## ======================================================================== ## File: $HOME/.mutt/color.body ## Purpose: Colorization of text for mutt's builtin pager. ## Author: Sven Guckes setup-mutt.color.body @guckes.net ## Latest change: Thu Nov 12 18:42:23 CET 2020 ## Size: 3831 lines and 146Kb ## Availability: http://www.guckes.net/Setup/mutt.color ## Comments per email are very very welcome! :-) ## ======================================================================== ## ============================================================= ## COLOR! colorize your text! ## this file contains color commands to colorize the ## following kinds of text: internet related addresses, eg ## email addresses, ftp/http/mailto links, IP numbers of ## hosts; names of directories (/home/me/) and filenames, ## variables ($FOO), abbreviations (TLA), date+time in ## various formats, names of places and zip codes, cited text; ## numbers with currencies or percentages, phone numbers ## or temperatures, smileys, emphased words - and more. ## ============================================================= # 2017-08-11 # dates as "yyyymmdd" # example: "19670406" "20170811" "2020-02-20" color body cyan default '(19[6-9][0-9]|20[012][0-9])(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])' ## ============================================================= ## General remarks ## ============================================================= # Words consist in a sequence of letters. # While it is still easy for human beings # to understand words with interspersed spaces # it is not easy for a program to do that. # Example: "R E A L L Y I M P O R T A N T" # Creating regular expressions which also # allow for this kind of "spacing" is not easy. # # Instead, please indicate emphasis not by # changing the definition of a word but by # placing it into asterisks, eg "*important*". # # Recognition of hyphenated words is difficult, too. # So please try to not break words or phrases across # lines at all. Instead, put them on the next line. # The same holds for combined words or # terms, eg dates like "4th of July". # MUTT COLOR RULES: # there are only eight colors. # there is only one color combination for each match. # a match MUST be within one line. -> an EOL is never part of a match. # -> there is no detection of patterns across lines. # no subgroups: you cannot define a match within another match. # -> a match can take away part of another match. ## 2016-02-03, 2017-07-05 ## MUTT pattern language: ## "at least zero": a* (...)* ## "at least one": a+ (...)+ ## alternatives: (ab|cd|ef|gh) ## groups: \(pattern\)+ ## use of quotes and ticks and ## use of word boundaries: ## as "\\<...\\>" ## or '\<...\>' ## ------------------------------------ ## common patterns: ## number ranges for hours and days: ## hours_12: 1..12 -> (0?[1-9]|1[012]) ## hours_24: 1..24 -> (0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4]) ## days: 1..31 -> (0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) ## month: 1..12 -> (0?[1-9]|1[012]) ## month names: ## month names - short, DE+EN: (jan|feb|mar|mrz|apr|mai|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|okt|nov|dec|dez) ## month names - short, DE: (jan|feb|mar|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez) ## month names - long, DE: (jan|feb|mar|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]+ ## month names - short, EN: (jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec) ## month names - long, EN: (jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]+ ## years, 19th-21st century: 1900..2099 -> (19|20)[0-9][0-9] ## all letters of month names: [aäbcdefgijklmnoprstuvz] (22 letters) missing: hqwxy ## ============================================================= ## Macros ## ============================================================= # I'll need this macro when I do some testing - # just a simple way to reload this setup file: macro index % ':source ~/.mutt/color.body ' # this macro does not include the ENTER # to send the command. instead, this let's # you choose between entering it yourself # and breaking it off with a CTRL-G. feature! ## ============================================================= ## COLOR for the body (viewed with *internal* pager) ## ============================================================= ## From the manual to mutt-1.2: ## Objects that you can colorize: ## attachment, body (regexpr), bold, error, header, hdrdefault, ## index, indicator, markers, message, normal, ## quoted, quoted1, ..., quotedN, ## search, signature, status, tilde, tree, underline. ## ## Color names you can use for "background" and "foreground": ## white black green magenta blue cyan yellow red default colorx ## (white|black|green|magenta|blue|cyan|yellow|red) ## NOTE: Although I'd like to use "default" as the background color, ## it somehow does not work out with "xterm". ## So I changed it to "black" everywhere. ## ================================================== ## COLOR for the body - special text parts ## ================================================== # Show attachments: color attachment green default # Quoted text - coloring only the first four levels: color quoted brightcyan default # pager body color quoted1 red default # pager body color quoted2 cyan default # pager body color quoted3 yellow default # pager body # The Signature: color signature red default # pager body color tilde blue default # pager body # Bold and unerlined text: color bold green default # bold text color underline yellow default # underlined text # How this works: Mutt recognizes sequences with embedded CTRL-H ('^H'). # If this matches one of the following kinds # then you get to see the text as either "bold text" or "underlined text" # depending on the capabilities of your terminal. # bold: "c^Hc" -> "bold 'c'" # underline: "c^H_" -> "underlined 'c'" # On color terminals you will see them with their own color. ## ================================================== ## COLOR for the body - special text parts ## ================================================== color normal white default color tilde blue default ## ================================================== ## COLOR for the body - Internet Addresses ## ================================================== # 2017-08-18 # full month names (EN) color body black white \ '\<(january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)\>' # full month names (DE) color body black white \ '\<(januar|februar|maerz|april|mai|juni|juli|august|september|oktober|november|dezember)\>' # 2017-05-12 # Pseudo Keys # (put this up front for checking) color body brightyellow brightmagenta "^[0-9a-zA-Z+/]{76}$" # 2017-05-12 # X-PHP-Originating-Script: 10002:post.php(5) : regexp code(1) : eval()'d code(17) : eval()'d code save-hook '~C @guckes.net ~h X-PHP-Originating-Script ~b PGP.PUBLIC.KEY' +SPAM.PGP # 2004-04-27 # IPv4 addresses # examples: # color body white blue "(\ # (1?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}\ # (1?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])" color body white blue '\<(\ (1?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])[.]){3}\ (1?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\>' # 2017-01-05 color body white blue '192.168.' # 2016-02-13 # IPv4 addresses with open last component # examples: 192.168.111.x color body white blue '\<((1?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])[.]){3}[a-z]\>' # # IP addresses as shown by "ifconfig": # color body white blue "((1?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.?){4}" # color body white green "inet addr:[^ ]*" # example: # eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:3e:00:05:00 # inet addr: Bcast: Mask: # 2015-12-17, 2017-08-25 # IP ranges # example: "" "" color body black magenta '\<(\ (0|1?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])[.]){3}\ (0|1?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])/[0-6]?[0-9]' # IPv6 addresses # example: 2001:123:12:1::1234:1 # each component has hex digits up to four digits, # all components are separated by colons. # special case: at most one empty component. # color body white magenta '\<([0-9a-f]{,4}:)+[0-9a-f]{,4}\>' # clashes with times, eg "23:42:05" # # (hex4:):(hex4:)hex4 # color body white magenta '\<([0-9a-f]{,4}:)+:?([0-9a-f]{,4}:)+[0-9a-f]{,4}\>' # ## color body white magenta '\<([0-9a-f]{0,4}:)+[0-9a-f]{1,4}\>' # # just hex and colons: # color body white magenta '\<[0-9a-f:]+\>' # too simple! too many matches. # # IPv6 addresses must match "::1" at least, so - at least two colons. # -> at least two "hex0-4:", an optional colon, followed by more ":hex1-4" color body brightyellow magenta '\<([0-9a-f]{0,4}:){2,}:?(:[0-9a-f]{1,4})+\>:*' # 2016-03-01, 2017-02-01, 2017-03-14 # IPv6 addresses with ranges # example: "2016:4:6::/64" "fe80::" "fe80::/64" color body magenta white '\<([0-9a-f]{1,4}:)*[0-9a-f]{1,4}::?[0-9a-f]{1,4}/(16|32|64|128)' # color body magenta white '\<([0-9a-f]{1,4}:)*::[0-9]' # 2015-11-16, 2016-03-09, 2016-09-09 # FTP, IRC, and HTTPS addresses: # color body white blue 'https://[^ >]*' # color body cyan default 'ftp://[^ >]*' # color body cyan default 'irc://[^ >]*' # # URLs (General Internet addresses): color body cyan default "(finger|ftp|hkps?|https?|imap|irc|news|telnet)://[^ >]*" color body cyan default "" # example: # hkps://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net # 2016-08-26 # special URLs - ending in filename with ".asc": color body magenta default 'https?://[^ ]+\.asc' # web address without "http": # color body cyan default "www\\.[:alphanum:]+\\.[a-z][a-z][a-z]?([/a-z0-9.]+)?" # color body cyan default 'www[.][-.a-z0-9]+[.][a-z][a-z][a-z]?([-_./~a-z0-9]+)?' color body cyan default 'www[.][-.a-z0-9]+[.][a-z]{2,}([-_./~a-z0-9]+)?' # example: www.guckes.net # Email addresses: # color body green default '[[:alnum:]][-+.#_[:alnum:]]*@[-+.[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]' # 2016-11-07 color body green default '[^ ]+@[^ ]+' # example: setup-mutt.color.body @guckes.net # Email addresses with query strings. # see http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Axioms.html # example: sympa@linuxtag.org?body =SUBSCRIBE%20helfer color body brightgreen default \ "[[:alnum:]][-+.#_[:alnum:]]*@[-+.[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]][?][^ ]{3,}" # here the literal question mark has been put # into a set of its own, ie "[?]". # Mailto links with a optional subject line: # Example: mailto:guckes@gmx.net?subject=mutt # color body brightred default "mailto: *[^ ]+\(\\?subject=[^ ]+\)?" # color body brightred default "mailto:[^ ]+\(\\?subject=[^ ]+\)?" # single ticks, less backshlashes color body brightred default 'mailto:[^ ]+(\?subject=[^ ]+)?' ## =========================================================== ## COLOR for the body - Directories, Filenames, and Variables ## =========================================================== # File names ("/path/file") # color body brightgreen default "\\~?\(/[-_.,a-zA-Z0-9{}]+\)+" # this variant includes umlauts, too (damn those krauts! ;-): ## color body brightgreen default "\\~?\(/[-_.,a-zA-Z0-9{}äöüß]+\)+" # Example: ~/foo.txt /usr/src/linux/include/{asm,linux} # 2020-10-27 color body brightgreen default '/(boot|bin|dev|etc|home|mnt|proc|root|sbin|sys|tmp|var)' # DOS/Windows file names # c:\vim\vim60e\runtime\syntax\vim.vim # color body brightgreen default "[a-zA-Z]:[-_.a-zA-Z0-9\\]+" # # lower case letters should suffice: # color body brightgreen default "[a-z]:[-_.a-z0-9\\]+" # but it's better when there is a minumum length: # color body brightgreen default "[a-z]:[-_.a-z0-9\\]{3,}" # # spaces are *not* included here, of course. # who puts spaces into his filenames, anyway? bah! # Path names ("/path/") # example: /etc/foo/ /home/username/bin/ # color body brightred default "\(/[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+\)+/" # color body brightred default "\(/[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+\){2,}/" color body brightmagenta default "\<\(/[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+\){2,}/" # 2018-03-15 # Path names without a trailing slash # example: /etc/foo /home/username/bin color body brightgreen default "\(/[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+\){2,}" # 2016-02-11 # PATH = /dir/file # color body brightred default "\(/[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+\)+/[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+" color body brightmagenta default '\<\(/[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+\)+/[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+' # Variables ("$HOME") color body brightmagenta default "\\$[a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z]+" # 2018-02-20 # files in subdirs of current directory # example: ./subdir/file color body brightmagenta yellow '[.]/([-0-9a-z]/)+[-0-9a-z._]+' ## =========================================================== ## COLOR for the body - Miscellaneous ## =========================================================== # Attribution line: color body red default "^[*] .*:$" # # my attribution line starts with '*' and ends with ':' # thus making it easier to recognize - eg for coloring. # # Example: # * Joe Doe [000907 18:00]: # > quoted text # > quoted text # > quoted text # # See also: # The Attribution line FAQ: # http://www.guckes.net/faq/attribution.html ## =========================================================== # Acronyms, Abbreviations, and "SCREAMING IN CAPS" ## =========================================================== # color body brightyellow default "[A-Z]+\([ ,]*[A-Z]+\)+" # color body brightyellow default "[A-Z]{3,}" # color body brightyellow default "\([A-Z]{3,} *\)+" # color body brightyellow default "\([-A-Z']{2,}[ ,]*\)+" # # The spaces at start and end are used for use with # "-USE_GNU_REGEX": # WARNING! The following RegEx crashes mutt-1.2.x! # color body brightyellow default " \([-A-Z']{2,}[ ,]*\)+ " # color body brightyellow default " ([-A-Z]{2,}[ ,]*)+ " # # The following includes umlauts - but that's quite clunky. ## color body brightyellow default "[A-ZÄÖÜ][-A-ZÄÖÜ]+[A-ZÄÖÜ][ .!?]?" # This works ok - but fails at the end of lines, of course. # # "+USE_GNU_REGEX": # When you use "+USE_GNU_REGEX" then you can also make use # of "start of word" ("\<") and "end of word" ("\>"): # color body brightyellow default "\\<[-A-Z']{3,}\\>" # color body brightyellow default "\\<[-A-ZÄÖÜ']{3,}\\>" # # 2016-01-17 also allow underscores # 2017-02-17 also allow plural-s color body brightyellow default "\\<[-_A-ZÄÖÜ']{3,}s?\\>" # 2016-06-28 also allow digits # 2017-02-17 also allow plural-s color body brightyellow default "\\<[-_A-ZÄÖÜ0-9']{3,}s?\\>" # # WARNING: # with just "two or more" leads to *many* false positives, # eg "AM" and "PM" in times and words like "A", "I", and # AC AD AM AM AN AS AS AT AX BE BY DC DO GO HE HI IF # IS IT ME MR MY NO OF ON OR OX PM RE TO TV UP US WE # # # TEST: try to catch such phrases: # "T H I S I S A C O O L T E X T - N O T !" # color body brightyellow default "([A-ZÄÖÜ] {1,3}){3,}" # color body brightyellow default "(\\<[-A-ZÄÖÜ]\\> *){3,}" # color body brightyellow default "(\\<[-A-ZÄÖÜ]\\> ? ?){3,}" ## =========================================================== # 2004-03-19 # moved the emphasis stuff before the "alternatives" # because "/word/" should get colored as emphasized # before it is colorized in combination with "word /word/ word". # ============================================================ # *Emphasized*, /emphasized/, and _emphasized_ words: "E M P H A S I S" # ============================================================ # color body brightred default "[*/_]+ *[- &[:alnum:]]+ *[*/_]+" # this would catch false positives of the kind _foo* and /bar_ # so we should choose matching pairs only: color body brightred default "[*][-[:alnum:]]+[*]" # examples: *foo* *bar* # 2016-11-02 # adding umlauts and space: # color body brightred default "[*][-[:alnum:]äöüß ]+[*]" # 2017-09-30 the space should come *after* words!: color body brightred default "[*]([-[:alnum:]äöüß] ?)+[*]" # # words emphasized in slashes: # examples: "/foo/" "/italics/" # color body brightred default "/[-[:alnum:]]+/" # color body brightred default "/\<[-[:alnum:]]+\>/" # color body brightred default '/\<[-a-z0-9]+\>/' color body brightmagenta default '\' color body brightmagenta default '/[-a-z0-9]+/' # # words emphasized in _underscores_: # examples: _foo_ _bar_ # # color body brightred default "_[-[:alnum:]]+_" # try this with word boundaries to prevent words like "foo_bar_baz" # color body brightred default '\<_[-[:alnum:]]+_\>' # # this works best: color body brightred default '_[-a-z0-9]+_' # # words emphasized in 'ticks': # examples: 'foo' 'bar' # color body brightred default "'[-[:alnum:]]+'" color body brightred default "'[^ ]+'" color body brightred default "'[^ ]+ [^ ]+'" # similar - but with forward ticks: # examples: "`trigger.pl`" color body brightred default "\`[^ ]+\`" # # words emphasized in : color body brightred default '>[-[:alnum:]]+<' # examples: >foo< >bar< color body brightred default '<[-[:alnum:]]+>' # examples: # # Emphasis by interspersed spaces # Example: E M P H A S I S # color body white red '\<\w( +\w\>)+' # funny enough, this matched on "foo a". # # require a second single character: color body white red '\<\w \w( +\w\>)+' # let's try this when the pattern starts with a word boundary: # example: *foobar* /foobar/ # color body brightred default "\\<[*][-[:alnum:]]+[*]" # color body brightred default "\\[*]" ## color body brightred default "/\\<[-[:alnum:] ]+\\>/" ## color body brightred default "_\\<[-[:alnum:] ]+\\>_" # 2015-06-15 adding dot, colon, underscore: # color body brightred default "[/_*][- _.*:[:alnum:]]+[/_*]" # problem: beginning and end may not match. # 2003-09-15, 2015-06-15 # allow for spaces between two words, eg "*really important*": # example: "*really important*" "**very-much up-to-date **" # color body brightred default "[*][-+[:alnum:]]+ *[-+[:alnum:]]+[*]" # color body brightred default "[*][*][-+[:alnum:]]+ *[-+[:alnum:]]+[*][*]" # color body brightred default "[*][*][*][-+[:alnum:]]+ *[-+[:alnum:]]+[*][*][*]" # Alternatives ("either/or"): # color body brightwhite default "\\w+/\\w+" # color body brightwhite default "[-._a-zA-Z0-9]+/[-._a-zA-Z0-9]+" # color body brightwhite default "([-._a-zA-Z0-9]+/)+[-._a-zA-Z0-9]+" # # Kraut Version - with umlauts: # color body brightwhite default \ # "([-._a-zA-Zdv|DV\0-9]+/)+[-._a-zA-Zdv|DV\0-9]+" # but this has too many false positives! :-( # # this is much easier when you can use word boundaries: # color body brightwhite default "\\<\\w+/\\w+\\>" # allow a space before and after the '/': # color body brightwhite default "\\<\\w+ ?/ ?\\w+\\>" # color body brightwhite default "\\<[-\\w]+ ?/ ?[-\\w]+\\>" # # Catching multiple alternatives: # A/B/C/D # color body brightwhite default "(\\<\\w+ ?/)+ ?\\w+\\>" # this is fine - but fails on words containing dashes. # however, building a character set with '-' and '\w' # is not possiblem it seems: # color body brightwhite default "(\\<[-\\w]+ ?/)+ ?[-\\w]+\\>" # # so all you can do is list the characters again: # color body brightwhite default "(\\<[-a-z0-9._]+ ?/)+ ?[-a-z0-9._]+\\>" # the same - but without allowing spaces between alternatives: # color body brightwhite default "(\\<[a-z][-a-zäöüß0-9._]+/)+[-a-zäöüß0-9._]+\\>" # 2018-01-22 enforcing at least three parts: ## color body brightred default '(\<[a-z][-a-zäöüß0-9._]+/){2,}[-a-zäöüß0-9._]+\>' # example: foobar.123/foo-123.bar/foo.bar_123 # # non-matches: A/B/C/... # Smileys: :-) ;-) :-| :-/ :-( # color body yellow default "[;:]-[)/(|]" # Smileys: :) ;) :| :/ :( :-O :-P color body brightyellow default '[:;]-?[()/OpP]' # 2015-09-18 # Face: o_O \o/ color body brightyellow default '(o_O|\\o/)' # 2015-11-20 # smiley faces: ^^ and ^_^ color body black brightyellow '\^_?\^' # 2017-01-02 # "oh, no!" color body black brightyellow '/o\\' # 2016-01-27 color body brightyellow default '☺' # "<3" heart! color body brightred default '<3' color body brightred default 'xD' # Grinning: "grin" ([g]) and "big grin" ([bg]): color body blue red "<[Gg]>" color body blue red "<[Bb][Gg]>" # Border Lines of length three or more. # (Several Newsletters use border lines..) color body green default '[-._=+~/\*]{3,}' # # Border lines with spaces in between charcaters: # Allowing for arbitrary space runs in between, # with a minimum length of four: # color body green default "\( *[-+=#*~_]\){4,}" # Examples: # "- - -" "#####" "~~~~~~~" "+-+-+-+-+-+" "* * * *" # "+ - ~ + === * ~~~" etc # Extensive use of exclamation and question marks: # "!!!" "???" color body red white "[!?]{3,}" # .., 2017-06-10, 2017-06-29 # Percentages ("Save xx.x %!") # example: "23%" # color body brightgreen default "[.,0-9]+ ?%" # percentage ranges, eg "23 - 42%" # color body brightgreen default "([.0-9]+ ?- ?)?[.0-9]+ ?%" # color body brightgreen default "([.,0-9]+ *- *)?[.,0-9]+ ?%" color body brightgreen default "([.,0-9]+ *- *)?[.,0-9]+ ?(%|percent|prozent)" # MONEY! Dollars! # examples: "$23.42" "42.23 USD" # color body green default "$\d\+.\d\+" color body white red "\\$[0-9]+[.,0-9]*" color body white red '[0-9]+[.,0-9]* *USD' # Offers in "money per minute" - eg "pf/min" color body black yellow "[0-9]+[,.][0-9]* *pf/min" # Money with "DM", "EUR", or "$$$" *before* the number # with an optional dot or comma in between digits # and an optional end 'f "-" to indicate zeros: # matches: DM1 DM10 DM10,00 DM10,- # matches: 2euro 3euros "Euro 23,--" # non-matches: DM010 DM-100 color body black yellow "(dm|euro?s?|\$\$\$)\> *[1-9][0-9]*([.,][0-9]*-?-?)?" # # same thing with monetary unit *after* number: # color body black yellow "[1-9][0-9]*([.,][0-9]*-?)* *(DM|EUR|Mark|\$\$\$)" # color body black yellow "[1-9][0-9]*[.,]?(--?|[0-9][0-9])? *(DM|EUR|Mark|\$\$\$)" # # MONEY # 2015-11-14, 2016-01-27, 2016-02-03, 2016-02-28, 2016-10-07, # 2016-12-12, 2016-12-22, 2017-03-09, 2017-06-12, 2017-06-29 # example: "23€" "42.23euro" "20.000 Euro" "23 042 eur" "-123 EUR" # color body black yellow "[0-9]+([., ][0-9]+)? *(dm|€|euro?|[$])" # color body black yellow "[-]?[0-9]+([., 0-9]+)? *(dm|€|euro?|[$])" color body white magenta "[-+]?[0-9][., 0-9]*(dm|dollar|euro?s?|€)" # money ranges: # examples: "5 - 23 euros" color body black yellow "[0-9][0-9.,]*( *--? *[0-9][0-9,.]*)? *(dm|dollar|€|euro?|mark)" color body black yellow "(dm|€|euro?|mark) *[0-9][0-9.,]*(--?|[0-9][0-9])?" ### color body white red "[0-9]+,-" ### color body white red "[0-9]+ *\?" # # 2005-02-17: use red for negative numbers # the dollars didnt work. had to remove them. weird. # color body red default "-([0-9][0-9.,])? *(dm|¿|euro?|mark|\$\$\$)" # # 2015-11-01 number ranges with currency # example: "23.42 dm" "4711$$" "23-42euro" "1.23--42.23€" color body green default "[1-9][0-9.,]*--?[1-9][0-9.,]* *(dm|€|euro?|mark)" # # two digits followed by small monitary unit: # color body black yellow "[1-9][0-9]? *(cents?|pfennig)" # also allow commas, eg "0,99 cent" and "0.99cents": color body black yellow "([0-9]*[,.])?[1-9][0-9]? *(cents?|pfennig)" # 2015-11-20, 2016-11-29, 2017-07-05 # MONEY # "looks like prices" # example: "23,-" "42,-€" color body black brightwhite '[0-9]+,- *(€|euro?s?)?' # numbers with a comma/dot and two more digits: # example: "10.15" # color body black brightwhite '\<[0-9]+[.,][0-9][0-9]\>' # !!! clashes with dates, eg "10.15" # # workaround: only allow a comma and exactly two more digits: # example: "10,15" color body black brightwhite '\<[0-9]+,[0-9][0-9]\>' # 2017-07-17 # numbers with one decimal dot: # example: "2.718281828" "3.14159" color body black brightwhite '\<[0-9]+[.][0-9]+\>' # 2002-04-10, 2015-11-01: # Year Numbers 1970-2029 # commented because these may be part of other combinations. # color body yellow default "19[789][0-9]" # color body yellow default "20[012][0-9]" # 2002-04-10: Copyright symbol "(c)" # color body yellow default "\\(c\\)" color body yellow default '\(c\)' # Copyright (C) and Registered Trademark (r) # color body brightyellow default "[^ ]+ ?\\([cr]\\)" color body brightyellow default "[(][cr][)]" # FAX and TEL Numbers: # "FAX: (1 123) 4567 890" # "TEL: +1-123-456-78900" # "Tel.: 123/456-789" # "Cell: 123/456-789" # "Tel: +49-(0)30-883-8884" # "Fax: +49-(0)" # color body green default "(fax|tel)\.?:? *[+]?[-+0-9/() ]+" # color body green default "(cell|fax|Fax|FAX|tel|Tel|TEL)[.:]+ *\\+?[-+0-9/()]+" # color body green default "(cell|fax|tel|)?[.:]+ *[+]*[-+0-9/()]+" # color body green default "(cell|fax|tel|)?[.:+ ]+[-+0-9/()]+" # color body black green "(tele)?(cell|fax|fon|phone|tel)[.: ]+[+]?[- 0-9/()]{4,}[0-9]" # 2016-04-12: added dots within numbers, and "mobil". # 2017-07-10: added "private". color body black green "(tele)?(cell|fax|fon|mobil|phone|private|tel)[.: ]+[+]?[-. 0-9/()]{4,}[0-9]" # 2017-07-02 # "tel:" links: color body black green "tel[.]*:[-+. 0-9/()]{4,}[0-9]" # 2018-05-09 # "mob:" links: color body black magenta "mob[.]*:[-+. 0-9/()]{4,}[0-9]" # phone numbers in austria (+43) and germany (+49) # color body black green "[+](43|49)[- 0-9]+[0-9]" # for most countries in Europe: color body black green "[+](3[0123469]|4[013456789])[- 0-9]+[0-9]" ## +30:GR +31:NL +32:BE +33:FR ## +34:ES +36:HU +39:IT +40:RO ## +41:CH +43:AT +44:UK +45:DK ## +46:SE +47:NO +48:PL +49:DE # # Phone Numbers: # "(123) 4567890" # color body white red "(tele)?(fon|phone):? *\\([-/ 0-9]{4,}\\)" # color body white red '(tele)?(fon|phone):? *[-/( )0-9]{4,}' # "1-234-4567890" # "1-234 4567890 ext. 123" color body brightyellow red "1-[0-9]{3}[- ][-0-9]+ +ext.? [0-9]+" # Toll Free Numbers: # "1-800-123-456-789" # "(800) 123-456-789 x123" # "(800) 123-456-789 ext 123" color body white red "1-?800[-0-9]+" color body white red "(1 ?)?\\(800\\) ?[-0-9]+( x[0-9]+)?" color body white red "(1 ?)?\\(800\\) ?[-0-9]+( ext ?[0-9]+)?" # 2017-06-17, 2017-06-21 # phone number for berlin # examples: "+49-30-123456878" "030 1234-578" "030.20 309 - 21 01" "030 / 123 456 78" color body brightmagenta white "030[-./ 0-9]+[0-9]" color body brightmagenta white "[+]49[- .]+30[-./ 0-9]+[0-9]" # ISBNs # color body white red "[-0-9]{9,12}[0-9X]" ## ======================================================================== ## DATE&TIME ## ======================================================================== # 2003-09-04, 2016-03-16 # Dates in filename listings - "MMM DD" # examples: "Jan 1" .. "Dec 31" # color body brightwhite red "(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec) ?[ 0-9][0-9]" # color body brightwhite red "(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez) ?[ 0-9][0-9]" # 2017-05-22 # "am DD Month Year" # examples: "am 1 Jan" "ca 22. Mai 2017" # color body brightwhite red "(am|ca|gegen|um) *([012][0-9])|3[01])[.]? *(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" # add possible letters after month prefixes: # color body brightwhite red "(am|bis|ca|gegen|um) *([012][0-9])|3[01])[.]? *(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]+\>( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" # color body brightwhite red "(am|bis|ca|gegen|um) *([012][0-9]|3[01])[.] *(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]*( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" # previous line removed in favor of the longer version: "von $datum bis $datum $year" # 2017-05-30 # "am DD.MM. Year" # examples: "am 15.02. 2017" "bis 06.06" color body brightwhite blue '\<(am|bis|ca|gegen|um) *([012][0-9]|3[01])[.]? +(0?[0-9]|1[012])[.]?( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?' # color body brightmagenta red "(am|bis|ca|gegen|um) *([012][0-9]|3[01])([.]? *)+(0?[0-9]|1[012])[.]?( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" # without year # color body brightwhite red "(am|bis|ca|gegen|um) *([012][0-9]|3[01])[.]* *(0?[0-9]|1[012])[.]*" # color body brightwhite red "(am|bis|ca|gegen|um) *([012][0-9]|3[01])[.]([0-9]|1[012])" # 2016-09-16, 2017-06-18 # Date ranges: # "MMM DD-DD" # "MMM DD+DD" # examples: "Jan 23-31" and "Apr 05-07" # color body brightwhite green "(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec) ?[ 0-9][0-9][-+][0-9][0-9]" # color body brightwhite green "(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez) ?[ 0-9][0-9][-+][0-9][0-9]" # 2017-06-18 allowing longer month names, dots after days, and possible commata # examples: "Dec 27.-30." and "Apr 05.-07." color body brightwhite green "(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]* ?[ 0-9][0-9][.]?[-+][0-9][0-9][.]?" color body brightwhite green "(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]* ?[ 0-9][0-9][.]?[-+][0-9][0-9][.]?" # 2017-06-05, 2017-06-08, 2017-06-21 # Date ranges: # "DD-DD Month (YYYY)" # "DD+DD Month (YYYY)" # "DD/DD Month (YYYY)" # examples: "23-31 Jan" "06+07 April 2017" "3. bis 7. september" "16./17. september" # color body brightwhite green "([012][0-9]|3[01][.]?) *[-+/] *([012][0-9]|3[01][.]?) *(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]*( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" color body brightwhite green "([012][0-9]|3[01][.]?) *[-+/] *([012][0-9]|3[01][.]?) *(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]*( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" # 2017-06-08, 2017-06-14, 2017-07-07 # Datenbereich - "von .. bis" # examples: "von 28. Jan bis 6. april 2018" "am 5. und 6. april" # examples: "vom 27. bis 30. dezember" "ab 27. bis 30.12." # color body brightyellow magenta "(ab|am|von) *([012][0-9]|3[01]) *(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z] *(bis|[-+]|und) *([012][0-9]|3[01]) *(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]* ?( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" # color body brightyellow magenta "\<(ab|am|vom|von) *([012][0-9]|3[01])[.]? *((jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]*)? *([-+]|bis|und) *([012][0-9]|3[01])[.]? *(jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]*( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" # color body brightyellow magenta "(ab|am|vom|von) *([012]?[0-9]|3[01])[.]? *((jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]*)? *([-+]|bis|und) *([012]?[0-9]|3[01])[.]? *((jan|jänner|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]*)?( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" color body brightyellow magenta "(ab|am|den|der|vom|von) *([012]?[0-9]|3[01])[.]? *((jan|feb|mrz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]*)? *([-+]|bis|und) *([012]?[0-9]|3[01])[.]? *((jan|jänner|feb|mä?rz|apr|mai|jun|jul|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)[a-z]*|(0?[0-9]|1[0-2])[.]?)?( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?" # 2016-03-16 # month ranges - only month names # example: jan-jun, apr-may color body brightyellow red '(jan|feb|mar|mrz|apr|mai|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|okt|nov|dec|dez)[- ]?(jan|feb|mar|mrz|apr|mai|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|okt|nov|dec|dez)' # 2018-02-15 # example: "from jan 1st to dec 31st" color body brightyellow red 'from *(jan|feb|mar|mrz|apr|mai|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|okt|nov|dec|dez) *(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(th|st|nd|rd)? *([-]|to) *(jan|feb|mar|mrz|apr|mai|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|okt|nov|dec|dez)? *(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(th|st|nd|rd)?' # 2010-01-15 # Dates as "DD.MM." - leading zero and both dots are required # examples: 01.01. 06.04. 24.12. color body brightblue default "(0[0-9]|1[012])[.]([012][0-9]|3[01])[.]" # Dates as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY/MM/DD", and "YYYY MM DD" # examples: 1967-04-06 1967/04/06 "1967 04 06" # (maybe drop century to allow "YY/MM/DD") # color body white red "\(19|20\)?[0-9][0-9]/[01]?[0-9]/[0123]?[0-9]" # allow only months in range 01-12 and days in range 00-31: color body white red '(19|20)[0-9][0-9][-/ ](0[0-9]|1[012])[-/ ]([012][0-9]|3[01])' # 2012-11-27 # Date Ranges: "yyyy-mm-dd+(dd+1)" and "yyyy-mm-dd-dd" # examples: 2012-11-27+28, 2012-12-27-30 color body white red "\(19|20\)?[0-9][0-9]-(0[0-9]|1[012])-([012][0-9]|3[01])[-+]([012][0-9]|3[01])" # 2015-11-26, 2017-06-21 # Date Ranges: "dd. (-/dd.)mm.(yyyy)" # examples: "27. - 30.12.2015" "16./17.9." color body black yellow '(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.] ?([-/] ?(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.] ?)?(0?[1-9]|1[012])[.]( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?\>' # Dates: "dd.mm.jjjj" # matches: 4.6.1967 and "4.6. 1967" "4. 6. 67" # color body blue default \ #"(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.] ?([1-9]|1[012])[.] ?(19|20)?([0-9][0-9])?" # color body blue default \ #"(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.] ?([1-9]|1[012])[.] ?(19|20)([0-9][0-9])" color body brightblue default "(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.] ?(0?[1-9]|1[012])[.] ?(19|20)([0-9][0-9])" # 2015-11-03, 2015-11-14 # dates in mm/dd/year # examples: "4/6/1967" "11/3/2015" # color body brightyellow default "(0[0-9]|1[012])/([012][0-9]|3[01])/(19|20\)?[0-9][0-9]" # color body brightyellow default "[1-9]|1[012])/([012][0-9]|3[01])/(19|20\)?[0-9][0-9]" # the previous one doesnt match the slashes at all?? o_O color body brightblue default "([1-9]|1[012])[/]([1-9]|[012][0-9]|3[01])[/](19|20)?[0-9][0-9]" # ....,2017-07-05 # dates: "day month (year)" # day: required (DE+EN) # month: required # year: optional # "6.Apr" "6. April 1967" ## color body white red \ ##"((0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.]? ?)?\ ##\\<(jan(uar)?|jänner|feber|feb(ruar)?|m(ä|ae)rz|apr(il)?|mai|juni?|juli?|aug(ust)?|\ ##sept(ember)?|okt(ober)?|nov(ember)?|dez(ember)?)\\> *\ ##((19|20)?[0-9][0-9])?" # the dot might be taken by the pattern for punctuation (dot+space), # thus breaking up this pattern. # 2017-07-05 using the short notation of month names # and also requiring the century: color body black red \ '(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.]? *\ (jan|feb|mar|mrz|apr|mai|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|okt|nov|dec|dez)[a-z]+\>\ ( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?' # 2017-07-05 # only "month year" # examples: color body white brightred '(jan|feb|mar|mrz|apr|mai|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|okt|nov|dec|dez)[a-z]+\> *(19|20)[0-9][0-9]' # 2015-12-06 # dates: Month Day(th) (yyyy) # "Jan 1st" "Feb. 2nd" "March 3rd 03" # "April 6th 1967" "Dec 6th, 2015" # explicit long names of months: # '<(jan(uary)?|feb(ruary)?|mar(ch)?|apr(il)?|may|june?|july?|aug(ust)?|sept(ember)?|oct(ober)?|nov(ember)?|dec(ember)?)\>\ # with short month names: # color body yellow red \ # '(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]*\ # *(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(st|nd|rd|th)?([, ]*(19|20)?[0-9][0-9])?' # # 2016-01-16, 2017-07-10, 2020-02-07 # dates: Month Day(th) (yyyy) # only allow years 1970-2029 color body brightyellow red \ '(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]*\ *(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(st|nd|rd|th)?([, ]*(19[789][0-9]|20[012][0-9]))?' # WARNING: # allowing short month names and making both the day and the year optional # leads to false positives with words like "mail" or "augmented". # so you would have to use several color rules with different # combinations, eg "day+month+year" and "day+month" and "month+year". # Format: "(DD )Monat( JJJJ)" # Examples: "6. Apr" "6.April67" "6. Apr. 67" "6 April 1967" # color body white red \ # "(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.]? *)\ # \\<(jan(uar)?|feb(ruar)?|m(ä|ae)rz|apr(il)?|mai|juni?|juli?|aug(ust)?|\ # sept(ember)?|okt(ober)?|nov(ember)?|dez(ember)?)\\>\ # ( *(19|20)?[0-9][0-9])?" # 2017-06-14 simplify month names # color body white brightmagenta '(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.]? *)(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]+( *(19|20)?[0-9][0-9])?' # 2017-06-18 add possible commata between month and day (how silly) # examples: "31., July" color body white brightmagenta '(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.]?[, ]*)(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]+( *(19|20)?[0-9][0-9])?' # # Format: "DD Month (YYYY)" # examples: "23. January 2017" "23 januar 17" "5 feb 1989" # color body yellow red \ # '\<(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012]?[.]? *)\ # \\<(jan(uary)?|feb(ruary)?|march|apr(il)?|may|june?|july?|aug(ust)?|\ # sept(ember)?|oct(ober)?|nov(ember)?|dec(ember)?)\\>\ # ( *(19|20)?[0-9][0-9])?' # - optional dot after day # - simplified month names (forst three letters only) # - optional year, optional 19/20 prefix # color body brightyellow brightmagenta '\<(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.]? *)(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]*( *(19|20)?[0-9][0-9])?' # clashes with "[4. juli 17]:23h" -> make century "(19|20)" mandatory color body brightyellow brightmagenta '\<(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.]? *)(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]*( *(19|20)[0-9][0-9])?' # 2002-04-13, 2010-01-12, 2010-01-15, 2015-10-26 # Times on the clock - but without am|pm or "c.t." or "s.t." # examples: 9:00 12:07h 12:07:00 23uhr 23.05Uhr "18 h" # color body brightblue default \ #"([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])([.:][0-5][0-9])?([.:][0-5][0-9])? ?(h|Uhr)?" # problem: these minutes and seconds are optional as well as # the trailing hour indicator - so it might just be a number. # this matches too much, and makes it really slow, too. # so here it will *require* "h" of "Uhr" at the end: # color body brightblue default "\\<([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])([.:][0-5][0-9])?([.:][0-5][0-9])? ?(h|uhr)\\>" # removing seconds.. color body brightcyan default '\<([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])([.:][0-5][0-9])? ?(h|uhr)\>' # 2015-11-25, 2017-02-01, 2018-02-12 # time ranges # this adds "ab|um|bis" # examples: "ab 18:00" "ab 18:00 Uhr" "um 13h" "bis 23:59:59" # color body black yellow '(ab|um|bis) *([01][0-9]|2[0-4])(:[0-5][0-9])?(:[0-5][0-9])?( ?(h|uhr))?" # color body black yellow '(ab|um|bis) *([01][0-9]|2[0-4])(:[0-5][0-9])?( *(h|uhr))?" color body black yellow '(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor) *([01][0-9]|2[0-4])([.:][0-5][0-9])?( *(h|uhr))?" # mandatory hour indicator: color body black yellow '(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor) *([01][0-9]|2[0-4])([.:][0-5][0-9])?( *(h|uhr))" # mandatory minutes: color body black yellow '(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor) *([01][0-9]|2[0-4])([.:][0-5][0-9])( *(h|uhr))?" # 2016-06-03 # YYYY-Mon-DD # example: 2016-jun-03 color body brightyellow blue '20[012][0-9]-(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])' # 2017-05-21 # "on/to $DATE" # examples: "am 6.4." "bis 23. 5." "bis 24. 6. 2017" # color body black yellow '(ab|am|an|bis|um) *[0123]?[0-9][.]( ?[0-9]|1[012])[.]( ?20[012][0-9])?' # matches: "um 1.0." :-O # 0 -> 1 color body black yellow '\<(ab|am|an|bis|um) *[0123]?[0-9][.]( ?[1-9]|1[012])[.]( ?20[012][0-9])?' # 2015-11-26 # times in "HH:MM" or "HH.MM" # example: "17:23" "23.59" # disabled in favor of the preceding RE # color body brightblue default '\<([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])[.:][0-5][0-9]\>' # # TIME RANGES # .., 2016-02-03 # examples: "9.00 - 17:23 h" "14–16h" "17:23" # # trying to use backreference: # color body brightblue default "\\<(([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])([.:][0-5][0-9])?) ?- \1 ?(h|uhr)\\>" # 2016-02-03 adding long dash as separator # 2017-02-01 this adds "ab|um|bis" # color body brightcyan default '\<(ab|um|bis|von) *\<([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])(:[0-5][0-9])?( ?[-–]? ?([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])([.:][0-5][0-9])?)? ?(min|h|uhr)?\>' # well.. if the dashes for the range are missing then it is *not* a range! # with required dashes: color body brightcyan default '\<(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor|zum) *\<([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])(:[0-5][0-9])? ?[-–]? ?([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])([.:][0-5][0-9])?)( *(min|h|uhr))?\>' # 2017-05-22, 2017-06-16, 2017-11-16 # examples: "ab 22.5.2017" "bis zum 28.6." "bis zum 05.09.2017" "bis zum 30.6.17" color body brightcyan default '\<(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor|zum) *(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.](0?[1-9]|1[12])[.]( *(19|20)?[0-9][0-9])?' # # and this one requires at least one colon or dot # (with a possible suffix of "h", "Uhr", "am" or "pm"): # example: "00:00" "12.07pm" "5:23 PM" "23.42" "23:59:59" # color body brightred default '\<([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])([.:][0-5][0-9])?([.:][0-5][0-9])\>( *(h|uhr|am|pm)?)?\>' # 23pm doesnt make sense. silly! # color body brightred default '\<(0?[1-9]|1[012])([.:][0-5][0-9])?([.:][0-5][0-9])?\>( *(am|pm)?)\>' # color body brightred default '\<(0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])([.:][0-5][0-9])?([.:][0-5][0-9])?\>( *(h|uhr)?)\>' # 2018-02-07 adding "(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von)" # 2018-02-12 HH:MM or HH.MM is required # color body brightmagenta default '(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor)? *\<(0?[1-9]|1[012])([.:][0-5][0-9])([.:][0-5][0-9])?( *(am|pm)?)\>' # without dots: color body brightmagenta default '(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor)? *\<(0?[1-9]|1[012])([:][0-5][0-9])([:][0-5][0-9])?( *(am|pm)?)\>' # color body brightmagenta default '(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor)? *\<(0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])([.:][0-5][0-9])([.:][0-5][0-9])?( *(h|uhr)?)\>' # without dots: color body brightmagenta default '(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor)? *\<(0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])([:][0-5][0-9])([:][0-5][0-9])?( *(h|uhr)?)\>' # # examples: 9:00 12:07h 12:07:00 23uhr 23.05Uhr "12 Uhr c.t." "16h s.t" # color body brightblue default \ #"([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])([.:][0-5][0-9])([.:][0-5][0-9])? ?(am|pm)?(h|Uhr)?( *[cs][.]t[.])?" # make "h" or "Uhr" compulsory: # color body brightblue default \ #"([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])([.:][0-5][0-9])?([.:][0-5][0-9])? ?(am|pm)?(h|Uhr)( *[cs][.]t[.])?" # # 2013-01-19 # Times and Time Ranges with full hours # required: the 'h' or "uhr" at the end # examples: 00h 23h 17-23h "5 - 23 uhr" color body brightblue default "[012][0-9]([- ]+[012][0-9])?(h|uhr)" # 2017-06-12 # Times and Time Ranges with full hours *and* minutes # examples: "0-24h" "00:01-23:59" "5-23:42h" "17-23:23 uhr" # color body brightmagenta white "[012][0-9]([.:][0-5][0-9])?[- ]+[012][0-9]([.:][0-5][0-9])?)?( *(h|uhr))?" # note: "[- ]+" might also result in spaces only. so switching # to " *[-]+ *" to require at least one minus sign. # examples: "0- 24h" "00:01 - 23:59" "5 -23:42h" "17 - 23:23 uhr" # color body brightmagenta white "[012][0-9]([.:][0-5][0-9])? *[-]+ *[012][0-9]([.:][0-5][0-9])?)?( *(h|uhr))?" # color body brightwhite magenta "([01][0-9]|2[0-4])([.:][0-5][0-9])? *[-]+ *([01][0-9]|2[0-4])([.:][0-5][0-9])?)?( *(h|uhr))?" # remove dots: color body brightwhite magenta "([01][0-9]|2[0-4])([:][0-5][0-9])? *[-]+ *([01][0-9]|2[0-4])([:][0-5][0-9])?)?( *(h|uhr))?" # 2017-05-19 # time ranges with hours and minutes # examples: "17:23 - 23:42 h" # color body brightyellow default '[012]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]h? ?- ?[012]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9] ?h?' # # 2017-06-13, 2017-07-07 # "zwischen 5h und 23h" # "von 5.23h bis 17:42 uhr" # 2018-12-07: "zwischen 7 und 9 uhr" color body black brightgreen "(ab|am|an|bis|gegen|um|von|vor|zwischen) *[012]?[0-9]([.:][0-5][0-9])?(h|uhr)? *(-|bis|und) *[012]?[0-9]([.:][0-5][0-9])?)?( *(h|uhr))?" # 2017-06-18, 2018-02-12 # simple times with "am" and "pm" # examples: "3am" "5pm" color body brightmagenta default '\<(0?[0-9]|1[012])([.:][0-5][0-9])? *(am|pm)\>' # 2002-04-10: Time Frames # matches: 10:00-12:00 09.30 - 13.30 # color body blue green "[012][0-9][.:][0-5][0-9](am|pm)? ?- ?([012][0-9][.:][0-5][0-9](am|pm)?)?" # 2015-11-28, 2015-12-07, 2017-11-13, 2017-12-20 # relative days # "heute morgen" "gestern nachmittag" color body brightyellow default '\<(vor)?gestern|heute|(ueber)?morgen|morgen *|(nach|vor)?mittag|abend)?\>' # 2020-01-31 color body brightmagenta default '(montag|dienstag|mittwoch|donnerstag|freitag|sonnabend|samstag|sonntag)' # 2017-06-14 # "jeden freitag" "letzten montag" color body brightmagenta default '(diesen|jeden|letzten|nächsten|vorherigen) *(montag|dienstag|mittwoch|donnerstag|freitag|sonnabend|samstag|sonntag)' # TEST: # color body black brightmagenta '(diesen|jeden|letzten|nächsten|vorherigen)' # # 2017-07-13 # $wochentag(morgen|mittag|abend) color body brightmagenta default '(montag|dienstag|mittwoch|donnerstag|freitag|sonnabend|samstag|sonntag) *(morgen|(nach)mittag|abend)' # # 2002-04-13, 2008-11-24, 2015-04-11, 2015-12-05: # Week Days - long form: # with "s?" at the end to catch eg "donnerstags" color body brightcyan default '\<(montag|dienstag|mittwoch|donnerstag|freitag|sonnabend|samstag|sonntag)s?\>' # 2017-06-14 # "am 3. dienstag im monat" color body brightmagenta default '(am)? *[1-5][.] *(montag|dienstag|mittwoch|donnerstag|freitag|sonnabend|samstag|sonntag)( *(des|im) monats?)?' # 2017-06-14, 2017-11-18 color body brightgreen default '\<(abends?|mittags?|morgens|nachmittags?|nachts|vormittags?)\>' # # Week Days (DE) - only three letters: # color body blue white '\<(mon|die|mit|don|fre|son|sam|son)\>' # Week Days (EN) - only three letters: # color body blue white '\<(mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun)\>' # # Week Days (DE) - only two letters: # color body brightyellow blue '\<(Mo|Di|Mi|Do|Fr|Sa|So)\>' color body brightyellow blue '(\|\|\|\|\|\|\)\>' # require uppercase! # Week Days (EN) - only two letters: # color body blue white '\<(mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa|su)\>' # # Week Day Ranges (DE): # example: mo-fr sa+so fr/so color body blue white '\<(mo|di|mi|do|fr|so|sa|so)[-+/](mo|di|mi|do|fr|so|sa|so)\>' # Week Day Ranges (EN): # example: mo-fr sa+su fr/su # WARNING: "so" and "we" are also proper words. kinda annoying.. # color body blue white '\<(mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa|su)[-+/](mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa|su)\>' # Week Days - long form: color body blue white '\<(monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday)\>' # Week Days - short form: # color body blue green "\\<(Mon|Die|Mit|Don|Fre|Sam|Son)\\>" # too many false positives as "die" and "mit" are proper german words. color body brightblue default "\\<(mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun)\\>" ## Date: header recognition ## example: Date: Thu Apr 6 12:07:00 MEST 1967 # Date: + weekday + month(short) + day + # time(hh:mm:ss) + timezone + year color body yellow blue \ "date: *\\<(mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun)\\>\ ?\\<(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)\\>\ ?([ 0]?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])\ ?([01][0-9]|2[0-4]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]\ ?[A-Z]{3,4}\ ?(19[789][0-9]|200[012])" # ## Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1967 12:07:00 +0000 color body yellow blue \ "date: *\\<(mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun)\\>,\ ?([ 0]?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])\ ?\\<(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)\\>\ ?(19[789][0-9]|200[012])\ ?([01][0-9]|2[0-4]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]\ ?[-+][0-9]{4}" # # 2002-11-16, 2017-06-22 # MMM DD HH:MM:SS # Nov 16 16:16:16 <- example color body brightyellow blue \ '\<(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)([a-z]+)?\>\ ?([ 0]?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])\ ?([01][0-9]|2[0-4]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]' # 2020-02-07 # time as HH:MM:SS # example: 23:42:05 color body brightyellow blue '\<([01][0-9]|2[0-4]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]\>' # 2015-11-19, 2017-06-22 # dates: dd.mm.yy # dots required. no spaces in betwen. # examples: 01.01.01 23.05.89 06.04.67 19.11.15 22.06.2017 # color body brightyellow blue '\<(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[.](19[0-9][0-9]|20[01][0-9])\>' # color body brightyellow blue '\<(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[.](19|20)?[0-9][0-9])\>' color body brightyellow blue '\<(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[.](19|20)?[0-9][0-9])' # 2016-11-27 # dates as "dd.mm.". dots required, no spaces. color body brightyellow blue '\<(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[.]' # 2017-06-18 # date ranges as "dd-dd.mm." color body brightyellow brightblue '\<(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.]-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012])[.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[.]' # 2015-11-19 "#Day (of) Mon(thname)" # example: "23. of May" "1st Apr" "19th of November" color body brightyellow default '\<[0-9][0-9]?[.]?(st|nd|rd|th)?( of)? \<(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)[a-z]*\>' # # 2015-11-01 "#Day Monthname #Year" # Monthname must start with capital letter. # examples: "1 Apr 2016" "1. APRIL 2016" # color body brightyellow default '([0-9][0-9]?-)?[0-9][0-9]?[.]? [A-z][A-Za-z]* (20)?[0-1][0-9]' # color body brightyellow default '([0-9][0-9]?-)?[0-9][0-9]?[.]? [A-z][A-Za-z]* 20?[0-1][0-9]' # "20" century mandatory: color body brightyellow default '[0-9][0-9]?[.]?(st|nd|rd|th)?( of)? *[A-Z][A-Za-z]* 20[012][0-9]' # # 2015-11-19 "#DayRange Monthname #Year" # examples: "19-23 November 2015" # color body brightblue default '[0-9][0-9]?-?[0-9][0-9]?[.]? [A-Z][A-Za-z]* 20[0-1][0-9]' # 2018-02-14 allow spaces around the dash: color body brightmagenta default '[0-9][0-9]?[.]? *-? *[0-9][0-9]?[.]? [A-Z][A-Za-z]* 20[012][0-9]' ## ======================================================================== ## END of DATE&TIME ## ======================================================================== # 2002-04-13, 2017-04-17 # Postleitzahlen (aka PLZ) (ZIP codes in Germany) # examples: "D-12345" and "D 12345" # color body yellow red "D[- ]?[0-9]\{5\}" # # Also colorize the following word if it starts with a # capital letter, assuming that it is the name of the town: color body yellow red "(D ?- ?)?[0-9]\{5\} *[A-Za-zäöüßÄÖÜ]+" # 2015-11-20 ZIP codes of Berlin (10115--14199), Graz, and Vienna: color body yellow red '1[0-4][0-9][0-9][0-9] *berlin' color body yellow red '8([01][0-9]|2[0-3])0 *graz' color body yellow red '1([01][0-9]|2[0-3])0 *(vienna|wien)' # 2015-12-05 # Berlin ZIP codes. these are all four digit prefixes - followed by any other digit: color body yellow red \ '(101[17]|1024|103[16]|104[03]|105[58]|1062|107[01]|107[78]|1082|109[69]|120[459]|121[056]|1220|122[047]|123[045]|124[3598]|125[258]|126[1278]|130[58]|131[258]|133[45]|134[036]|135[089]|1362|140[589]|141[0269])[0-9]' # here is the regex with *all* Berlin ZIP codes (604 chars) - no exceptions: # (101(1[579]|7[89]))|(102(4[3579]))|(103(1[5789]|6[579]))|(104(0[579]|3[579]))|(105(5[13579]|8[579]))|(106(2[3579]))|(107(0[79]|1[13579]))|(107(7[79]|8[13579]))|(108(2[3579]))|(109(6[13579]|9[79]))|(120(4[3579]|5[13579]|99))|(121(0[13479]|5[79]|6[13579]))|(122(0[3479]))|(122(0[3579]|4[79]|7[79]))|(123(0[579]|4[79]|5[13579]))|(124(3[579]|59|8[79]))|(125(2[467]|5[579]|8[79]))|(126(1[9]|2[1379]|79|8[13579]))|(130(5[13579]|8[689]))|(131(2[579]|5[689]|8[79]))|(133(4[79]|5[13579]))|(134(0[3579]|3[579]|6[579]))|(135(0[3579]|8[13579]|9[13579]))|(136(2[79]))|(140(5[023579]|89))|(141(09|29|6[3579]|9[3579])) # RTFM! # " man word" # color body white red '\\"man [^ ]+\\"' # color body white red "^ +[$]? *man [^ ]+" color body white red "^ +[$]? *man \\w+" # Lists # bulleted list: # * one o one # * two o two # * three o three # dashed list: # - one # - two # - three # color body red default "^ *[-*] +" # this pattern yields many false positives as it # spans lines for which there is no syntax language. # this is easier with Vim's syntax coloring. # # color body brightred default "^ *[-*] " # # allow minus (-), long-dash (–), star (*), and bullet (•). # subtle colors: # color body brightgreen default "^ *[-–*•]+ " # standout colors: color body brightwhite default "^ *[-–*•o]+ " # # color body brightyellow default "^[ ]*¿ " # 2016-11-29 # numbered lists # example: # (1) foo | 1) foo # (2) bar | 2) bar color body brightwhite default '^[(]?[0-9]+[)] ' # special IP Host Adresses: # 192.x.x.x color body white blue "192[.][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}" # 2002-04-05: # mutt has trouble with this iconv stuff and # gives me lots of characters in octal code - "\nnn" # color body red white "\\\\[0-7][0-7][0-7]" # however, this coloring does not work. # mutt obviously does not subject these characters # a color coding check but simply spews them out. # 2002-04-13, 2015-11-03, 2015-11-14 # HTML tags # color body yellow default "\" # "\w" is vim regexp! color body brightyellow default "" # 2002-04-13: # Quoted text in single quotes: # color body yellow default "'[a-z0-9 ]+'" # require that the text starts and ends with a letter: # color body yellow default "'\w[a-z0-9 ]+[a-z0-9.?!]'" # color body yellow default "'[a-z][a-z0-9 ]+[a-z0-9.?!]'" # will get you false positive on sentences like # it's a hard day's work # ^^^^^^^^^^^^ # too many false positives, actually! # # color body yellow default '"[a-z][a-z0-9 ]+[a-z0-9.?!]"' # color body yellow default '"\w[a-z0-9 ]+[a-z0-9.?!]"' # color body yellow default '"\w[a-z0-9 ]+\w"' ## color body yellow default '"\<\w[a-z0-9 ]+\w\>"' # # 2011-09-14 # quoting for level 1 and 2: # color body brightblue default '^> [^>]*' # color body brightgreen default '^> > [^>]*' # announcements to seminars and talks: # room numbers, eg "Raum 123" "SR 049" "Zimmer 123" color body black green "(H(oe|ö)rsaal|Raum|Seminarraum|SR|Zimmer) ?[0-9]+" # 2003-09-04, 2016-08-08, 2016-08-09, 2018-07-17 # programs and their versions numbers # examples: and mutt-1.5.4, mutt-1-5.23-3, mutt-1.6.2-1, mutt-1.10.0 color body brightyellow default "mutt([-_]| *)?[01]\.1?[0-9]\.[0-9]*([-][0-9]*)?([.](debian|dsc|orig|tar|gz|xz))+" # examples: mutt_1.6.2-1.dsc mutt_1.6.2.orig.tar.gz mutt_1.6.2-1.debian.tar.xz # slrn color body brightyellow default "slrn(-| *)0\.[789]\.[0-8]\.[0-9]" # 2002-04-14, 2016-02-09, 2016-02-15, 2016-05-02 # Linux Distributions and their versions color body white red '(linux *)?\<(arch|centos|debian|fedora|gentoo|redhat|(open)?suse|[lx]?ubuntu)\>( *linux)?' # 2016-05-13 # not so well knows linux systems: color body white red '\<(alpine|crux(ex)?|knoppix|mandrake|slackware|tinycore)( *linux)' # http://www.alpinelinux.org/about/ # https://crux.nu/ # http://tinycorelinux.net/ # http://cruxex.exton.net/ # "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS" color body yellow red 'ubuntu( *[01][0-9][.](04|10))?( *lts)?' # other free OSs: color body white red '(freebsd|netbsd|nixos|openbsd|solaris)' # Stucki's windoze patterns: # names of Windows[tm] # followed by some version # matches: windows-3.11 windoze-95 # windoof-nt win2k "winzigweich xp" color body blue yellow '\' color body black brightmagenta '\' color body black brightmagenta '\\*?' # # 2017-06-14, 2017-12-05 # examples: "Mac" "Mac OS" "Mac OS X" color body red default 'mac ?os ?x?' # CITIES, PLACES # Europe capitals [2004-03-03] # http://www.what-is-the-capital-of.com/europe-capitals.html color body white red \ '\<(amsterdam|andorra.la.vella|athens|belfast|belgrade|berlin|bern|bratislava|brussels|bucharest|budapest|cardiff|chisinau|copenhagen|dublin|edinburgh|helsinki|kiev|lisbon|ljubljana|london|luxembourg|madrid|minsk|monaco|moscow|oslo|paris|prague|reykjavik|riga|rome|san.marino|sarajevo|skopje|sofia|stockholm|tallinn|tbilisi|the.hague|tirane|vaduz|valletta|vienna|vilnius|warsaw|zagreb)\>' # 2009-05-19 # cities mentioned in a newsletter by germanwings color body white red \ '\<(berlin|belgrade|cologne-bonn|dresden|hamburg|leipzig|london|mallorca|munich|stockholm|stuttgart|vienna|warsaw|zagreb|zurich)\>' # 2002-11-16, 2006-10-31, 2010-01-12, 2016-07-07, 2016-11-22, 2017-10-29 # krautland - city names: color body white red \ '\<(aachen|augsburg|bad.salzuflen|bad.tölz|baden-baden|bamberg|bayreuth|bergheim|\ bergisch.gladbach|berlin|bielefeld|bocholt|bonn|braunschweig|bremen|bremerhaven|\ chemnitz|cottbus|düren|düsseldorf|darmstadt|detmold|dortmund|dresden|duesseldorf|\ elmshorn|erlangen|eschweiler|esslingen.am.neckar|euskirchen|\ flensburg|fürth|frankfurt(/main|/oder)?|freiburg|fulda|\ giessen|goerlitz|gütersloh|güttingen|garmisch-partenkirchen|\ halle|hamburg|hannover|heidelberg|heilbronn|herford|hilden|hildesheim|\ iserlohn|jena|koeln|köln|karlsruhe|kassel|kerpen|kiel|konstanz|krefeld|\ lübeck|lüdenscheid|leipzig|leverkusen|lippstadt|ludwigsburg|ludwigshafen|\ magdeburg|mainz|mannheim|marburg|minden|mönchengladbach|münchen|muenchen|münster|\ nürnberg|neumünster|neuss|neustadt|norderstedt|oberhausen|offenbach|oldenburg|\ paderborn|passau|pforzheim|pinneberg|potsdam|pulheim|\ ratingen|regensburg|remscheid|rheine|rostock|ruhrgebiet|\ saarbrücken|schwerin|siegen|solingen|st..augustin|stuttgart|\ troisdorf|ulm|viersen|villingen-schwenningen|\ würzburg|waiblingen|wiesbaden|wuppertal)s?\>' # krautland's federal states: color body white blue \ '\<(bayern|baden-w(ü|ue)rttemberg|berlin|bremen|brandenburg|hamburg|hessen|\ mecklenburg-vorpommern|niedersachsen|nordrhein-westfalen|rheinland-pfalz|\ saarland|sachsen|sachsen-anhalt|schleswig-holstein|th(ü|ue)ringen)\>' # berlin suburbs - new form (since 2001) color body green default \ '\<(charlottenburg-wilmersdorf|friedrichshain-kreuzberg|\ lichtenberg-hohenschönhausen|marzahn-hellersdorf|mitte|\ neukölln|pankow|reinickendorf|spandau|steglitz-zehlendorf|\ tempelhof-schöneberg|treptow-köpenick)\>' # berlin suburbs - old form (until 2001) color body green default \ '\<(charlottenburg|friedrichshain|hellersdorf|hohenschönhausen|\ kreuzberg|köpenick|lichtenberg|marzahn|mitte|neukölln|\ pankow|reinickendorf|schöneberg|spandau|steglitz|\ tempelhof|treptow|wilmersdorf|zehlendorf)\>' # 2016-12-10 # 'Kieze' - some smaller areas in berlin color body green default '(dahlem|grunewald|moabit|schmargendorf)' # vienna suburbs 2005-06-04 # 1.: Innere Stadt # 2.: Leopoldstadt # 3.: Landstrasse # 4.: Wieden # 5.: Margareten # 6.: Mariahilf # 7.: Neubau # 8.: Josefstadt # 9.: Alsergrund # 10.: Favoriten # 11.: Simmering # 12.: Meidling # 13.: Hietzing # 14.: Penzing # 15.: Rudolfsheim # 16.: Ottakring # 17.: Hernals # 18.: Währing # 20.: Brigittenau # 21.: Floridsdorf # 22.: Donaustadt # 23.: Liesing color body white red \ '\<(innere.stadt|leopoldstadt|landstrasse|wieden|margareten|mariahilf|neubau|josefstadt|alsergrund|favoriten|simmering|meidling|hietzing|penzing|rudolfsheim|ottakring|hernals|währing|brigittenau|floridsdorf|donaustadt|liesing)\>' # 2004-09-13 # cities in austria color body white red \ '\<(bregenz|eisenstadt|graz|innsbruck|klagenfurt|linz|salzburg|pölten|wien)\>' # 2017-03-30 # cities in switzerland color body white red '\<(basel|bern|genf|z(ue|ü)rich)\>' # 2016-09-16 # cities with events color body white red '\<(brüssel|dornbirn|dresden|eindhoven|essen|göteborg|hattingen|oberhausen|prag)\>' # Capitalized Words # color body black white '\<[A-Z]\w+\>' # 2017-01-25 # Finding myself in Emails color body brightyellow blue "(sven ?guckes)" color body brightyellow blue "(sveng|guckes)" # color body brightyellow blue "(Sven|Guckes)" color body brightyellow blue "[^ ]+@guckes.net" # 2002-09-20, 2016-12-10, 2017-07-26 # quoted-printable characters: =HH where 'H' is a hex digit # examples: "=20" (space) "=3D" (equal sign) # color body yellow blue "=[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]\>" # now with word boundary: # color body yellow blue "=[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]\>" color body white magenta "=[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]" # # a colon at the end of a line (this preserves a line ending): # color body yellow blue "=$" ## ======================================================================== ## TEST! ## ======================================================================== # Alternatives in brackets: # "[ foo | bar | foo bar | foo-bar | baz ]" # color body brightyellow brightred '\[ [-a-z ]+ (\| [-a-z ]+)+ \]' # DONNERWETTER -> ~/.mutt/color.donnerwetter # 2003-12-18 # vim commands, like ":center" and ":help uganda" color body green default '":[a-z]+ *[a-z]*"' # 2004-04-29 # file permissions eg "-rwx-rw-r--" color body green default "[-]([-r][-w][-x]){3}" # 2004-09-15 # colorize (quoted) subheader lines. # example: # > > [old subject] # > [new subject] # > forget the old subject! # color body white red '^[> ]*[.*] *$' # 2004-11-05 # color for highbit characters: # 2007-05-09: # mutt 1.5.15 chokes on the following line: # color body yellow red '[€-ÿ]' # 2005-02-06, 2013-02-26, 2014-09-22, 2016-12-28 # color for gpg/gpg fingerprints # color body red green "\(\([0-9a-f]{4}\) *\){5}" # # color body red green "fingerprint: \([0-9A-F]{4}\){5} \([0-9A-F]{4}\){5}" # color body red green "\([0-9A-F]{4}\){5} \([0-9A-F]{4}\){5}" # allowing for some spaces in between the first and second five blocks: # color body red green "\([0-9A-F]{4} \){5} ?\( [0-9A-F]{4}\){5}" # color body red green "fingerprint: \([0-9A-F]{4} \){5} ?\( [0-9A-F]{4}\){5}" # block of four hex - 10 of them. with one or two spaces in between: color body brightred default "fingerprint: \([0-9A-F]{4} ? ?\){10}" # beispiel: # 1234 5678 CAFE DEAD BEEF 1234 5678 CAFE DEAD BEEF # 12345123451234512345ABCDEABCDEABCDEABCDEABCDEABCDE # 11111222223333344444555551111122222333334444455555 # # Primary key fingerprint: CF51 CB88 7D9A B184 AD50 21F4 DA6B 2836 5A21 B2D0 # Subkey fingerprint: 4F7E 9F72 3D19 7D66 7842 AE11 5F04 8E6F 0E4B 4494 # # a possible fingerprint - five or ten groups of four hex each: color body brightred green "(0x *)?\([0-9a-f]{4} ?\){10}" color body brightred green "(0x *)?\([0-9a-f]{4} ?\){5}" # 2016-12-07 # gpg: short IDs and long IDs # example: "0x 1234 5678 ABCD EF01" # color body brightred green "(0x *)?\([0-9a-f]{4} ?\){2}" # color body brightred green "(0x *)?\([0-9a-f]{4} ?\){4}" # .. these also matched only four-letter-suffixes, # eg "ABCD" and (embe)"dded" o_O # # color body brightwhite green '(0x *)?([0-9a-f]{4} ?){2}' # color body brightyellow green '(0x *)?([0-9a-f]{4} ?){4}' # color body brightwhite green '([0-9a-f]{4} ?){2}' color body brightyellow green '([0-9a-f]{4} ?){4}' # 2015-09-11, 2016-09-04, 2017-09-17 ## # example: "key ID 1234ABCD" ## color body red green 'key ID [0-9A-F]{8}\> ## color body black green 'key ID [0-9A-F]{16}\> ## color body black green 'key ID [0-9A-F]{32}\> ## # 2016-02-21, 2017-09-17 ## # keys ## color body black white '(public )?key [0-9a-f]{8}' ## color body black green '(public )?key [0-9a-f]{16}' ## color body black green '(public )?key [0-9a-f]{32}' ## color body black brightyellow '(public )?key [0-9a-f]{40}' ## # 2005-02-01, 2016-03-09 ## # color for gpg/pgp key IDs with 0x prefix ## # examples: 0x0185391B 0xeab97f200185391b ## color body yellow red "0x[0-9a-f]{8}" ## color body yellow red "0x[0-9a-f]{16}" # 2017-09-17 color body black white '(public )?key (ID)? (0x)?[0-9a-f]{8}' color body black green '(public )?key (ID)? (0x)?[0-9a-f]{16}' color body black green '(public )?key (ID)? (0x)?[0-9a-f]{32}' color body black brightyellow '(public )?key (ID)? (0x)?[0-9a-f]{40}' # ...., 2017-06-30, 2017-07-11 # PGP strings: color body brightyellow default "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----" color body brightyellow default "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----" color body brightyellow default "-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" color body brightyellow default "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" # 2016-12-11 # examples: pubkey seckey "public key" "secret key" color body brightgreen default 'pub(lic)? *key' color body brightred default 'sec(ret)? *key' color body brightred default 'private *key' # DE: color body brightgreen default 'geheimer *schlüssel' color body brightred default 'priv(ater)? *schlüssel' # 2013-02-26 # md5sums numbers - 32 hex # echo -n | md5sum # d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - color body brightred green "\([0-9a-f]{32}\)" # 2016-12-08 # sha1sum number - 40 hex # echo -n |sha1sum # da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 - color body brightred green "\([0-9a-f]{40}\)" # 2016-12-08 # sha1sum number - 64 hex # echo -n | sha256sum # e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 - color body brightred green "\([0-9a-f]{64}\)" # 2015-12-09 # set a special color for the "good signature" text which should # come from gpg (or pgp) after the verification of the signature. # color body brightmagenta red "good signature" color body brightmagenta brightred "good signature" # blinks! eek! # # "gpg: BAD signature from ..." color body black brightred "bad signature" # # 2016-12-11 color body black brightred "this key has expired" # 2005-06-02 LaTeX commands, eg "\foo{bar}" color body white blue '\\\<[a-z]+\>\(\{.*\}\)?' # 2005-08-11 # UKUUG in swansea # color body yellow blue "(wales|swansea|bristol)" # 2005-09-18 # CAcert # color body white blue "assured .*(.*)" # 2005-12-23 NOTIFY color body white blue ".* joined your .*" color body white red ".* unsubscribed from .*" # 2009-05-04, 2015-11-21, 2016-09-14, 2016-09-30, 2017-04-16 # twitter tags # color body brightgreen default '\*[0-9a-z]+' # trying this with a word boundary: # color body brightred default '\*\<[0-9a-z]+\>' # these work quite well: color body brightgreen default '#\<[-0-9a-z_]+\>' color body brightgreen default '@\<[-0-9a-z_]+\>' # examples: #vim @foo_bar @a-b-c # 2009-06-17 linuxwiki.de changes # 2015-11-11 also valid in vim patches color body green default '^\+ .*' # some lines are "empty" color body green default '^\+$' # color body green default '^! .*' # 2020-11-08 # vim reserved words in patches # color body white green '\<(alloc|case|defined|else|if|int|struct|typedef|void)\>' # "if|then|else" appears in too many other contexts :-/ color body white green '\<(alloc|case|defined|int|struct|typedef|void)\>' color body brightred default '[*](buf|name|self)\>' # comments in vim code color body brightyellow default '//' color body brightyellow default '(/[*]|[*]/)' # curly braces in vim code only with spaces before them color body brightyellow default '(^ *\{|^ *\})' # color body brightblue default '(^[\t ]*\{|^[\t ]*\})' # 2010-09-30, 2010-11-22, 2018-04-25 # wiki style section headers # color body brightyellow default "^= .* =$" # 2018-02-26 allowing whitespace before first equal sign color body brightyellow default "^ *= .* =$" # color body brightgreen default "^== .* ==$" color body brightgreen default "^==.*==$" color body brightred default "^ *==.*==$" color body brightgreen default "^#\+" # 2018-06-17 color body brightgreen default "^== " # # 2016-09-25 # example: "## CryptoParty 46 ##" color body brightgreen default "^##[^#]+##$" # # 2017-12-09 # example: "## Notes" color body brightgreen default "^##[^#]+$" # 2012-01-23 # fingerprint of 2048bit key # 00:a8:b0:7f:09:c6:7c:54:84:61:a9:26:06:be:58: # 78:e8:e0:33:6b:ef:f0:09:a1:18:20:af:30:dd:73: color body brightyellow default '([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]:){15}[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]' # 2017-03-13 # MAC addresses # example: 12:34:56:ab:cd:ef color body brightyellow magenta '([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]:){5}[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]' # 2012-03-11, 2016-01-26 # "subject lines" - ie lines with only one word, # followed by a colon or exclamation mark: # example: "deadline!" or "meetup:" color body brightyellow default '^[a-z_]+[:!]$' color body brightyellow default '^[a-z_]+[:!] +' # # 2017-12-16 # example: "Configure options:" "Compilation CFLAGS:" "Compile options:" color body brightmagenta default '^[a-z_]+ [a-z_]+[:!]' # 2013-02-27 # example: "( A != B ) && ( B || C )" # logical operators in code color body green default '!=' color body green default '&&' color body green default '\|\|' # comments in code # example: "/* no comment? */" color body brightblue default '/\*.*\*/' # 2015-12-30 # example: "^ # this is a comment" color body brightblue default '^ *# ' # patch number in mails on vim mailing list: # example: "Patch 7.4.900" [as of 2015-10-25] color body red white 'Patch [0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]+' # 2015-10-27 # example line in this setup file: color body brightblue default "^# example:" # 2015-10-30 # UTF-8 Quotations marks # example: „Netzneutralität" “Artist Run Data Center” # <“> 8220, Hex 201c, Oktal 20034 # <”> 8221, Hex 201d, Oktal 20035 # <„> 8222, Hex 201e, Oktal 20036 # color body brightwhite default '¿[^ ]+"' # color body brightwhite default '¿.+["¿]' # color body brightyellow default '[¿¿"][^"¿¿]+["¿¿]' # # color body brightyellow default '[„”"].+[”“"]' # ".*" and ".+" are just too greedy :-/ # # color body brightyellow default '[„“”"][^„“”"]+[”“"]' # color body brightyellow default '[„“”"]+[^„“”"]+[”“"]' # 2018-01-31 require a non-space inside first: color body brightyellow default '[„“”"]+[^ ][^„“”"]+[”“"]' # 2016-09-15: the first '+' is apparently required # to colorize the initial character set. weird! o_O # 2015-10-30 # example: "*Achtung*:" color body green default '^\*[^:]+:\*' # 2015-11-01 dash-words # example: "up-to-date" # color body brightyellow default '[a-zäöüß]+(-[a-zäöüß]+)+' # WARNING: this may overlap with special words, # eg "Werner-Eckert-Straße" # try again with word boundaries: # color body brightyellow default '\<[a-zäöüß]+(-[a-zäöüß]+)+\>' # color body brightmagenta default '\<[a-zäöüß]+(-[a-zäöüß]+)+\>' color body brightmagenta default '\<[a-zäöüß0-9]+(-[a-zäöüß0-9]+)+\>' # 2015-11-01 # examples: "1-5" "23-42" "1967-2067" # color body brightred default "[0-9]+-[0-9]+" # 2015-11-03 # long option names # examples: "--fast" "--super-speed" # color body brightred default "--[a-z][-a-z]+" # test for match with magenta: color body brightmagenta default "--[a-z][-a-z]+" # 2015-11-06 # quoted text in single and double arrows # color body brightred default '»[^ ]+«' color body brightred default '›.+‹' color body brightred default '».+«' # 2015-11-16, 2015-12-17, 2017-06-12 # street names # examples: "Lehrter Straße 53" "Detmolder Str. 3" # "Foostrasse 23-42c" "Foobarweg" "Werner-Eckert-Straße2 # color body black green "[^ ]+straße" # color body black green '\<[^ ]+ *(strasse\>|straße\>|str|weg)\>( *[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?[a-z]?)?' # 2017-06-14: lowercase "weg" matches "ich bin dann mal weg". # so i uppercased "weg" to "Weg". now it matches "auf meinem Weg". argh! # color body black green '\<[^ ]+ *(strasse|straße|str|Weg)\>( *[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?[a-z]?)?' # require te word before to start with a capital letter: # color body black green '\<[A-ZÄÖÜ][^ ]+ *(strasse|straße|str|Weg)\>( *[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?[a-z]?)?' # the 'W' makes the match case sensitive, so "straße" wont match "Straße". # color body black green '\<[A-ZÄÖÜ][^ ]+ *([Ss]trasse|[Ss]traße|[Ss]tr|Weg)\>( *[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?[a-z]?)?' # so, make it two rules - one for straße and one for "weg": # color body black green '\<[A-ZÄÖÜ][^ ]+ *(strasse|straße|str)\>( *[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?[a-z]?)?' color body black green '\<[A-ZÄÖÜ][^ ]+ *(Weg)\>( *[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?[a-z]?)?' color body black green '\<[A-ZÄÖÜ][^ ]+weg\>( *[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?[a-z]?)?' # 2017-07-17 expanding addresses to several house numbers. # examples: "Schwedter Str. 8/9b" "FooStr. 23a-42z" # color body black green '\<[A-ZÄÖÜ][^ ]+ *(strasse|straße|str[.]?)\>( *[0-9]+[a-z]?)?( *[-/][0-9]+[a-z]?)?)?' # 2018-02-15 "[^ ]+" is a bit too much. # color body black green '\<[A-ZÄÖÜ][-a-zäöüß]+ *(strasse|straße|str[.]?)\>( *[0-9]+[a-z]?)?( *[-/][0-9]+[a-z]?)?)?' # 2018-02-19 adding word boundaries: color body black green '\<[A-ZÄÖÜ][-a-zäöüß]+ *(strasse\>|straße\>|str[.]?\>)( *[0-9]+[a-z]?)?( *[-/][0-9]+[a-z]?)?' color body black brightgreen '\<[a-zäöü][-a-zäöüß]+ *(strasse\>|straße\>|str\>[.]?)( *[0-9]+[a-z]?)?( *[-/][0-9]+[a-z]?)?' # # "str." does not match with "\>", so an extra rule for that: # color body brightred default '\<[^ ]+ *str[.]( *[0-9]+([-/][0-9]+)?[a-z]?)?' # color body white brightmagenta '\<[^ ]+ *(str[.]?|straße)( *[0-9]+[a-z]?)?([-/][0-9]+[a-z]?)?' # 2018-02-15 "[^ ]+" is a bit too much. # color body white brightmagenta '\<[-a-zäöüß]+ *(str[.]?\>|straße\>)( *[0-9]+[a-z]?)?([-/][0-9]+[a-z]?)?' # 2018-02-19 start with an uppercase letter: color body white brightmagenta '\<[A-Z][-a-zäöüß]+ *(pfad|str[.]?\>|straße\>)( *[0-9]+[a-z]?)?([-/][0-9]+[a-z]?)?' # WARNING: # the pattern "str." also matches "distribution" and "mainstream" as a street name ;-) # therefore: making the dot in "str." mandatory again. # # examples: "Kurfürstendamm 123" "Kottbusser Damm 23a" # "Foobargasse 1/2/3" "Museumplatz" "Berliner Allee" # examples: "Halemweg 35-43" "Lerschpfad 12-16" "Masurenallee 4-6" # the following spaces also require a number and # the following letter requires that number. # color body green default '[^ ]+ ?(allee|damm|gasse|pfad|platz)\>( *([-0-9/]+[a-z]?))?' # 2018-02-23 require the name to have at least three letters: color body green default '[^ ]{3,} ?(allee|damm|gasse|pfad|platz)\>( *([-0-9/]+[a-z]?))?' # # 2017-06-29 # Postfachadresse # example: "Postfach 12 34 56" color body green default 'postfach *[0-9 ]+' # 2015-11-16 # meters # example: 42.195m (marathon) color body green default "\<\([0-9]+.\)?[0-9]+m" # added word boundary # 2015-11-16 # geo coordinates # example: 52.532088, 13.358150 color body black green "[0-9][0-9][.][0-9]{6}" # 2015-11-16, 2015-12-05, 2017-01-24 # pgp keys # example: "pgp:57f7709" "pgp: 0x0185391B" color body brightyellow default "(open)pgp:? *\(0x\)?[0-9a-f]{8,16}" color body brightyellow green '(1024|2048|3072|4096|8192)[dr]/[0-9a-f]{8}' # just these powers of two: 2^10, 2^11, 2^12 - standard bitlenghts of gpg keys color body brightyellow green '\<(1024|2048|4096)( ?bit)?\>' # 2016-01-18, 2017-01-31 # show DSA and RSA keys in different colors # example: 1024 bit DSA key 162540FA, created: 2003-03-15 (revoked) # example: 2048 bit RSA key 76240F29, created: 2010-03-02 color body brightred green "DSA key [0-9a-f]{8}\>" color body brightyellow green "RSA key [0-9a-f]{8}\>" # 2017-01-31 for long IDs: color body brightred green "DSA key [0-9a-f]{16}\>" color body brightyellow green "RSA key [0-9a-f]{16}\>" # 2015-11-16, 2015-12-05, 2016-08-26 # gpg/pgp pub+sub keys # example: "pub 1024R/57F77F09" # 2016-08-26 added repetition of "16" for lond key IDs color body brightyellow green "[ps]ub *[0-9]{4}[dr]/[0-9a-f]{8}" color body brightyellow green "[ps]ub *[0-9]{4}[dr]/[0-9a-f]{16}" color body brightyellow green "^uid" # 2015-11-25 # gpg/pgp expiry date of keys (yyyy-mm-dd) # example: "[expires: 2015-12-31]" # color body white red '\[expires: \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\]' color body white red '\[expires: 20[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]\]' # 2015-11-16, 2015-11-23 # footnotes # examples: "[1]" "[02]" "[10]" "[99]" # color body brightred default "\\[[0-9]\]" color body brightred default '\[[0-9]?[0-9]\]' # 2015-11-16, 2017-07-04 # antispam email addresses # examples: "user(at)domain" "user (at) domain" # color body brightblue default "\\<[^ ]+\\> (at) \\<[^ ]+\\>" # color body brightblue default "\<[^ ]+\> (at) \<[^ ]+\>" # color body brightblue default "[^ ]+ \\(at\\) [^ ]+" # color body brightgreen default '[^ ]+ \(at\) [^ ]+' color body brightgreen default '[^ ]+ *\(at\) *[^ ]+' # 2015-11-16, 2017-02-03 # measurements in gigabyte # example: "4GB" "0.5 GB" "4,2 Tbit down" "2,3 tbit up" color body brightyellow default '([0-9]+[.,])?[0-9]+ *(kb|mb|gb|tb)(it)?( *(down|up))?' # 2017-02-03 the optional digits before comma/dot are NOT caught! o_O # 2015-11-17 # words with a genitive suffix ("'s" and "s'"): color body brightwhite default "\\<[^ ]+['’]s\\>" color body brightwhite default "\\<[^ ]+s['’]\\>" # 2015-11-17,2015-11-19,2015-11-20,2015-11-27,2015-11-28, # 2015-12-21,2016-01-13,2016-01-20,2016-02-09,2017-07-22,2018-01-31 # numbers followed by various units # # electricity: ampere volt watt # examples: 42A 100Ah 1234mAh 23°C 23dBi 10mg 23.42kg 500-ml 42m² 1234mm 230V 3W 123mW 42Wh 42uF # color body brightyellow default '\<([0-9]+.)?[0-9]+[- ]*(a|ah|ampere|mah|dbi|dbm|ma|°c?|g|kg|ml|v|volt|mvw|mw|w|wh|watt)\>' color body brightyellow default '[0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)?[- ]*(a|ah|ampere|mah|dbi|dbm|ma|v|volt|mvw|mw|w|k?wh|watt)\>' # 2017-06-08, 2017-07-22 # ohm and farad # examples: 0,15µF+2x2700pF 23uF color body brightyellow default '\<[0-9]+[.,0-9]*[- ]*(µ|p|u)?(f|ohm)\>' # weight: grams kilograms | degrees celsius # examples: 23kg color body brightyellow default '[0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)? *(°c?|grad|k?g)\>' # 2016-01-28, 2016-02-28, 2017-07-22 # tempratures (celsius and fahrenheit) # examples: 23,5°C color body brightyellow default '\<[0-9]+([.,0-9]+)? *°?(C|F)\>' # length, area, and volume: # examples: 1234mm 42.195km 23meter 42m² 42qm 42m2 color body brightyellow default '\<([0-9]+[.,])?[0-9]+[- ]*(cm|km|m?l|m|m2|m?m\^2|m²|metern?|mm|nm|qm|quadratmeter)\>' # data: 1024bytes 1k 1kb 23MiB 12GiB "100 Mbit" 42Mbit/s 42Mbps 23TiB 0815KiB color body brightyellow default '\<([0-9]+[.,])?[0-9]+[- ]*(bytes|k|([gkmt]i?b)(it)?(/s)?|mbps)\>' # todo: use different colors for magnitudes: bytes Kilo Mega Giga Tera # duration/time: color body brightyellow default '\<([0-9]+[.,])?[0-9]+[- ]*(mins?|minute(n|s)|hours|sek(unden)?)\>' # 23min 5stunden 2tage 3wochen 4monate 5jahre color body brightyellow default '\<[0-9]+ *(min|minuten?|stunden|tage|wochen|monate|jahre)\>' # frequency: "2,3 Ghz" "2,4Mhz" color body brightyellow default '\<([0-9]+[.,])?[0-9]+[- ]*(ghz|khz|mhz|hz)\>' # 2015-12-04 # small times in milliseconds: # example: "3.14159 ms" # color body brightyellow default '\<([0-9]+.)?[0-9]+ *ms\>' # 2016-11-23 optional "m" color body brightyellow default '\<([0-9]+.)?[0-9]+ *m?s\>' color body brightyellow default '\<([0-9]+.)?[0-9]+ *total>' # 2018-01-31 # inches.. some special ones: color body brightmagenta default '(2.5|3.5)"' # pieces: color body brightyellow default '[0-9]+ *(stueck|stück)' # 2015-11-20 repetition. read "23x" as "23 times": color body brightyellow default '\<[0-9]+x\>' # 2015-11-17, 2017-07-05 color body brightred white "eintritt (ist)? *frei" color body brightred white "freier eintritt" color body brightred white "free of charge" color body black green "registration required" color body brightyellow default "public event" # 2015-11-19, 2015-11-20, 2015-12-06, 2015-12-08, 2015-12-09, # 2015-12-29, 2016-01-25, 2016-11-29, 2017-01-25, 2017-06-14 # people in the tech scene: color body brightgreen default '\<(geek|hacker|nerd|maker|tinkerer)s?\>' # communitiesnd (linux) user groups # examples: BeLUG devLUG LugMoe upLUG color body brightyellow magenta 'linux ?user ?group' color body brightyellow magenta '(belug|devlug|lugmoe|uplug|vimberlin)' # some hackerspaces and makerspaces: color body brightgreen default '\<(hackerspaces?|makerspaces?|(repair|reparatur) ?caf[eé]s?)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(0xff|afra|balista|brmlab)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(c-?base|c3d2|cccb|chaos computer club|chaos macht schule|chaosdorf|chaostreff|chaotikum)s?\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(devlol|dezentrale|eigenbaukombinat|elok|)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(fab.lab|fablab.berlin|fablabdd|f2a.space|fnordeingang|freies?.?labor)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(happylab|h.a.t.e.o.t.u.|in-berlin|individual ?network)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(krautspace|linuxworks!?|metalab|nbsp|nobreakspace|ok ?lab|openlab)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(progressbar|realraum|shackspace|stratum0?|sublab|technik.cafe|toppoint)\>' # some event types: color body brightgreen default '(barcamp|lightning[- ]?talks?|unconference|linuxtreff)' # a few event names # 2016-09-16, 2016-12-10, 2017-03-23, 2017-05-12, 2017-05-17, 2017-05-19, # 2017-06-11, 2017-06-16, 2017-06-18, 2017-07-02, 2017-07-07, 2017-07-12, # 2017-07-20, 2017-07-22, 2017-07-28, 2018-02-22 color body brightgreen default '\<(31c3|32c3|33c3|34c3|35c3)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(bundesdatenschau|chemnitzer linux[- ]?tagen?)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(chaos communication congress|committer ?conf|congress ?everywhere|datenspuren|digitale ?woche? kiel)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(debconf|easterhegg|fosdem|freedom ?not ?fear|froscon|games ?camp|geekend|grazer ?linux-?tage)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(hack ?around ?the ?clock|hack ?& ?make|hacken.open.air|hackover|hack ?your ?city|hillhacks)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(kieler ?linux ?tage|knoppixtage?|linux ?con)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(linux ?presentation ?day|linux ?days?|linuxtage?|linuxwochen)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(minidebcamp|minidebconf|mrmcd[01]*b?|nerdnight|nook( ?2017)?|open ?commons)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(open common kongress|openrheinruhr|open ?tech ?summit|sha ?2017|t-?dose)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(t(ue|ü)bix|vcfb|vintage computing festival|where ?camp|world usability day)\>' # generals names of places: color body brightgreen default '\<(fablab|(hacker|maker) *space)s?\>' color body brightgreen default '(do ?it ?yourself|do ?it ?together)' color body brightgreen default '(offene werkst(ä|ae)tten|reparierinitiative)' # cool hardware color body brightgreen default '(3d[- ]?(drucke?[nr]?|filament|printers?|zeug)|cnc ?mills|laser cutters)' # names of small maschines: color body brightgreen default '\<(arduino|banana.pi|rasp(berry.)?pi|olimex|iot|reprap)s?\>' # operating systems: color body brightgreen default '\<(debian|fedora|linux|mint|nixos|suse|tails|ubuntu)\>' color body brightred default '\<((mac *)?os *x|windows)\>' # the holy command line! color body brightgreen default '\<(kommandozeile|shell)\>' # known projects: color body brightgreen default '\<(blender|git|latex|mozilla|open ?street ?map)\>' # web browsers: color body brightgreen default '\<(chromium|dillo|firefox|internet ?explorer|midori|qutebrowser|safari|w3m)\>' # sites for storing source code: color body brightgreen default '\<(bitbucket|github|sourceforge)\>' # terms of freedom: color body brightgreen default '\<((frei?e[rs]?|open) *(access|hardware|science|software|source|space|wissen)?)\>' color body brightgreen default '(coreboot|libreboot)' color body brightgreen default '((hardware|software) ?freedom ? day)' # licenses color body brightgreen default 'creative commons' color body brightgreen default 'open (source)? ?\<(data|education|hardware|software)\>' # special terms: color body brightgreen default '\<(backdoor|crypto(anarchy|currency|graphy|part(y|ies))?|encryption|fingerprint|passphrase|password|privacy|secret|security)\>' # event names: color body brightgreen default '\<(Congress|Camp|ctf|crypto|install)part(y|ies)|jugend ?hackt|repair ?cafe|linuxtreff)\>' # crypto: color body brightgreen default '\<(bitcoin|enigmail|gpg|gpgme|gpgsm|gnupg|mailvelope|)' color body brightgreen default '\<((open)?pgp|openssl|pep|pubring|secring|s/mime|tor)' color body brightred default '\<(intellectual property|p2p)\>' color body white red '\<(gnunet|nextcloud|onionshare|owncloud|retroshare|tribler)\>' # some programming languages: color body brightyellow default '\<(c([+][+])?|go|lisp|lua|perl|python|ruby)\>' # 2016-06-21, 2020-11-15 MTAs: color body brightgreen default '(exim|postfix|qmail|sendmail|msmtp)' # 2016-12-31 tools color body brightgreen default '(aspell|ispell|urlview)' # 2017-01-27 color body brightgreen default '\<(arm|powerpc|sparc64|x86)\>' # 2015-11-19, 2015-11-20, 2015-11-21 # header lines of forwarded mails in german and english: # weirdness: some use 5 dashes, most use 8 dashes, some use 10. # mostly there is one space after the dashes, # but sometimes there are also two spaces - # and also had one with zeo spaces. (wtf??) # color body yellow default "-+ Forwarded Message -+". # that's why after the dashes ("-+") there # *may* be spaces (" *") - and vice versa. color body yellow default '^-+ *ursprüngliche (mitteilung|nachricht) *-+' color body yellow default '^-+ *original-nachricht *-+' color body yellow default '^-+ *original message *-+' color body yellow default '^-+ *mail original *-+' # color body yellow default '^-+ *forwarded message *-+' color body yellow default '^-+ *weitergeleitete nachricht *-+' # # 2017-01-31 removed the space after the colon # because a GMX user had used a "A0" there. o_O color body yellow default '^ *\<(an|von|betreff|datum|verschickt|gesendet|antwort an|liste|grund):' color body yellow default '^ *\<(date|from|subject|cc|to|reply-to|newsgroups|organization):' # Gesendet: ... # An: ... Liste: # Von: ... Von: # Betreff: ... Betreff: # Datum: ... Grund: # Antwort an: ... # # english: spanish: french: # To: ... De: ... De: ... # From: ... Asunto: ... À: ... # Subject: ... Para: ... Envoyé: ... # Date: ... Fecha: ... Objet: ... # Reply-To: ... # 2015-11-19 # umlauts - those weird german characters ;-) ##color body brightwhite default "[äöüß]" # 2015-12-09, 2016-01-13 # check that czech! ;) color body brightwhite default "[áčďéěĕíňřšťúůýž]" # 2015-12-09, 2016-01-15 # punctuation at the end of the line: color body brightred default '[.…,;:!?]+$' # '+' as there could be several.. like dots... # 2015-12-17 # punctuation within lines (followed by a space): # color body brightyellow default '[.…,;:!?] ' # unfortunately, this breaks all patterns which # contain a dot, such as dates ("6. April 1967"). # 2015-11-19 # numbering at start of line # example: # 1. first # 2. second # 3. third color body brightwhite default '^[0-9]+[.]' # 2015-11-19, 2018-11-30 # IBAN/SEPA numbers - 20 to 30 digits # 30 digits: Jordanien, Kuwait, Mauritius # example: DE50430609678205793100 OpenLab Augsburg # example: DE37370205005459545914 Digital Courage color body brightwhite blue "DE[0-9]\{20,22\}" # # extending length to allow for five more spaces # example: "DE 02 8306 5408 0004 7788 12" (Konglomerat e.V) color body brightwhite red "DE ?[ 0-9]\{20,27\}" # # 2017-09-30 # example: # IBAN DE18 2512 0510 6980 1308 81 [Campact e.V.] color body brightmagenta default "DE[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]{4} [0-9]+" # # 2015-12-09 # IBAN/SEPA numbers - in blocks of four digits: # example: "DE23 2342 0815 4711 3141 59" # color body brightwhite default "DE[0-9][0-9] ([0-9]{4} ){4} *[0-9]+" # 2019-02-03 color body brightmagenta default "DE[0-9]{2} ([0-9]{4} )*{4}[0-9]+" # 2015-11-20, 2015-12-17 # highlight summaries ("too long; didn't read"): # highlight the rest of the kine, too. color body black brightwhite "tl;?dr:.*" # 2015-11-20, 2015-11-27, 2017-10-05, 2018-02-25 # possible domain names: # 123.de foo.com blah.org guckes.net # traditional TLDs: color body black brightwhite '\<([-.a-z0-9])+[.](com|edu|gov|net|org)\>' # 2018-02-25 # two letters: color body yellow magenta \ '\<([-.a-z0-9])+[.](ar|at|au|be|br|ca|cc|ch|cn|co|cx|cz|de|dk|ee|eu|fr|gh|hk|ie|im|io|it|jp|li|lk|lu|me|nl|no|nu|nz|pl|pt|pw|ru|se|st|su|tk|to|tv|tw|ua|uk|us)\>' # three letters: color body yellow magenta '\<([-.a-z0-9])+[.](bid|biz|box|ceo|men|ngo|pro)\>' # four letters: color body brightmagenta default '\<([-.a-z0-9])+[.](asia|club|coop|date|info|nameolsr)' color body brightmagenta default '\<([-.a-z0-9])+[.](funk|olsr)' # five+ letters: color body brightmagenta default \ '\<([-.a-z0-9])+[.](berlin|design|jetzt|local|store|university|works)' # 2015-11-20 # perl words: foo::bar::baz color body black brightwhite '\<([a-z]+::)+[a-z]+\>' # 2015-11-20 # "tor (exit) node(s)" color body black brightwhite 'tor (exit)? nodes?' # 2015-11-20 color body black brightwhite '\<(apache|wordpress)\>' # 2015-11-20, 2016-01-16, 2017-07-09, 2017-07-26 # arrows # examples: "->" "--->" color body brightyellow default '(<-+|<=+|=+>|-+>)' # 2015-11-20 # enumerating with letters # example: (a) (b) (c) .. color body brightyellow default '\([a-z]\)' # 2015-11-21 # lines with topic # "[let's talk about ...]" color body brightyellow blue '^\[.*\]$' # 2015-11-21 # wann/wer/wo - fuer termine. # example: # wann: morgen # wer: alle # wo: adresse color body black white '^(wann|wer|wo):' # 2015-11-26, 2016-02-21, 2016-03-01 # example: "IPv4" "IPv6" "ip4" "ip6" "v4" "v6" color body brightyellow blue '\' color body brightyellow blue '\' # 2015-11-26 # manuals! # example: screen(1) color body brightyellow blue '[a-z]+[(][0-7][)]' # 2015-11-26, 2016-01-27, 2017-09-12 # Binnen-I "Aktivist.innen" "Kunstler*innen" "Student_innen" color body brightgreen default '[-a-zäöüß]+[._*]innen' # 2016-01-19 # das Binnen-I o_O color body white green 'Innen\>' # 2017-06-18 # politisch korrekte worte (oder so) # examples: "jede*r" "er*sie" color body brightgreen default '[a-zäöüß]+[._*][a-zäöüß]+' # 2015-11-26, 2015-11-27, 2016-02-22 # companies, products, programs # phone companies in DE color body black brightgreen '\<(e-?plus|o2|telef[oó]nica|telekom|vodacom|vodafone)\>' # phone manufacturers color body default brightgreen '\<(blackberry|ericsson|motorola|nokia|iphone|samsung)\>' # laptop brands color body black brightgreen '\<(asus|intel|thinkpad)\>' # this&that color body black brightgreen '\<(akamai|cloudfront|limewire|nvidia)\>' # well-known companies and services color body black brightgreen '\<(amazon|apple|dell|dropbox|ebay|evernote|facebook|google( ?drive)?|hewlett ?packard|instagram|lenovo|microsoft|netflix|slack|symantec|twitter|youtube|whatsapp|wikipedia)\>' # 2016-10-02, 2016-12-28, 2017-01-30 # messengers color body black brightgreen '\<(chatsecure|facebook ?messenger|google ?hangouts|signal|skype|telegram|threema|whatsapp|wire)\>' color body black brightgreen '\<(bitmessage|protonmail|ricochet|tutanota)\>' # encryption color body black brightgreen '\<(wep|wpa([12])?|wps)\>' # 2015-11-27,2015-12-21,2016-01-02,2016-01-17,2016-03-02, # 2016-05-02,2016-08-08,2016-12-09,2016-12-11,2017-01-15 # programs # - GNU Tools # color body brightgreen default '\\<(cp|dd|grep|iw|ls|mkdir|mv|rm|rmdir|wc)\\>' # two-letter commands - now with word boundaries around each one of them. # color body brightgreen default '\<(cp|dd|iw|ls|mv|rm|wc)\>' color body brightgreen default '(\|\|\|\|\|\|\)' # color body brightgreen default '\<(grep|mkdir|rmdir)\>' color body brightgreen default '(\|\|\)' # - monitoring # color body brightgreen default '\\<(htop|mtr|pstree|tree|top)\\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(htop|iperf|iwlist|mtr|nslookup|ping|pstree|tree|top|tracert|traceroute)\>' # # - interactive programs # 2016-08-10, 2016-09-06, 2016-09-07, 2016-09-23, # 2017-02-13, 2017-06-05, 2017-06-11, 2017-07-23, # 2019-09-26 color body brightgreen default '\<(awk|ctags|elinks|gcc|g(nu)?pg|irssi|less|lynx|notmuch)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(sed|(open)?ssh(-agent)?|tmux|wget|zsh)\>' color body green default '\<(bash|chmod|lxqt|rsync|systemd)\>' color body green default '\<(fetchmail|getmail|offlineimap|procmail)\>' color body brightred default '\<(mutt|neomutt|neovim|vim)\>' color body brightcyan default '\' # editors color body brightgreen default '\<(eclipse|x?emacs|geanie|gedit|joe|jove|kate|kile|kwrite|lyx|mc(edit)?|nano|nedit|nvi|(neo)?vim|vi|xedit)\>' # - graphic libraries and window managers: color body brightgreen default '\<(cinnamon|gnome|kde|i3|lxde|mate|openbox|xfce)\>' color body white red '\<(fluxbox|gnome|gtk[0-9]?|i3|icewm|kde|lxde|qt[45]|wayland|xfce|x11)\>' # # 2016-02-09, 2016-03-01 # protocols color body brightgreen default '\<(dns|ftp|https?|imaps?|ntp|pops?|voip)\>' # 2016-09-23 # process terms: standard input, output, and error color body brightgreen default '\' # 2017-05-30 # modules: color body brightgreen default '(insmod|lsmod|modinfo|modprobe|rmmod)' # 2017-05-30 # music.. color body brightgreen default '(alsamixer|cdparanoia|mplayer|pulseaudio)' # 2020-11-13 color body brightgreen default '(markdown|plain.?text)' # 2016-03-01 # OSI layers: # (1) Physical, (2) Link, (3) Network, (4) Transport, # (5) Session, (6) Presentation, (7) Application. color body brightgreen default '\' # 2015-12-04 # projects # color body black brightgreen '\<(freifunk|letsencrypt|qubes|tails|tor)\>' color body black brightgreen \ '\<(freifunk|k9mail|letsencrypt|openkeychain|qubes|tails|thunderbird)\>' # 2015-11-26 # extracting german nouns from the message: # "grep -o '\<[A-ZÄÖÜ][^ ]*\>' | sort -u | less -r" # 2015-11-27, 2016-01-20 # abgekuerzte floskeln | german abbreviated phrases: # d.h. = "das heißt" # e.V. = "eingetragener Verein" # i.e. = "ita est" # i.d.R. = "in der regel" # m.E. = "meines erachtens" # mMn = "meiner meinung nach" # u.U. = "unter Umständen" # z.B. = "zum Beispiel" color body brightwhite default \ '(d[.]h[.]|e[.]v[.]|i[.]d[.]r[.]|m[.]e[.]|m[.]m[.]n[.]|u[.]u[.]|z[.] ?b[.])' # 2015-11-27 # ISBNs # examples: 978-3-937514-59-8 978-3-941841-32-1 color body black white '978[-0-9X]+' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PHONE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2015-11-28, 2015-11-30, 2016-01-26 # cellphone numbers # start with "01" then "567" and then digits with possible # brackets, dots, dashes+slashes - ending in a digit. # require a minimum length of seven characters (digits) after prefix. # color body black white '([01][567])[-0-9()/.]{7,}[0-9]' # 2017-06-23 # adding a possible prefix of "+49", and space: color body black magenta '(\+49)?01[567][-0-9()/. ]{7,}[0-9]' # # table: # D1: 0160 0170 0171 0175 UMTS 0151 # D2: 0162 0172 0173 0174 UMTS 01520 01521 # E+: 0163 0177 0178 0155 UMTS 01570 01577 01575 # O2: 0176 0179 UMTS 0159 # 015[1,2[01],5,7[057],9] 016-[023] 017[012345678] # 2016-01-29, 2017-06-11 # berlin telephone numbers # example: "+49 30 1234.5678-0" color body brightcyan default '([+]49|0049)?0?30[- ]*[-0-9.]+' # # 2017-06-01 # example: "+49 (0) 1234.5678-0" # color body brightcyan default '([+]49|0049) ?\(0\)[-0-9. ]+' # 2017-07-05 add dashes: color body brightcyan default '([+]49|0049)[- ]*\(0\)[-0-9. ]+' # 2017-07-12 # some other numbers in germany # example: "+49.123.456.780" color body brightmagenta default '([+]49|0049)[- .]*[-0-9. ]+' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2015-12-04 # check boxes and trademarks # example: "[x]" "[tm]" color body brightyellow default '\[x\]' color body brightyellow default '\[tm\]' # 2015-12-04, 2017-06-29, 2017-08-17 # paragraph signs with numbers (digits+dots) # followed by an optional section (absatz): # example: "§9.5" "§§ 23" "§1.2.3 abs. 4" # color body brightyellow default '§[0-9.]+( *abs[.]? *[0-9])?' color body brightwhite magenta '§+ *[0-9.]+( *abs[.]? *[0-9])?' # 2016-01-19 # paragraphs of law # color body white green '§ ?[0-9]*' # 2015-12-05 # dir in $HOME directory color body brightred default '~/[^ ]+/' # example: ~/.vim/ # file in $HOME directory # example: ~/.vimrc color body brightgreen default '~/[^ ]+' # 2015-12-06 # "Code of Conduct" aka "CoC" color body brightred default '\' # 2015-12-06 # messages from GnuPG: # "gpg: " color body brightred default '^gpg:' # 2015-11-03 # words in brackets # example: "(foo)" # color body brightred default '\([^ ]+\)' # # 2015-12-09, 2017-06-23 # words in square brackets # example: "[foo]" "(foo)" # color body brightgreen default '\[[^ ]+\]' # color body brightgreen default '\([^ ]+\)' # color body brightgreen default '\[[^]]+\]' color body brightgreen default '\([^)]+\)' # example: "(P)ersonal (I)ntegrated (C)ircuit" # # 2015-12-17 # up to five words in brackets # color body brightgreen default '\(([^ ]+ ?){,5}\)' # 2015-12-11 # GATTACA! color body brightgreen default '[ACGT]\{4,\}' # 2015-12-15 # "Koordinaten N 51° 07.961′ E 006° 25.103′" color body brightgreen default '([ENSW] *[0-9]+° *[0-9.]+′ *)+' # 2015-12-15, 2015-12-30, 2016-01-08, 2017-02-05, 2018-03-30 # filenames with special extensions color body brightmagenta default \ '[-+~_.a-z0-9/]+[.](c|h|o|in|sh|deb|exe|img|log|mp4|pl|pdb|pdf|pro|vim|xpm)\>' # 2015-11-10 # MP4 files # color body green default "[^ ]+.mp4" # # 2017-08-17 # filenames of picture files color body brightred default '[-+~_.a-z0-9/]+[.](bmp|gif|jpe?g|png)\>' # 2015-12-17, 2016-01-20, 2016-01-28, 2016-01-30 # MAILLIST WIRELESS # AirOS, BATMAN, fli4l, gluon, kathleen, eaptls. iw, ip a. RX TX RZ VRs. QoS. # (a)symmetrisch, layer[1-7], nanobeam, vpn03[abcdefg]. MikroTiks # ethernet, internet-zugang, leitung, mitnutzung, telefonkabel, telefonanlage # areas in berlin: erkner, friedrichshagen.. # # Ubiquiti RouterStation Pro # https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/ubiquiti/routerstation.pro # http://www.ubnt.com/wiki/index.php?title=RouterStation_Pro 404! # https://www.ubnt.com/search/?q=ubiquiti # # hardware # D-Link DIR-505, GL.iNet 6416A, Nexx WT3020h, TP-Link, TL-SG1008PE, TPlink WR1043v2, wr841nd, CPE510 # bananaPi olsrd[0-9]? raspian RPi RasPis color body brightyellow default '\<(banana ?pi|nano(beam|bridge|station)|raspberry( pi)?( zero)?|ras?pis?)\>' color body brightyellow default '\<(fritz(.box)|gl.inet|huawei|linksys|nexx|nsm5|tp ?link|ubiquiti)\>' color body brightyellow default '\<(cpe510|dlink)\>' color body brightyellow default '\<((tl|tp)(link)?)\>' color body brightyellow default '(wdr|wr|wrt)(841|842|1043|2600|3500|3600|4300|4900)[dn]?( *v[0-9]([.][0-9])?)?' # general net topology: # open word end to allow for plurals and other word extensions color body brightyellow default \ '\<(access.?point|backbone|bridge|gateways?|knoten|mesh|nodes?|powerline|router|subnetz|switch|uplink)' # systems: color body brightgreen default '(airos|kathleen|openwrt|olsrd?|raspbian|ubiquity)s?' # protocols: color body brightyellow default '802.11[abcgns]+' color body brightyellow default '802.3[af]+' # programs: color body brightgreen default '\<(collectd|cron|dmesg|dnsmasq|iftop|imonc|iwconfig|iwinfo|netmon|ppp|tcpdump|vnstat|wireshark)\>' # frequent words: color body brightyellow default '\<(bandbreite|beacon|client|cronjob|crontab|download|firmware|freifunk|fresnel(zone)|funkfeuer|interface|traffic|upload|upstream|wireless)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(ap|cat5(-kabel)?|dhcp|dsl|gre|ip|lan|mac|mesh|nat(44|66)|openvpn|poe|pptp|qos|ssid|tcp|vlan|wan|wifi|wlan)s?\>' color body brightgreen default '(a36s|vpn(03)?[abcdefg]?)' # standorte: color body brightwhite default \ '(alt.moabit|rollbergkiez|segenskirche|st. simeon kirche|zoofenster|zwingli)' color body brightwhite default '\<(beuth|christophorus|emma|gszm|rhxb|segen|scherer ?8|tub)\>' # kanäle color body brightgreen default 'kanal *[0-9]+' # 2015-12-21 # she-bang! color body brightmagenta default '#!/bin/sh' # 2015-12-30 color body brightred default 'Sent from a mobile device' # 2016-01-02, 2016-06-16 color body brightred default 'Sent with my iPhone' color body brightred default 'Sent from my iPhone' # 2016-01-03 color body brightred default 'Sent from my iPad' # 2016-01-24 color body brightred default 'Sent from Outlook Mail for Windows 10 phone' # 2016-02-26 color body brightred default 'Gesendet von meinem BlackBerry 10-Smartphone' # 2016-03-07 color body brightred default 'Gesendet von iMutt auf meinem iPad Pro' # 2016-01-14 color body brightred default 'Von meinem Samsung Galaxy Smartphone gesendet.' # 2017-06-12 color body brightred default 'Von Samsung-Tablet gesendet' # 2016-01-16 color body brightred default 'Von meinem iPhone gesendet' # 2016-03-05 color body brightred default 'Von meinem Samsung Gerät gesendet.' # 2016-07-03 color body brightred default 'Von meinem iPad gesendet' # 2017-06-12 # "Von (meinem) XYZ gesendet." # 2016-01-02 color body brightyellow default '(ctrl|ctl|shift)-[]_?@a-z\^]' # 2016-01-16 # hash algorithms color body brightred default '(md5|sha(1|224|256|384|512))(sum)?' # 2016-01-17 # number ranges with comma between numbers # example: 23,42 0815,4711 color body brightred default '[0-9]+,[0-9]+' # needs word boundaries? # 2016-01-17 # code reserved words # using background color "green" for faster testing. # revert to "default" later. # preprocessor color body white green '#(if|ifdef|else|endif)\>' # # All of the following words are "too normal". # had to comment them. # # branches with case and if/then/else/ # color body white green '\<(break|case|done|fi|if|then|else|endif)\>' # too many hits in normal text # loops # color body white green '\<(for|goto|return|while)\>' # too many hits in normal text # # types # color body white green '\<(char|char_u|int|long|static|unsigned|void)\>' # testing # color body white green '\<(catch|try|endtry)\>' # VimL commands # color body white green '\<(close|exe|(end)?func|let)\>' # 2016-01-17 # example: bar++ ++foo color body white green '[a-z][-_a-z0-9]+\+\+' color body white green '\+\+[a-z][-_a-z0-9]+' # 2016-01-17 # time offsets # example: "+0100" color body white green '[+][0-9]{4}' # 2016-01-17, 2016-01-27 # words with apostrophe - with "not" # example: can't don't color body brightwhite default "(are|ca|did|do|does|is|should|wo|would)n['’]t" # # words with apostrophe # example: i'd i'm it'd it'll you've we're color body brightwhite default "[a-z]+['’](d|ll|m|re|s|ve)\\>" # # some more to catch, maybe: e'er fo'c'sle ma'am ne'er o'clock o'er y'all # 2016-01-19, 2018-10-04 # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed; delsp=yes # Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 # Content-Type: application/pdf; name="..." # Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="..." # Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 color body black white '(base64|text/html|text/plain|latin1)' color body black white '(charset=(iso-8859-1|utf-8)?|(file)?name=|format=flowed|delsp)' # charset=iso-8859-1 # charset=UTF-8 # 2016-01-19 # "to be announced" -> "tba" or "t.b.a" color body white green '\<(tba|t[.]b[.]a[.]?)\>' # just using dots will match in "nichT BrAuchen" ;) # and without word borders it is found in "unretTBAr" # 2016-01-22 # just a long-dash (8212) surrounded by spaces color body white default ' — ' # 2016-01-24 # some more software.. color body white default '(labview|matlab|scilab)' # 2016-01-25 # trailing whitespace # only slightly visible: # color body white default ' +$' # *very* visible: color body white brightwhite ' +$' # 2016-01-25, 2016-12-12, 2017-06-11, 2017-06-14 # typos color body white red '\<(maschiene|promt|sammstag|teh)\>' # 2016-01-25 # copyright, trademark & co color body brightyellow default '(©|™)' # 2016-01-27,2016-06-22 # country names in europe # color body brightcyan default \ '(austria|belgium|bulgaria|croatia|cyprus|czech.republic|denmark|estonia|finland|france|germany|great *britain|greece|hungary|ireland|italy|latvia|lithuania|luxembourg|malta|(the *)?netherlands|poland|portugal|romania|slovakia|slovenia|spain|sweden|switzerland|united *kingdom)' # 2016-02-08,2016-06-22 color body brightcyan default \ '(belgien|bulgarien|dänemark|deutschland|estland|finnland|frankreich|griechenland|grossbritannien|irland|italien|kraotien|lettland|liechtenstein|litauen|luxemburg|malta|niederlande|(oe|ö)sterreich|norwegen|polen|portugal|rumänien|schweden|schweiz|slovakei|slowenien|spanien|tschechien|tschechische.republik|ungarn|zypern)' # 2016-02-03, 2018-03-22 color body brightyellow default 'Wir freuen uns,? Ihnen mitteilen zu können' # PROBLEM # /foo/bar/baz - an alternative or dir+file? # 2016-02-18 ## color body black brightwhite '^ *_.*_*$' ## color body black brightwhite '^ *[*].*[*]*$' # 2016-02-20, 2017-03-09 # event - and their "call for whatever" color body black brightwhite 'call for (lecture|maker|paper|talk|workshop)s?' # 2016-02-21, 2017-06-14 # "23" and "42" # color body brightyellow blue '(\<23|42)\>' # color body brightyellow blue '(\<23\>|\<42\>)' # 2016-02-21, 2016-02-29 # time measurements # example: # real 0m42.235s # user 0m52.719s # sys 0m2.342s color body black white '[0-9]m[0-9]+[.][0-9.]+s' # 2016-02-21 # timings # seq=0 ttl=49 time=119.672 color body black white '(seq|ttl|time)=[0-9.]+' # 2016-02-21 # superscripts and rationals color body brightyellow default '[¹²³¼½]' # 2016-02-24 # RFCs # example: RFC822 RFC 2822 color body brightgreen default 'rfc ?[0-9]+' # 2016-03-02 color body brightgreen default '\<(firewire|sata|usb)\>' color body brightgreen default '\' # 2016-03-09 # "quoted" lines: color body brightgreen default '^┃ .*' # 2016-03-18 # Usenet Newsgroup names # examples: news:gmane.mail.mutt.devel news:gmane.mail.mutt.user color body brightgreen default 'news:[a-z.]+\>' # 2016-04-02 # GLT absage/zusage color body brightyellow magenta 'diesmal leider nicht' color body brightyellow blue 'in das Programm.*geschafft hat' # 2016-04-08 # umlauts # ä = ä # ö = ö # ü = ü color body brightyellow blue '(ä|ö|ü)' # 2016-05-02 TeX+LaTeX color body brightyellow default '(La)?TeX' # 2016-06-03 # kilobyte numbers # example: 0.1K 2.3K 42K # color body brightyellow blue '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+K' # color body brightyellow blue '[0-9]+\.[0-9]K' color body brightyellow blue '\<[0-9]+\.[0-9]K' # 2020-11-14 added word boundary # 2016-06-03 # "Re:" color body brightred default 'Re:' # 2016-06-28, 2017-05-24 color body brightred default 'seite *[0-9]+' # color body brightred default 's[.] *[0-9]+' color body brightred default '\' color body red default '-[A-Z_]+\>' # # 2017-06-30 # Configure options # examples: '--prefix=/usr' '--enable-pop' '--enable-sidebar' # '--enable-nntp' '--enable-dotlock' '--enable-notmuch' color body magenta default '--[-a-z]+' # examples: +attach_headers_color +bkgdset +color +compose_to_sender +compress +cond_date color body brightred default '\<[-][_a-z]+\>' color body green default '\<[+][_a-z]+\>' # 2020-11-13 added word boundaries # 2016-08-14 # "prefix" in configure options color body magenta default '\\\$\{prefix\}' # example: '--includedir=\${prefix}/include' # 2016-08-18 # git hex numbers color body brightyellow blue '\<[0-9a-f]{7}\>' # 2016-08-24, 2017-05-21, 2017-09-30 # emphasized words # example: *this* **that** color body brightyellow default '[*][-_a-z0-9]+[*]' color body brightred default '[*][*][-_a-z0-9]+[*][*]' # 2016-01-19 # "headers" # example: "**Vorläufige Termine**" # color body white green '^[*][*].*[*][*] *$' # '.*' is *too* greedy! # using "[^*]*" now: color body white green '^[*][*][^*]*[*][*] *$' # 2016-10-06, 2017-06-14, 2017-07-04, 2017-09-30 # emphasized words - two words # example: "*firstname lastname*" "*1. Oktober*" # color body yellow default '[*][-_.a-z0-9]+ +[-_.a-z0-9]+[*]' # color body yellow default '[*][^*]+ +[^*]+[*]' # color body yellow default '[*]\<[^*]+ +[^*]+\>[*]' # disallow spaces,too: color body yellow default '[*]\<[^* ]+ +[^* ]+\>[*]' # # 2017-07-04 # doublestar environment # example: "**important text**" color body brightyellow default '[*][*][^*]+[*][*]' # VERSIONS # 2016-01-02 # vim commands # examples: ":reg" ":version" color body brightyellow default ':[a-z]+\>' # 2016-08-24, 2017-02-01 # library names - possible followed by version numbers # examples: libgnutls26 libidn11 libncursesw5 color body magenta default 'lib[-a-z0-9]+[0-9]' # 2017-02-01 # "program-version" # examples: "libressl-2.5.0" "openssl-1.1.0c" "firefox 45.6.0" # color body brightmagenta default '\<[a-z][-a-z0-9]+[- ][0-9]([-0-9.]*[a-z]?)?' # 2017-03-31 too many false positives # 2017-06-25 try again only with compound names, # ie without spaces between program and version: color body brightmagenta default '\<[a-z][a-z0-9]+[-/]([0-9][.]+){2}[0-9]+([-][0-9])?' # examples: "mutt/1.7.0-4" "mutt-1.8.0-1" # 2017-06-25, 2018-03-25 # version numbers . without program names # examples: "0.0.0" "1.2.3" "42.23.5" "1.7.0-4" "1.8.0-1" # color body brightmagenta white '([0-9][.]+){2}[0-9]+([-][0-9])?' # color body brightmagenta white '([0-9]+[.]){2}[0-9]+([-][0-9])?\>' # require a dash: color body brightmagenta white '([0-9]+[.]){2}[0-9]+[-][0-9]\>' # 2017-06-26, 2018-03-25 # version numbers with possible minuses, pluses, dots and tildes # examples: 3.3.8-6+deb8u4 1.12.1+dfsg-19+deb8u2 5.9+20140913-1+b1 # 2.1.27~101-g0780600+dfsg-3 # color body brightmagenta yellow '([0-9][.]+){2}[0-9]+([-+][0-9a-z]+)+' # color body brightmagenta default '[0-9]([.][0-9])+[0-9]*([-+~.][0-9a-z]+)+' color body brightmagenta default '[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)+([-+~.][0-9a-z]+)+' # 2016-08-26, 2016-09-10, 2016-09-11 # popular drinks color body magenta default '\<(club[- ]?mate|coffee|tea)\>' # 2016-09-01, 2016-11-22, 2016-11-24, 2017-02-07 # cryptoparty! # color body magenta default 'cryp[^ ]+' color body brightmagenta default 'crypto *(advent|engel|party|parties)' # 2016-09-02 color body brightred default '^[^ ]+[.]diff' color body magenta default '^[^ ]+[.]patch' color body brightyellow default '[^ ]+[.]tar[.]gz' # color body yellow default '[^ ]+[.]tar[.]xz' color body green default '[^ ]+[.]dsc' # 2017-12-16 color body brightblue default '[^ ]+[.]buildinfo' # examples: # mutt_1.7.0-1.dsc # mutt_1.7.0.orig.tar.gz # mutt_1.7.0-1.debian.tar.xz # 2016-09-02 TODO add colors for "ii" and "pn" # Versions of packages mutt is related to: # ii mutt 1.5.20-9+squeeze1 text-based mailreader supporting M # pn mutt-dbg (no description available) # pn mutt-patched (no description available) # 2016-09-02 color body brightred default \ '\<(buzz|rex|bo|hamm|slink|potato|woody|sarge|etch|lenny|squeeze|wheezy|jessie)\>' color body brightred default \ '\<(experimental|oldstable|stable|testing|unreleased|unstable|unstable-debug)\>' # architectures: color body brightred default '\<(i386|amd64|arm64|m68k)\>' # 2016-09-23 # hashtags! # examples: #freesoftware #opensource #vim color body brightyellow magenta '#\<[a-z0-9]+\>' # 2016-09-27 # LPD-DE: YEAR.1 and YEAR.2 # examples: 2016.2 2017.1 # color body brightyellow magenta '201[0-9][.][12]' # ^- matches: "Gluon v2017.1.1" # lesson learned - yet again: use word boundaries! color body brightyellow magenta '\<20[12][0-9][.][12]\>' # 2016-10-25, 2017-07-07, 2017-10-05 # examples: "cyber, cybeeeerrrr!" cyberangriff cyberkriminalität color body brightyellow magenta 'cybe+r+' color body black magenta 'cyber[a-z]+' color body black magenta 'cyber ?(security)' # 2016-11-01 # sed commands color body brightyellow magenta '\{[bdDgGhnHNpqx;!=]+\}' # 2016-11-15 # 33C3 cfp admission/rejections color body black brightyellow "your submission did not make it" # 2016-11-20 # number at the end of the line # color body magenta default '[0-9][.][0-9]+\([0-9]+|[^ ]+\)?-[0-9]+$' # 2016-11-22, 2017-04-12, 2017-06-22 # simple version numbers # example: 0.8.15 1.2.3 4.7.11 v.1.2.3 "(GnuPG) v1.4.10" "(Gluon) v2017.1.1" # color body brightmagenta default '\' # 2016-11-28 color body brightyellow default 'free *and *open ?source' # 2016-11-29 # typos! color body brightred default '(maschiene|vorraus)' # 2016-12-05,2016-12-11 # ordinals: # example: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th # color body brightred default '(1st|2nd|3rd|[4-9]th)' # # example: 1st 2nd 23rd 42nd 67th 99th color body brightred default '\<([2-9]?(1st|2nd|3rd)|[1-9]?[4-9]th)\>' # 2020-11-16 added word boundaries # 2016-12-05 # monitor pixel sizes # 640x480, 1024x768, 1600x1200; 1080 color body brightred default '(480|640|768|1024|1080|1200|1600|1920)' # 2016-12-07 # country codes # example: "DE" "FR" color body brightred default '\<(DE|EU|FR|UK)\>' # 2016-12-07 # examples: "usb2" "usb 3.0" color body brightred default '\' # 2020-11-12 # years from 1900 to 2029 color body black yellow '\<(19[0-9][0-9]|2[012][0-9])\>' # 2016-12-08, 2020-04-20 # approval indicated by "plus 1" aka "me, too" color body black yellow '\<\+1\>' # 2016-12-09 # https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer#Aufbau_der_Identifikationsnummer # "USt-IdNr." Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer # DE999999999 Block mit 9 Ziffern # example: 123/456/12345 color body black yellow '[0-9]{3}/[0-9]{3}/[0-9]{5,}' # 2016-12-09 # Vereinsregisternummern # example: "VR 201371" (OpenLab Augsburg) color body black yellow 'VR [0-9]+' # 2016-12-09 # phone numbers in germany # 0160 0170 0171 0175 0151 # 0162 0172 0173 0174 01520 01521 # 0163 0177 0178 0155 01570 01577 01575 # 0176 0179 0159 color body brightgreen default '0(15[12579]|16[023]|17[01236789])[- ][0-9]+' # 2016-12-09, 2017-02-14, 2018-01-13, 2018-01-19 # PGP DATA - 64 characters in a line, # 64th byte might be an equal sign: color body brightyellow red '^[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{64}$' # line ends with at least one equal-sign: # color body brightyellow red '^[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{1,63}=+$' color body brightyellow red '^[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{23,}=+$' # PGP hash at the end (equalsign followed by four chars): color body brightgreen default '^=[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{4}$' # 2020-11-12 "pub"key and "sub"key color body brightyellow default '^(pub|sub)' # 2016-12-10, 2016-12-22, 2017-01-06 # irssi commands # commands during operation: color body brightyellow blue \ '/(connect|(un)?ignore|join|lastlog|msg|names|nick|query|(rm)?recon|save|set|whois|window)' # commands for setup: color body brightyellow blue \ '/(alias|bind|help|hilight|nick|notify|save|script|server)' # # Irssi commands: # accept die knock notice sconnect unload # action disconnect knockout notify script unnotify # admin echo lastlog op scrollback unquery # alias eval layout oper server unsilence # away exec links part servlist upgrade # ban flushbuffer list ping set uptime # beep foreach load query sethost userhost # bind format log quit silence ver # cat hash lusers quote squery version # cd help map rawlog squit voice # channel hilight me recode stats wait # clear ignore mircdcc reconnect statusbar wall # completion info mode redraw time wallops # connect invite motd rehash toggle who # ctcp ircnet msg reload topic whois # cycle ison names resize trace whowas # dcc join nctcp restart ts window # dehilight kick netsplit rmreconns unalias # deop kickban network rmrejoins unban # devoice kill nick save unignore # 2016-12-12 # gdb make color body brightyellow blue '(gnu *)?hurd' # 2016-12-12 color body brightyellow blue '\' # 2016-12-12 # markdown files # example: "README.md" color body brightyellow blue '\<[^ ]+[.]md\>' # 2016-12-14 # calendar and time management tools color body white blue '\<(doodle|dudle)\>' # 2016-12-14 # examples: "die 60er jahre" "ein 16er holzbohrer" "67er jahrgang" color body white blue '[0-9]+er' # 2016-12-22, 2018-10-03 # Operating Systems for smartphones color body white blue '\<(android|cyanogen|ios)\>' # color body white blue '(android|cyanogen|ios|sailfish ?os)' # 2018-04-07 wtf.. word boundaries dont work anymore? o_O # 2016-12-22 # HTML o_O color body white blue '&([aou]uml|amp);' # 2016-12-22 # -- Commit Summary -- # -- File Changes -- # -- Patch Links -- color body black white '-- (commit summary|file changes|patch links) --' # 2016-12-23 color body black white '\<(sasl|ssl)\>' # freifunk (aka FF): influxb, graphite, grafana, pfsense, color body black white '\' # 2016-12-23 # ping times. # numbers with 1/2/3 digits, followed by one decimal # examples: "4.2" "23.42" "123.4" color body yellow default '[0-9]{1}[.][0-9]' color body red default '[0-9]{2}[.][0-9]' color body magenta default '[0-9]{3}[.][0-9]' # 2016-12-27 # device names # examples: "/dev/sda1" "/dev/md2" color body magenta default '\<(/dev/)?(sd[abcd]|md[012])\>' # 2016-12-27, 2017-06-12 # activists # "Bündnis für Privatsphäre" (Leipzig) # "digital courage" # "Digitale Gesellschaft" # "Freiheit statt Angst" # "la quadrature du net" # "Open Knowledge Foundation" color body magenta default \ '(bündnis für privatsphäre|freiheit ?statt ?angst|digital ?courage|digitale ?gesellschaft|free ?software ?foundation( ?europe)?|la ?quadrature ?du ?net|open ?knowledge ?foundation( *deutschland)?)' # 2016-12-27 # the alternative social networks color body magenta default '(diasproa|friendica|gnusocial)' # 2016-12-28, 2016-12-30 color body magenta default '\<(cat|tac|sort|uniq|head|tail|ifconfig|iptables|uptime)\>' # 2020-11-13 # uptime! # "up 21 weeks, 3 days, 7 hours, 35 minutes" color body magenta default 'up [0-9]* weeks, [0-9] days, [12?[0-9] hours, [1-5]?[0-9] minutes' # 2016-12-30 # kernel modules: "ip*" color body brightmagenta default \ '(ip6table_filter|ip6table_mangle|ip6table_raw|ip6_tables|ip6t_REJECT|ipip|iptable_filter|iptable_mangle|iptable_nat|iptable_raw|ip_tables|ipt_MASQUERADE|ipt_REJECT|ip_tunnel|ipv6)' # kernel modules. "nf_*" color body brightred default \ '(nf_conntrack|nf_conntrack_ftp|nf_conntrack_ipv4|nf_conntrack_ipv6|nf_conntrack_rtcache|nf_defrag_ipv4|nf_defrag_ipv6|nf_log_common|nf_log_ipv4|nf_log_ipv6|nf_nat|nf_nat_ftp|nf_nat_ipv4|nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4|nf_reject_ipv4|nf_reject_ipv6)' # kernel modules. "xt_*" color body brightyellow default '\<(xt_comment|xt_conntrack|xt_CT|xt_id|xt_limit|xt_LOG)\>' color body brightyellow default '\<(xt_mac|xt_mark|xt_multiport|xt_nat|xt_REDIRECT)\>' color body brightyellow default '\<(xt_state|xt_TCPMSS|xt_tcpudp|xt_time|zram|zsmalloc)\>' color body magenta default '\<(arc4|b43|b43legacy|cfg80211|compat)\>' color body magenta default '\<(crypto_blkcipher|gpio_button_hotplug|leds_gpio)\>' color body magenta default '\<(lz4_compress|lz4_decompress|lzo_compress|lzo_decompress)\>' color body magenta default '\<(mac80211|tunnel4|x_tables|zram|zsmalloc)\>' # words: color body magenta default '\<(client|server|service|port|wiki)s*\>' color body magenta default '\<(admin|root|user)s*\>' color body magenta default '\<(chromebook|notebook|laptop)s*\>' color body magenta default '\<(desktop|windows)s*\>' # 2020-11-09 login names for services color body magenta default '\<(backup|bin|daemon|default|exim|)\>' # color body magenta default '\<(fetchmail|games|irc|lp|mail|news)\>' # removed mail+news as they appear too often in other contexts color body magenta default '\<(fetchmail|games|irc|lp)\>' color body magenta default '\<(nobody|ntp|proxy|root|shellinabox)\>' color body magenta default '\<(spamd|sshd|sync|sys|systemd|uucp)\>' # more services: dictd gnats man messagebus munin nslcd oident racoon smmsp smmta statd uuidd # 2020-11-09 terminal foo color body magenta default '\<(konsole|terminal|terminator)\>' # more words: # raspberrypi # devops, opsec # events: hacking with care - HwC # search engines: ixquick # 2017-01-03, 2017-01-20, 2017-01-31, 2017-03-09 # events at the metalab - and some others color body brightmagenta default \ '(geekend|hackathon|key ?signing ?party|linux ?install ?party|metaday|missing *maps( ?mapathon)|netzpolitischer ?abend|show[+&]tell)' # 2017-01-10 color body brightmagenta default 'telnet' # 2017-01-12, 2017-07-31 # words with underscores inside # example: sasl_disconnect_on_failure # color body brightmagenta default '[a-z]+(_[a-z]+)+' color body brightmagenta default '[a-z0-9]+(_[a-z0-9]+)+' # 2017-01-12 # "options", ie dash+letter # examples: -h -l -v -! -? color body brightmagenta default '\<-[a-z!?]\>' # 2017-01-13, 2017-05-30, 2017-06-09 color body brightmagenta default '\<(gateway|iface|inet|netmask|static)\>' color body brightmagenta default '\<(br0|eth[01]|lo|localhost|loopback|wlan[01])\>' # 2017-01-15 color body brightyellow default \ '(Fenster|Marker|Puffer|Reiter|Register|Session|Suchmuster|Tabs?|Textobjekte?|VimInfo)' # 2017-01-17 color body brightyellow default '\' # 2017-01-18 color body white red '\' # 2017-01-23, 2018-03-04, 2018-03-14 # color body green default \ #'(/bin|/boot|/dev|/etc|/export|/home|/import|/lib|/lib64|/lost+found|/mnt|/nobackup|/opt|/proc|/restore|/root|/run|/sbin|/srv|/sys|/tmp|/usr|/var)\>' # the general word boundary at the end does not "work", # eg with "/etc/foo" only the "/etc" is colored. # 2017-01-24 # some project names color body brightyellow default '(prototypefund|snap!|turtlestitch)' # 2017-01-24 # algorithms color body brightmagenta default '(ecdsa|ed25519)' # 2017-01-25 # colorizing the "arms" of "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" color body brightred default '(\\_|_/)' # 2017-01-25 # hex strings with dashes - at least 32 characters color body brightblue default '\<[-0-9a-f]{32,}\>' # 2017-01-25 # north+south east+west coordinates # example: "N 60.37604° E 5.33339°" color body brightblue default '[NSEW] [0-9]*[.][0-9]*°?' # 2017-01-26 # some windows tools color body brightmagenta default '(nutty|putty)' # 2017-01-26 # library names color body brightgreen default '(libuv|gnulib)' # 2017-01-26 # projects: CmS = Chaos macht Schule color body brightyellow magenta '\' # 2017-01-29, 2017-02-04 color body brightyellow magenta '\<(coverity|doxygen|travis|ubsan|valgrind)\>' # 2017-01-29, 2017-01-31 # neomutt waffle # color body brightmagenta default \ # '\<(bug|cc|date|disposition|enc|encoding|from|high|id|is|label|low|mailto|milestone|needs|no|organization|references|sender|state|status|subject|tag|to|type|version)\>: # deleted "from", "in" and "to", "p", and "x" - too common! # color body brightyellow default \ # '\<(assignee|blue|cc|closed|content|date|discuss|discussion|easy|enhancement|feature|help|issue|mail|members|message|mime|ml|neomutt|open|organization|priority|progress|question|ready|received|references|regression|reply|review|sender|subject|user)\>' # 2017-01-31, 2020-02-07 # alphanum:alphanum # example: foo23:42bar # mismatches: "more info [at:https]://..." # mismatches: "23:42" # color body brightyellow magenta '\<[a-z0-9]+:[a-z0-9]+\>' # 2017-02-01, 2017-06-12, 2018-01-13 color body brightred default '\<(local|dev|tap0|wlan0-1|table|proto|kernel|scope|)\>' color body brightred default '\<(host|src|metric|link|onlink|none|unspec|initrd|wirequard)\>' # 2017-02-01 color body brightred default '--- .* ping statistics ---' # 2017-02-01 # names of DLLs color body brightred default '\<[a-z0-9]+[.]dll\>' # 2017-02-01 # Vim Option Names color body brightgreen default '\<(cursorbind|cursorline|cursorcolumn|esckeys|fileformats?|formatprg)\>' color body brightgreen default '\<(cuc|cul)\>' # Vim Character Names color body brightwhite default '\' # Vim Events color body brightgreen default '\<(bufreadpre)\>' # Vim Functions color body brightyellow default '\<([a-z_]+[(][)])' # 2017-02-04 # ablehnung von den chemnitzer linux-tagen color body brightmagenta default \ 'konnten leider nicht mit ins Programm aufgenommen werden' # 2017-03-04 # example: set foo=$(date) color body magenta white '\$\(.*\)' # 2017-03-05 color body white magenta '(lat|lon): ?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' # approximate time (in german) # examples: "gegen 17uhr" "um 23 uhr" # color body brightyellow magenta '(am|gegen|um) *([12]?[0-9])( *uhr)?' # enforcing hour indication: color body brightyellow magenta '(ab|am|bis( zum)?|ca|gegen|nach|um|vor) *[12]?[0-9] *(h|uhr)\>' # with minutes, but optional hour indication: color body brightyellow magenta '(ab|am|bis( zum)?|ca|gegen|nach|um|vor) *[12]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9] *(h|uhr)?\>' # 2017-03-09 # "at" and "dot" in "anti-spam" addresses # example: "user(at)domain{dot}.tld" color body brightyellow magenta '[{(<](at|dot)[})>]' # 2017-03-23, 2017-07-07 color body brightgreen default 'maker? ?faire' color body brightyellow magenta 'maker? ?faire ?(berlin|dortmund|friedrichshafen|hann?over|munich|münchen|newcastle|vienna|wien)' # 2017-03-23, 2017-06-20 # time ranges im AM and PM # "MM AM - NN AM" # examples: "7 - 9 pm" "5am-11pm" color body brightyellow default '([012]?[0-9] ?(am|pm)? ?- ? [012]?[0-9] ?(am|pm))' # 2017-04-15, 2017-06-29 # time ranges with full hours # examples: "17 - 19 h" "5- 23 uhr" color body brightyellow default '[012]?[0-9]h? ?- ?[012]?[0-9] ?(h|uhr)?' # 2017-04-19 # example: a6f1176fb6e2..f914fa8e70f4 color body brightgreen default '[0-9a-f]{12}[.][.][0-9a-f]{12}' # 2017-04-19 # nano keys # example: ^Home ^End ^Down ^Up color body brightgreen default '\^(down|end|home|up)' # 2017-04-21 # international phone numbers, starting with a plus sign, # simply followed by digits, minus, and space: # example: "+1 123 456 789" "+49-179-3966141" color body brightmagenta default '[+][0-9][0-9]?[- 0-9]+' # 2020-04-20 # numbers starting with a plus, separated only by dots and commas color body brightgreen default '[+][0-9][0-9.,]+' # 2017-05-21 # date and time ranges # example: "1.+2.01.2018" "6. - 8.4.2018" # D1.[-+/]D2.MM.YYYY: "Zeit: November Fr+Sa, 3.+4.11.2017" ##color body brightwhite red '([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.]? ?- ?([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[.] ?(0?[1-9]|1[12])[.]( ?19|20)[0-9][0-9]' # 2017-05-24, 2017-05-30, 2017-06-23 # time ranges "M bis N sekunden|minuten|stunden|tage|wochen|monate|jahre" # examples: "1-2 tage" "3-5 wochen" "2 bis vier monate" "1 bis 2 jahre" # examples: "1 day" "2days" "3 minutes" # DE: color body brightcyan default "([0-9]+ *([-]|bis) *)?[0-9]+ *(sekunden|minuten|stunden|tage?|wochen|monate?|jahre?)" # EN: color body brightcyan default "([0-9]+ *([-]|until) *)?[0-9]+ *(seconds?|minutes?|hours?|days?|weeks?|months?|years?)" # 2017-06-11 # "anzahl zeit" # example: "1 jahr" color body brightcyan default "[0-9]+ *(sekunden?|minuten?|stunden?|tage?|wochen?|monate?|jahre?n?)" # 2017-05-26 # architectures color body brightyellow cyan 'x86_64' # 2017-05-29 # nmap output color body brightgreen default "host is up" color body black red "host down" # 2017-05-30 # function key names # examples: F1 .. F12 and Fn color body blue default '\' # 2017-06-04, 2017-06-16 # client and server color body green default '\' color body brightred default '\' # 2017-06-09 # top level domains # examples: .africa .click .college .design .health .info # .link .lol .online .press .pro .rent .store .tech .top .uk # .bio .green organic # two letters after the first dot required # color body brightred default '[.]\<[a-z]{2,}\>' color body brightred default '\<[.]\<[a-z]{2,}\>' # what did i do here?: # color body brightred default '[.]\<[a-z]{2,}[a-z]{2,}\>' # 2017-06-10 # "circa number" # examples: "~23" color body brightmagenta default '(~|ca|circa) *[0-9]+\>' # 2017-06-11 # "$nummer $menge" # examples: "10 millionen" color body brightmagenta default '[0-9]+ *(hundert|tausend|millionen)' # 2017-06-11, 2020-11-13 # CamelCase words # example: "KuZe" "CamelCase" color body brightmagenta default '\<([A-Z][a-z]+){2,}\>' # 2020-11-13 added word boundaries # 2017-06-11 # RAIDs color body brightmagenta default 'raid *[1-6]' # 2017-06-13 # "Nh" # examples: "23h" color body brightmagenta default '\<[0-9]+h\>' # 2017-06-14 # special email on rohrpost # "----< this" # "--< that" color body blue default '^-+<' # 2017-06-14 # german crypto talk color body blue default '\<(ent|ver)schlüsseln\>' # 2017-06-16 # examples: "23+" color body brightyellow default '\<[0-9]+\+' # 2017-06-16 # examples: "v1.2.3" "version 1.2.3" # color body brightyellow default 'v?[0-9.]+' color body brightyellow default '\' # 2017-07-04 # "anfang /mitte / ende $jahreszeit" color body black white '(anfang|mitte|ende) *(fr(ue|ü)hling|sommer|herbst|winter)' # 2017-07-05, 2017-11-18 # with optional start/middle/end and optional year # examples: "autumn 2017" "spring 2018" color body black white '((start|middle|end) *of *)?\<(spring|summer|autumn|winter)\>( (19|20)[0-9][0-9])?' # 2017-11-18: added word boundaries # 2017-06-21 # checkboxes with square brackets color body black white '\[ +\]' # 2017-06-25 # extra headers, starting with "X-". # examples: "X-Editor" "X-Mailer:" "X-Location:" color body black white '^X-[-a-zA-Z0-9]:' # 2017-07-02 # farben! # example: schwarz weiß gelb rot blau grün braun magenta # lesson learnt (yet again): do not forget the word delimiters! # otherwise you get matches on "bROT" and "fRED". ;-) color body black white "\" color body white default "\<(weiß|white)\>" color body brightyellow default "\<(gelb|yellow)\>" color body red default "\<(rot|red)\>" color body blue default "\<(blau|blue)\>" color body cyan default "\<(hell|himmel)blau\>" color body green default "\" color body brightgreen default "\" color body yellow default "\<(braun|brown)\>" color body magenta default "\<(lila|magenta)\>" # 2017-07-02 # nullachtfünfzehn # examples: 08-15 08/15 color body brightmagenta default "08[-/]15" # 2017-07-05, 2018-10-28 # sciences color body brightred default '\<(arts|biology|chemistry|engineering|humanities|mathematics|medicine|physics|philosophy|psychology)' color body brightred default '(artificial intelligence|communications|machine learning|robotics)' # ethics history theology # 2017-07-05 # words in lower-quote and upper-quote # example: "‚Sprechsaal'" # lower-quote is <‚> 8218, Hex 201a, Octal 20032 color body brightmagenta default "[‚][a-z]+[']" # 2017-07-07 # "Yes" and "No" color body brightgreen default '\' color body brightred default '\' # 2017-07-07 # special words at events: color body white brightgreen 'social event' # 2017-07-07 # ordinals color body brightred default '\<(11|12|13)th\>' color body brightred default '\<(1st|2nd|3rd)\>' # 2020-11-16 added word boundaries # 2017-07-07 # some track names at events color body black green '(software engineering|cloud technologies|system administration)' # 2017-07-07 color body white blue '(udk|fu|hu|tu) *berlin' # 2017-07-07 # License(s) color body white blue '(gnu *)general *public *license' # 2017-07-09 # fractions # example: "23/42" color body white magenta '\<[0-9]+/[0-9]+\>' # 2017-07-09 # example: "1&1" "c&a" color body white magenta '\<[^ ]+&[^ ]+\>' # 2017-07-09 # t-shirt sizes color body brightred default '\<(XS|S|M|L|XL|XXL|XXXL)\>' # 2017-07-09 # gpg tools color body black yellow '^Comment: .*" color body black yellow '^Version: .*" # color body black brightyellow "Version: GnuPG v1.0.[67] \(GNU/Linux\)" # color body black brightyellow "Version: GnuPG v1.2.[67] \(GNU/Linux\)" # Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (FreeBSD) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (FreeBSD) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.13 (SunOS) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (Darwin) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.13 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (NetBSD) # Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.12 (Darwin) # Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin) # Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin) # Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.19 (Darwin) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (MingW32) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) # Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32) # Version: GnuPG v1 # Version: GnuPG v2 # # Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin) # Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org # # Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) # Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove - http://www.enigmail.net/ # # Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin) # Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/ # # Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (GNU/Linux) # Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove - http://www.enigmail.net/ # # Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) # Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/ # # -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- # Hash: SHA512 # # -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- # Comment: GnuPT 2.8.2 # Version: BCPG v1.46 # # Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux) # Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/ # # Comment: I welcome encrypted mail. <- Richard Russon # # special lines: # [-- BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE --] # [-- END PGP SIGNED MESSAGE --] # 2017-07-12 # somecolors for CSS # examples: "23px" "42px" color body yellow default '[0-9]+px' color body blue default '!important' color body green default '\<(auto|block|inline|justify|visible)\>' # some entities color body black white '&(#39|euro|ndash|rsquo);' # 2017-07-12 # post scriptum color body black white 'p[.] *s[.]' # 2017-07-13 color body black green '(bruegge|rodenbach|roeselare|ypern|kortrijk|ghent|watou|st.bernhard|westvleteren)' color body black white 'trappist(en)?' color body green default '[0-9] *std[.]?' # 2017-07-14 # wireless list, olsrd color body blue default '\<(etx|lq|nlq|snr)\>' color body green default '(bbbvpn|rc1)' # 2017-07-15 # cities in austria color body red default '\<(amstetten|ansfelden|baden|bad|ischl|bludenz|bregenz)\>' color body red default '\<(dornbirn|feldkirch|gmunden|graz|hallein|hall|hohenems)\>' color body red default '\<(innsbruck|judenburg|kapfenberg|klagenfurt|klosterneuburg)\>' color body red default '\<(knittelfeld|krems|kufstein|leoben|leonding|linz|lustenau)\>' color body red default '\<(mödling|perchtoldsdorf|salzburg|schwechat|steyr|stockerau)\>' color body red default '\<(st..pölten|ternitz|traiskirchen|traun|trofaiach|villach)\>' color body red default '\<(wels|wien|wiener.neustadt|wolfsberg)\>' # 2017-07-17 # hex numbers with "0x" prefix # examples: 0xc0ffee 0xdeadbeef color body brightmagenta default '0x[0-9a-f]+\>' # 2017-07-17 # examples: "==12345==" color body white magenta '^==[1-9]{4,6}==' # 2017-07-17 # examples: "ein jahr" "zwölf jahre" color body brightcyan default '(ein|zwei|drei|vier|fünf|sechs|sieben|acht|neun|zehn|elf|zwölf) *jahre?' # 2017-07-17 # speech synthesis programs color body brightcyan default '\<(espeak|festival|mbrola)\>' # 2017-07-23 color body brightcyan default '\<(c\+\+|c\#|css|html|java(script)|python|ruby|tex)\>' # 2017-07-23 # git commands color body brightcyan default '\' # 2017-08-02 # commented lines which start with '%' (eg with slrn) color body blue default '^ *% .*' # 2017-09-25 # timeframes # example: "00:00:23,123" color body blue default '[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9],[0-9][0-9][0-9]' # 2017-09-29 # event name color body brightblue default 'free ?code ?camp' # 2017-09-29 color body brightblue default 'internet ?of ?things' color body brightblue default '\' # 2017-09-29 # example: "p.o.box 12 34 56" color body brightblue default 'p[.] ?o[.] ?box ?[0-9 ]+[0-9]' color body brightblue default 'P[.] ?O[.] ?Box ?[0-9 ]+[0-9]' # 2017-11-14 # ordinals # examples: 1st 2nd 3rd .. 23rd 42nd 67th color body brightgreen default '\<[0-9]+(st|nd|rd|th)\>' # 2017-11-25, 2020-04-20 # people color body black white '(edward *snowden|daniel *hale|chelsea *manning)' # 2017-12-02 # example: "ZVR Nummer: 63 56 16 285" color body white red 'zvr ?(nummer)?:? [0-9 ]+' # 2017-12-05 # news outlets color body brightyellow black '(heise(.de)?|linux ?magazin|pro ?linux)' # 2017-12-09 # example: %%Email%% color body white red '%%[^ ]+%%' # 2017-12-25,2018-01-11 # just capitalied words: color body brightwhite default '\<[A-Z][a-zäöüß]+\>' # common german word suffixes: # color body brightwhite default '[A-Z][^ ]*(ion|ung|en)\>' # (chen|e|ei|el|en|er|erchen|erei|(e)rich|heit|ien|igkeit|in|keit|land|lein|ler|ling|ner|nis|sal|schaft|sel|tum|ung) # added: em,nz,ort,sch,um ##color body brightwhite default \ ##'[A-Z][^ ]*(chen|e|ei|el|em|en|er|erchen|erei|rich|heit|ien|igkeit|in|keit|)\>' ##color body brightwhite default \ ##'[A-Z][^ ]*(land|lein|ler|ling|ner|nis|nz|ort|sal|sch|schaft|sel|tum|tz|um|ung)\>' # # 2018-01-22, 2018-02-21, 2020-11-04 # just using "[^ ]*" was *not* a good idea! o_O ##color body brightwhite default \ ##'\<[a-z][a-zäöüß]+(chen|ei|el|em|en|er|erei|heit|ien|in|keit|rich)\>' # old: # '\<[A-Z][a-zäöüß]+(chen|e|ei|el|em|en|er|erchen|erei|rich|heit|ien|igkeit|in|keit|)\>' ##color body brightwhite default \ ##'\<[A-Z][a-zäöüß]+(land|lein|ler|ling|ner|nis|nz|ort|sal|sch|schaft|sel|tum|tz|um|ung)\>' # 2018-01-08 # HexBytes color body brightyellow default '\<0x[0-9a-f ]+\>' # 2018-01-31 # that "password" word.. color body red white 'passwor[dt]' # 2018-02-09 # Timezone offsets # example: "+01:00" color body magenta black '[+]([01][0-9]|2[0-4])[.:][0-5][0-9]' # 2018-02-11 # Vim files # example: runtime/* src/* color body brightgreen black '(runtime|src)(/[A-Za-z0-9._]+)+' # 2018-02-21 # values # example: "foo=/dir/file-1.2.3_word1,word2.ext" color body brightmagenta white '=[-_,.:a-z0-9/]+\>' # 2018-02-23 # centuries # example: "21st century" color body brightmagenta white '([1-9]th|20th|21st) *century' # 2018-02-23 # DIN paper sizes # example: "DINA4" color body brightmagenta white 'din *a[0-9]' # 2018-02-28 # infrastructure color body brightmagenta white '(gitlab|autopkgtest|dgit|debomatic)' # 2018-02-28 # some crypto words color body brightmagenta white '\<(rsa|x509)\>' # 2020-03-17 color body black white '\<(dsa|rsa)(1024|2048|3072|4096)\>' # 2018-03-03 # enumeration with letters # examples: "a)" .. "f)" color body magenta white '\<[a-f]\)' # 2018-03-03 # GLT denial/confirmation mails color body brightyellow default 'We are happy to inform you' color body red default 'We are sorry to inform you' # 2018-03-28 # time in "HHhMM" # examples: "23h42" # color body red default '(0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])h[0-5][0-9])' color body white red '[0-9][0-9]h[0-9][0-9]' # 2018-04-11 # years without "20" prefix but a tick # examples: '14 '17 '18 color body white red "['][012][0-9]\\>" # 2018-05-08 # umlauts written with colons # examples: "a:" "o:" "u:" color body white red "[aou]:" # 2018-05-30 # numbered list at BOL # example: "1." color body white red "^[0-9][.]" # 2018-05-30 # formal greetings color body black white 'mit (freundlichen|herzlichen) grüßen' # 2018-07-19 color body green black '[*]in(nen)?' # 2019-09-26 # color body # 2020-01-17 UUIDs # example: e4d5881e-bb69-4a7d-8ee5-e079d5e3bb2e # structure: 8-4-4-12 color body black red '\<[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}\>' # 2020-01-31 # Metro Stations # "U (Berliner|Pank|Turm)straße" color body white blue "u[- ]*[a-zäöüß]+str(aße)*" # 2020-01-31 # some cities color body brightgreen black '(Berlin|Chemnitz|Graz|Vienna|Wien)' # 2020-01-31 # Universities in Berlin # "Free/Humboldt/Tech University Berlin" color body brightgreen black '(FUB|HUB|TUB)' color body brightgreen black '(FU|HU|TU) *Berlin' # 2020-01-31 # matrix links # example: matrix://#fosdem:matrix.org color body black brightgreen 'matrix://[#][-a-z]+:matrix.org' # 2020-01-31 # languages color body black brightgreen '(dutch|english|french|german|italian|spanish)' # 2020-01-31 # datenspuren motto 2020 color body black white 'Mehr Utopie wagen' # 2020-01-31 # gpg error message color body white red "Can't check signature: No public key" # 2020-01-31 # date+time in ISO with offset # example: 2020-02-07T19:00:00+01:00 color body white magenta '2020-[01][0-9]-[0123][0-9]T[01][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]([-+][01][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])*' # 2020-01-31 # some linux live systems color body white blue '\<(grml|jux|kali|knoppix|tails|ubuntu)\>' # 2020-08-15 added version numbers # color body white blue '\<(debian( *1?[0-9]))*\>' color body white blue '\<(debian( *1?[0-9]))*' # 2020-09-02 debian releases color body white blue '\<(buzz|rex|bo|hamm|slink|potato|woody|sarge|etch|lenny)\>' #debian color body white blue '\<(squeeze|wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye)\>' #debian # see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian_version_history # 1.1 Buzz # 1.2 Rex # 1.3 Bo # 2.0 Hamm # 2.1 Slink # 2.2 Potato # 3.0 Woody # 3.1 Sarge # 4.0 Etch # 5.0 Lenny # 6.0 Squeeze # 7 Wheezy # 8 Jessie # 9 Stretch # 10 Buster # 11 Bullseye # some others linuxes color body white blue '\<(linux *)?(centos|fedora|gentoo|manjaro|mint|zorin)\>' color body white blue '\<(archman|arco|mx|sparky) ( *linux)?\>' color body white blue '\<(antix|clearos|clonezilla|dragonfly|lubuntu|mageia|opensuse)\>' color body white blue '\<(parrot|puppy|pureos|pureos|reactos|robolinux|slackware|smartos)\>' # sudo! color body white red sudo # 2020-02-07, 2020-03-25 # Android version names color body white green '\<(cupcake|donut|eclair|froyo|gingerbread|honeycomb|ice cream sandwich)' color body white green '\<(jelly bean|kit kat|lollipop|marshmallow|nougat|oreo|pie)\>' # 2020-02-08 # alternative operating systems for phones color body red black \ '(postmarketos|ubuntu touch|sailfish os|nemo mobile|maemo leste|luneos)' # 2020-03-12 Umsatzsteuer-Identifukationsnummer (USt-IdNr|Ust.-ID-Nr.) # https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer#Aufbau_der_Identifikationsnummer # example: "DE999999999" (nine digits) color body black brightyellow 'DE[0-9]{9}' # 2020-04-20 # notifications from mailman: # "has been removed from" and # "has been successfully subscribed to" # "The attached message has been automatically discarded." color body white red "has been removed from" color body black green "has been successfully subscribed to" color body black red "The attached message has been automatically discarded." # 2020-08-28 color body white red "(a|x)*randr" # NEW before this line # 2020-04-20 # mastodon accounts # example: @mastodonusercount@bitcoinhackers.org # pattern: @TEXT@DOMAIN # # 2017-06-18 # DONE: ordinals. "12th" # # TODO: "26th to 28th of August" # TODO: "from May 16th to 20th" # TODO: "7./8. Oktober 2017" # TODO: "2.-15. Oktober 2017" # TODO: "3.+4.11.2017" # TODO: "23. & 24. Juni" # TODO: "23. - 24. Juni" # TODO: "Sept. 12-26, 2017" # # TODO: "Mid- October to Mid December" # # TODO: "gpg: Signature made Sat Jun 24 20:11:53 2017 CEST" # TODO: "Registergericht München HRB 126 104, USt-IdNr. DE 201 88 33 28" # TODO: "2017-07-22T12:10:51Z" # # TODO: "für $GELD bis $GELD" # TODO: "ca. 50 bis 100EUR" # TODO: "von 38 auf 58%" # # TODO: "am $WOCHENTAG" # TODO: "$WOCHENTAG morgen|(nach)mittag|abend" # TODO: "ab 11uhr" # TODO: # artificial intelligence, autonomous cars, big data, # brain-computer interfaces, intelligent networks, neurorobotics. # definition for "HH:MM" seems to take away # the text for "ab/bis HH:MM". # possible solution: comment out "HH:MM" and simply # use "ab/bis HH:MM" and making "ab/bis" optional. # 2020-09-20, 2020-10-23 color body brightyellow black "social *distance" # popular communication tools color body brightyellow default '\<(discord|duo|facetime|gitter|hangout|jitsi|matrix|skype|slack|webex|whereby|zoom)\>' # 2020-09-29 # spam.. especially on the WIRELESS maillist.. # only 5 out of 6000 messages matching with four points/stars: # color index brightyellow magenta "~h'^X-Spam-Score:.[*][*][*][*]'" color index brightyellow magenta "~h'^X-Spam-Score:.[*][*][*]'" # .. but 363 of 6000 matching with three points/stars. :-O # 2020-11-05 # vim patches referring new code to "vim 9.x": color body brightred default "vim9" # vim patches referring new code to windows32 code: color body brightred default "win32" # 2020-11-09 # fetchmail output: # 3 messages for guckes@pop3.vr.in-berlin.de (27912 octets). # reading message guckes@pop3.vr.in-berlin.de:1 of 3 (5384 octets) flushed # reading message guckes@pop3.vr.in-berlin.de:2 of 3 (5391 octets) flushed # reading message guckes@pop3.vr.in-berlin.de:3 of 3 (17137 octets) flushed color body brightred default "[0-9]+ of [0-9]+" # 2020-11-12 # example: "F O L L O W U S" color body brightyellow red '([a-z] +){3,}[a-z]' # 2020-11-13 # setup filenames color body brightyellow red '[.]?(/etc/Muttrc|exrc|muttrc|neomuttrc|vimrc|viminfo)' # 2020-11-13 # mail clients color body brightyellow black '(claws|seamonkey|thunderbird)' # 2020-11-13 # filename extensions given with a dot color body brightyellow black '[.](eml|ini|com|exe)\>' # 2020-11-13 # bad spellers o_O color body brightyellow black '(allmost|successfull)' # 2020-11-13 # those special words in ~/.mailcap color body white blue '(copiousoutput|nametemplate)' # 2020-11-13 # Unicode # "U+00FF" color body brightgreen black 'u[+][0-9a-f]\{4}' # 2020-11-13 # ISO-8859 ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-15 color body black brightyellow 'iso[- ]8859(-15?)?' # 2020-11-14 # mutt option names in context with the "set" command: color body brightgreen default \ 'set *(certificate_file|folder|folder_format|from|hdrs|header_cache|imap_keepalive|imap_pass|imap_user|message_cachedir|move)' color body brightgreen default \ 'set *(pop_pass|postponed|realname|record|signature|smtp_pass|smtp_url|spoolfile|status_format)' color body brightgreen default \ 'set *(tmp_dir|trash|use_from|user_agent)' # mutt setup commands: color body brightgreen default '\<(cd|echo|exec|push|source)' # mutt setup commands - the hooks: color body brightgreen default '\<(append|close|open)-hook' color body brightgreen default '\<(account|charset|crypt|fcc(-save)|folder|iconv|index-format)-hook' color body brightgreen default '\<(mbox|message|save)-hook' color body brightgreen default '\<(reply|send2?|un)-hook' color body brightgreen default '\<(startup|shutdown|timeout)-hook' # mutt setup commands - those with "un" prefix: color body brightgreen default '\<(un)?(alias|alternates|alternative_order|attachments|auto_view)' color body brightgreen default '\<(un)?(bind|color|group|hdr_order|ignore|lists)' color body brightgreen default '\<(un)?((named-)?mailboxes|macro|mailto_allow|mime_lookup|mono|my_hdr)' color body brightgreen default '\<(un)?(score|subscribe|sidebar_whitelist)' color body brightgreen default '\<((un)?set(env)?|reset|subjectrx|toggle)\>' # mutt setup commands - the one with the "no" prefix: color body brightgreen default '\<((no)?spam)' # mutt setup commands - and then some: color body brightgreen default '\<(finish|ifn?def)' # 2020-11-14 # mutt command names in angle brackets: color body brightyellow default '<(' # 2020-11-14 # mutt "bind" commands: color body brightyellow default 'bind *(index|pager|index,pager|)' # 2020-11-14 # mutt authentication methods color body brightwhite blue '\<(gssapi|ldap|md5|ntlm|sasl)\>' # 2020-11-14 # header lines! color body brightwhite blue '\<(from|to|bcc|cc|date|reply-to|subject|user-agent):' color body brightwhite blue '\' # 2020-11-14 # filename permissions color body brightgreen default '[-dl]([-rxws]{3}){3}' # 2020-11-14 # field names - a percent sign followed by a single letter: color body brightgreen default '%[0-9]*[a-z]\>' # 2020-11-14 # quotation lines in markdown style color body brightgreen default '^"""$' # 2020-11-16 # some known mailbox sites color body black green '(mailbox.org|protonmail.ch|posteo.de|riseup.net|tutanota.com)' color body black green '(pop3?|smtp)?[.]?(gmx.de|web.de)' # 2020-11-17 color body white red 'sgb.?(9|12)' # vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=muttrc tw=200: THPXRF EOF