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|                                                                        |
|   Motto:  Free Summer = Free Computers + Free People + Free Software   |
|                                                                        |
|   Computer Culture at the Art Lab (Kunstlabor.at)                      |
|   at the House of Art (Kunsthaus) in Graz, Austria                     |
|   each Friday + Saturday in August+September+October 2004              |
|                                                                        |
|            Fridays:   Talk     (free  admission)                       |
|            Saturdays: Workshop (small entry fee)                       |
|                                                                        |
|Current Programme [as of 2004-09-03 12:00pm]:                           |
|                                                                        |
|August:                                                                 |
|Fr  6th  8pm meeting:  Blender User Group - Blender For Beginners       |
|                                                                        |
|Fr 13th  talk:     ...                                                  |
|Sa 14th  workshop: ...                                                  |
|                                                                        |
|Mo 16th  11th birthday of Debian project                                |
|         6pm dinner at medien.kunstlabor.at                             |
|                                                                        |
|September:                                                              |
|Fr  3rd  talk:     Secret Services and Cryptography                     |
|Sa  4th  talk 3pm: "Knoppix - Live Linux from CD" by Klaus Knopper      |
|                                                                        |
|Fr 10th  talk:     ...                                                  |
|Sa 11th  workshop: ...                                                  |
|                                                                        |
|Fr 17th  talk:     ...                                                  |
|Sa 18th  workshop: ...                                                  |
|                                                                        |
|Fr 24th  talk:     SILC?                                                |
|Sa 25th  workshop: ...                                                  |
|                                                                        |
|October:                                                                |
|Fr  1st  talk:     SILC?                                                |
|Sa  2nd  workshop: ...                                                  |
|                                                                        |
| Topics in Planning:                                                    |
| - Chat Systems + Instant Messaging:  ICQ + IRC + Jabber + SILC         |
| - Amsterdam Connection                                                 |
| - Blender User Groups meet Blender Buch Author                         |
| Suggestions welcome!  send them to freesummer-suggestions@guckes.net   |
| TextTools - text in + text out -- magic on terminals                   |
| TextTools - mutt screen vim zsh + more!                                |
| ASCII Art - pictures made of letters and punctuation                   |
| Creation of ASCII Art with Editors                                     |
| Contact Us!                                                            |
| Chat on IRC: server: irc.freenode.org   channel: #kunstlabor           |
| Discussion:  server: news.kunstlabor.at group:    kunstlabor.freesummer|
| MailingList: server: mailto:freesummer-request(at)guckes.net           |
| Website:     freesummer.kunstlabor.at  -> www.guckes.net/freesummer/   |
| WebCams:     www.kunstlabor.at/cams/ - snapshots with comments welcome!|
|                                                                        |
|V.i.S.d.P.:                                                             |
|Sven Guckes  www.guckes.net IRC:SvenG  ICQ:38801898  +43-676-3652766    |
|Franz Xaver     www.xav.net IRC:ixl                                     |