LinuxDays 2007 Luxembourg
                           Thu+Fri February 1st+2nd
                          L-1855 LUXEMBOURG-Kirchberg
                           29 Avenue John F. Kennedy

                        2nd day: Fri 2007-02-02 17-18h
                        "Advancing the Text Interface"
                                  Sven Guckes

                     === Advancing the Text Interface ===
                     == on texttools interface concepts ==

== me
        Sven Guckes, fan of text tools (obviously)

== goal
        get the word out:
        text tools are great, fun, colorful, and life changing!

== language
        english.  i don't speak french.  :-/  excuse moi!

== slides
        no laptop.  "ich bin kein datentraeger".
        no windows, no powerpoint, no slides.  "sorry" :-P
        this is a *live* presentation!
        one window to my world suffices.
        ssh rules!

== this talk:
        i will show features of texttools
        warning: lots of switching between
        this schedule and the tools.

        identification (program+version)
        elinks: progress bar
        elinks: menus + dialogs
        jed:    key indicator for top level menu
        nano:   context help (eg show commands)
        nano:   message line
        gvim:   menus - drop down, customizable!
        mutt:   menus - index number, just enter number
        mutt:   menus - search limit of lists

        missing within menus:
        auto-limit by substrings match
        (eg list of TLD or languages)
        turn on/off numbering

        color! :)
       -> screen hardstatus line
       -> mutt index, message header+body
       -> vim syntax coloring, cursor background, error messages

        emacs: newbie mode on missing setup file

        vim: command line
        vim: error messages with numbers
        vim: online help system
        vim: :options
        vim: session files with histories

        nn: dialogs: list of keys, abort, cancel
            eg: Q: what to do now? "(acdeHQ0-9)"

        editors: expansion of abbreviated words or phrases
        also with irssi and script

        key binding!!!
        idea:  key -> command
        macro: key -> command sequence

        elinks: gpm - mouse support

        splitting setupfiles - "source file"
        on-the-fly changes via internal commandline:
        changing settings, editing values,
        reverting to default values, sourcing setup files

        less: fast switches via "-S"

        internal language (lua, perl, slang, stfl);
        allowing setups with branches/decisions/dependencies
        solving small problems, avoiding yet more options

        cross platform:  take your knowledge with you!

        hardcursor vs softcursor:
        softcursor: inverse bar (mutt, mc)
        hardcursor: block/inverse cursor
        add support for cursors!

        result: dream tools! :)

===     result
        in a word: "please make use of the ideas in your applications!"
        future goal:  improve all texttools, create some dream tools.

===     thanks!
        organizers + helpers + host
        Q+A - later at the Social Event :)

        feedback, please!   what am i missing?  features, programs?
        send email to linuxdays2007(at) - thanks!

===     More Events in 2007:

        YYYY-MM-DD-DD  Title            Location   XY URL
        2007-02-01+02  LinuxDays        Luxembourg LU
        2007-02-24+25  FOSDEM           Brussels   BE
        2007-03-03+04  Linux-Tage       Chemnitz   DE
        2007-04-06-09  EasterHegg       Hamburg    DE
        2007-05-17-20  LinuxCamp        Interlaken CH
        2007-05-30-02  Linuxtag         Berlin     DE
        2007-05-31-02  LinuxWochen      Wien       AT
        2007-06-27-30  LinuxSymposium   Ottawa     CA
        2007-08-25-26  FrOSCon 2007     Bonn       DE
        2007-08 ??     CCC Camp 2007    Berlin     DE
        2007-11 ??     Linux-Info-Tag   Dresden    DE
        2007-12-27-30  24C3             Berlin     DE

===     Links
        see also:

        libraries:  ncurses, Stfl (
        setup files repository ->

Latest change: Fr Feb 02 17:00:00 CET 2007