they are forced to using LotusNotes. They have no choice.

    There is a choice: Complain!

    Complain to you IT people or tech support. Complain to the makers of LotusNotes.

    I have told so many users of LotusNotes. However, most of them are afraid to complain. They tell me these things:

    Well, if these things do not work out then grab your email via IMAP or POP and use some other mail client. And if you really need some extra capabilities of your mailer (like eg a group calendar) then you can still *bounce* a copy of your email with the calendar entry to your group-calendar aware mailer.

    And remember: Many people simply deserve bad software as they will never complain. They certainly deserve to use LotusNotes!

    LotusNotes Quotes

    Some quotes about LotusNotes from other people:
    * Csaba Raduly  [000414 20:52]:
    > Lotus Notes as an internet mail client is horrible
    > (and you can quote me if you want :-)
    (Paul Roberts)
    "Lotus Notes Sucks. My company are forcing it on us as
    they spent money on it and we are damn well going to like it ...
    [...] My hair has gone white and I've lost my appetite.


    Strangely enough, not many people who wrote to me about LotusNotes want to be mentioned here... ;-)

    [010329] Juhani Kantola

    Created:     Thu Aug 20 20:00:00 CEST 1998
    Send feedback on this page to
    Sven Guckes